Tomorrow's the last day of school. I'll be volunteering at my new school, which is still being built, over the summer, but other than that and hanging out here wtf am I supposed to do? x.x
Lol, man, boredom's not exactly that serious of a life problem to me ::L: Unfortunately, there are these things called child labor laws :/ I have heard of no such thing :B(: Yeah but seriously, I'm in Vegas; I'm prolly not going to be hanging out too much in 110 degree weather. I burn waay too easily xD
Your font hurts my eyes -_- But in answer to your question... draw something. Or exercise. Or read a book.
Because no one really gives a damn here, but somehow you always feel the need to ask just to hear an opinion.
Didn't you get the memo? This is an internet forum. Supposedly everyone can share their input here without anyone having to ask.
You know, maybe sometimes you don't have to be an ass to look cool ::L: I didn't ask for your specific input, but you gave it anyway. Thank, Styx =].