i dont know if this is the right section or not but... can anyone teach me how to recolor sprites i've seen many tutorials but none have helped me any suggestions?
Nope, it's not the right section but I will go ahead and move it for you to the Tech section and perhaps someone will help you out there.
I've seen that one and i follow all intructions but when i use the erazer instead of recoloring it it deletes it
Erase first, then use the brush to color. Pick a darker shade of the color for shadows, lighter for highlights. :3
it doesnt work it just paints everythin the chosen clolor like if i chose yellow it makes everything it touches yellow Edit: never mind it worked i just had to click everythin box in the pic desing then eraze thank u all
Should be in graphics, help/tutorials forum. Recoloring sprites isn't too difficult. Save the sprite, open it in photoshop/gimp/whatever you use. Zoom fairly close (at least 5x bigger or until you can clearly see the pixels). Then just take the colors you want and color over the area's you want the sprite changed in. For different shades from lighting and such, just use your intuition on deciding what shadow'd color would be ideal for the sprite.
If it takes a while, why not use the bucket tool (If you are using MS paint or regular paint) The turitual posted earlier, going from blue to red is easier if you take the bucket tool. Instead of erasing and recoloring, you fill that whole color of the area, as long as it is the same color, with the new colors. I'll make a turitual if you don't understand that much.