I have played FFVII completely and now I´m at Northern Crater where you first time split your group. Theres this ladder thing you came down to the two roads. Now I cant get back up! Can anyone help me. Its getting on my nerves -___- Help Heartless please!
Yeah.. It doesn`t go back normally by pressing O I just wanna know am I doomed to be there forever -__-
Normally you should be able to go back whenever you damn please. So I dunno. Try waddling just around the ladder while smashing the O button repeatedly.
But if I remember right when you meet them you have to choose 3 to your party and go down and face Jenova? Theres no turning back in that part right?
Sorry... :/ There ain't no other way out other than going up the ladder. It's weird how your version doesn't let you go back up. It's more of a technical fault, there's nothing we can do about it.
Strangest thing is that I have gone back up BEFORE. So it hasn`t been there always. There aren`t ANY scratchs in CD either.