So someone left me some comments for two of my Spyro: A Hero's Tail walkthrough videos on Tuesday, but I don't know what they mean because they're in Russian, and the Google translator isn't really helping, either. Original Comment: 0:51:53 я на этом месте уже 8 раз перепрохожу а замораживаю эти водяные гейзеры но чото плохо замораживается.Или стою не так. Google Translation: 0:51:53 I'm at this place has 8 times pereprohozhu and freeze these water geysers but Choteau bad zamorazhivaetsya.Ili'm not. Original Comment: блин уменя оследнее яйцо надо вора забрать иусё и остальные яйца шукать.А вот последнее то где? Google Translation: Shoot umenja last one egg thief must take the remaining eggs and iuse shukat.A is the last where?
Mine aren't much better. 1st comment translation: I'm at this place is already 8 times pereprohožu and tombstone these water geysers but choto badly frozen. Or stand is wrong. 2nd comment translation: pancake egg thief should last one skill to pick up iusë and the other šukat′ eggs. but most where?
Sometimes when I read comments that are in a foreign language, I assume it's some creepy dude trying to flirt with me and that's when I become afraid to answer them.
I think the first one is about some person having trouble freezing a geyser, and he can't stand on it or something. The second looks like the person is having trouble trying to find the last of something. I'm guessing a bonus collectable or something.