Time for another round, KHV. Need to write an extended metaphor about love. And we have a template. I can't do this. Not a love letter or a box of chocolates I give you a (noun)It is a (noun)(verb)(prepositional phrase) It promises (noun) like the (adjective - verb - prepositional phrase) It will (verb) you with (noun) like a (noun). It will make your (noun)a (adjective - noun - prepositional phrase) I am trying to be (adjective or adverb) Not a paper heart or a store bought card I give you a (noun). Its (adjective noun) will (verb - prepositional phrase) ,(adjective) and (adverb) as we are, for as long as we are. Take it. Its (adjective noun - verb - prepositional phrase), if you like. (adjective). Its (noun) will (verb) to your (noun) ,(verb) to your (noun). Help me fill in the blanks.
Yes. But we have to make it about something else. And i can't do it. Now would you kindly help me out with this?
:V We've done this, yeah the original was about an onion xD Shows how even though our education systems are a lot different some familiar things manage to creep in :3 oh yes, i suck. but a smile is unconventional, no?
Thanks for the help, guys, but it's a bit too late. Presented it this morning. This is the final ****** project. Not a love letter or a box of chocolates I give you a book It is a story bound in leather It promises adventure Like the fulfilling end of a tale Here It will fill you with excitement like a lover's smile It will make your nights a wonderous journey into sleep I am trying to be sincere Not a paper heart or a store bought card I give you a book Its old pages will keep you under the covers awake and intent as we are for as long as we are Take it Its musty words turn to wedding vows If you like Molding Its pages sticking to your fingers Breaking off in your hands I hate it.
I think you did a very good job here. You made the concept of an old book as romantic as it can possibly get, which is impressive like Scarlet said. This is all right, really.
But didn't Zack write about a book too? you fail. I think the ketchup stain was much more original. As well as the one about death, emily h was about to like die from trying to stop herself from laughing.