Hell's Rebels: In Hell's Bright Shadow

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Beucefilous, May 15, 2018.

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  1. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Making her way through the crowd, Rohse was trying to find her front row seat to give the Thrune a piece of her mind but was finding it increasingly difficult. After all, she wasn't the only one with a grudge to bare here and the crowd was very much letting the man know it. As the man of the hour made his appearance, this was only made more true. Roshe's mood only went further south with each and every word that came out of the Thrune's mouth, reaching a boiling point alongside the rest of the crowd as he made his outrageous proclamation. The girl glared at the mayor as he saw fit to only further prove how inept of a living being he was, sending the Dottari after the crowd he had done nothing to appease. Clenching her fists tightly, Roshe felt ready to join the few who seemed to be fighting against them, though was a bit harried by the crowd.

    To only add to the mix, a strange song suddenly started to be played amidst the chaos and, upon hearing it Roshe felt her anger only rise. An increasingly difficult to surpress urge to take one of her daggers and shove it down the throat of the nearest Dottari. However, realizing that that was a terrible idea, she managed to shake it off as she looked to the man playing the music saying,
    "could you stop tha-" her statement was cut off as a burst of color flooded the area in front of her. As a bunch of the rioters and a Dottari fell unconscious, Roshe was able to trace back the source to a well dress man who was clearly no friend of Thrune's. As he was beset by the Dottari, taking blow after blow, Roshe waded her way through the crowd placing her hand on his back.

    "Hey, you. Hit less people, but keep on hitting." As she said this, a warm white light radiated from her hands as it poured into the man's body. While it hadn't fixed everything, he would feel reinvigorated as some of his wounds had suddenly closed.

    Roshe moved to the square under Vance.
    Rohse cast Cure Light Wounds on Vance.
    1d8 (3) + 1 = 4 points of damage healed for Vance.
  2. salem215 Moogle Assistant

    May 7, 2018
    Kieran moves and draws his sword. He attacks the thug in front of him.

    Attack roll: 19+7=26
    Damage roll: (1d10 (7) +7) = 14*2 = 28
  3. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011

    The thugs moved forward to attack, but being clearly less well trained and likely just thugs for hire, they weren't fairing as well as the Dottari. One, being injured and watching another of his ranks be skewered through the chest by some kind of malicious watery death spirit, he turned on his heel and began to flee as best he could, only to be cracked on the back of the head by Reno's morningstar.

    Reno used summon monster I to summon an eagle!
    Eagle full attacked
    15, 19, and 6
    2 hits
    6 damage total

    Roche moved and cast Cure Light Wounds on Vance
    Restored 4 health

    Kieren moved and attacked Thug 4
    26, Critical Threat!
    26, Critical Hit!

    Dealt 28 damage

    Thug 1 moved and attacked Roche
    13, missed!
    Thug 2 moved and attacked Kieren
    14, missed!
    Thug 3 moved and attacked Andros
    7, missed!
    Thug 5 moved and attacked Valen
    4, Failure threatened
    10, critical failure...

    As the thug ran to attack the minstral who seemed to be producing sounds that his instrument shouldn't be able to produce, he seemed like an easy target. However, his impatience would cost him dearly, for he didn't truly know the effects of the music. More specifically, the effects it had on those around them. He failed to notice the rising anger of the crowd. As he brought up his weapon and went to swing downward, his arm was stopped and he felt a grip on his wrist, along with a grip on his heart. He looked up to see the large orc casting a shadow over him with murder in his eyes. The thug was pulled back into the group of angry and growingly violent protestors. What happened to him afterwards was no concern of anyone else, save that it wasn't a fate they wanted to meet.

    Thug 6 attempted to flee
    Attack of Opportunity from Reno and Eagle
    19 and 17
    two hits
    Dealt 5 damage total

    Thug 7 moved and attacked Arthur
    14, Hit!
    Dealt 5 damage
    Thug 8 moved and attacked Valen
    6, missed!

    Round 2, Purrah's turn
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Purrah did this thing where she backwards kicked Dottari 3 and then attempted to claw Dottari 2 but she didn't really manage much and she wished she focused on the one she already kneed.

    Total:23 [hit]


    Total:3 [failed]

    Total:6 [failed]
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    Valen attacked the thug to his South with his axe. ...And he missed. He regretted not using his Chord of Shards to strike the multitude of enemies to the North even if it meant possibly hitting an ally. There was no honor in missing an attack. No onur at all.

    Attack Roll: 1d20+4 = 9
    Attack Missed!

  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Clearly the sun must've gotten in his eyes and that was why his first shot hadn't done as much as he would've liked. That is why Arthur fired a shot once again and the now lone nearby thug.

    Attack Roll: 1d20 +5 = 23
    Damage Roll 1d6 = 5
  7. Deleres Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2017
    The Chelish thug's approach was accompanied with a shout of exertion and intent, and Andros whirled around before throwing himself back. The swing went wide, landing on a nearby citizen. Andros narrowed his eyes. The spent mindblade reformed behind him, and one of its kin rocketed forward. It found its resting place between the thug's eyes, and he fell.

    Andros took a deep breath and turned, pushing through the crowd to where the fighting seemed to be more intense.

    Panoply of Blades replenishes at the beginning of the turn.
    Standard Action: Attack Chelish Thug (Adjacent to Andros)
    Attack Roll: 19 + 8 = 27
    Confirmation Roll: 11 + 8 = 19
    Damage Roll: 6 + 8 = 14
    Crit: 14 * 2 = 28
    Move Action: Move 10 feet east
  8. ClearZer0 Moogle Assistant

    May 6, 2018
    Vance fought to hold the blood in that gushed from his wounds, staunching it by willing his Sleeves of Many Garments to create an additional vest. Vance looked down the soldier in front of him with determination. Vance fainted to step backward, but instead took the blade wrapped in waterproof leathers and revealed the ornate Elven Curve Blade has father wore for many years. Vance slid his hand over the blade and the blade lit up with runes that emanated a frosty wind. Breathing in and moving in the beat of the music the charming musician pumped out, Vance stepped into the Dottari's face and slashed his blade across their stomach.

    Swift Action, Arcane strike for 1 min.
    Attack Roll: 17+8= 25
    Damage Roll: 8+8 = 16
  9. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Velvet stepped back a bit from the corpse and proceeded to move toward the fountain. She ran past the trees and out into the open. She had stopped by the fountain and looked out at the remaining thugs.

    Velvet moved 25 feet!
  10. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    A sinister growl overshadowed the sounds of battle as a frantic clawing threatened to break down the doors of the Opera House. Nearly all combatants stopped, if only momentarily, to look at this newfound intrusion. Suddenly the doors burst open and Nox returned, along with two massive flaming beasts that let out a series of barks and bays. Their obvious bloodlust was only contained by their master heeling them back. The dottari retreated as best they were able from the crowd, and the thugs made a break for it. Obviously, this wasn't part of the plan they'd been told. If the crowd wasn't frantic before, it certainly was now. The hellhounds, as soon as Nox released their leashes, pounced into the crowd and began tearing flesh from bone as the civilians screamed in horror.

    Nox herself, meanwhile, extended her hand and began firing beams of black and crimson fire. The hellhounds joined their master in unleashing a torrent of flames and destruction from their mouths. While the vast majority of the numbers would be able to escape, there were far too many casualties for this protest to be called anything but an atrocity. The message that Thrune wasn't to be trifled with was what'd they'd hoped to send, and it likely wouldn't leave the minds of anyone in this town for a long time...

    KIntargo Population: 11,865​
  11. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Oh come on, that is my thing, and mine is way better when I have time to summon it." Reno joked as he saw the hell hounds emerge. That didn't mean that he was dumb enough to challenge them. Sure Rude was stronger than he was, but he didn't want to risk one of his only friends just to show who was better during a riot that escalated to unnecessary violence. This fight was getting far too dangerous far too fast, and Reno took that as his queue to leave. Popping into his fox form, Reno ran out of the crowd towards the east, searching for some safety from the hounds and flames being unleashed on the city. The eagle that he had summoned for the battle trailed behind him as Reno's nine tails swished on his way out of the crowd. His slightly smaller form made it easier to get away from people, dodging in and out of legs slightly easier than trying to push past people in his human form. When he felt like he was a healthy distance away from the flames, Reno turned around, sitting on the ground to watch as the rest of the people fled, curious what the crazy woman with the hell hounds would do once she scared everyone away.
  12. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    After patting the man on the back with her cure spell, Roshe's attention was immediately turned to a common thuggish looking man, brandishing a dagger towards her. Despite the cluster of the crowd, Roshe was still able to backstep away from the man as he swung at her, avoiding the dagger. Her attention was then taken by the sudden appearance of two giant, flaming hounds letting loose fire into the crowd and causing panic to be incited. Roshe was knocked around a bit by the fearful people as they started to scramble, and while she was inclined to follow suit she saw the person who was giving the Dottari a bit of a run for their money lying on the ground. The girl wasn't sure if he was actually dead or not, but figured she was better safe then sorry. Reaching her hand down, the same light as before poured onto the man as she said,
    "hey, you. Guy. It's time to get going." She wasn't inclined to wait around much longer for the stranger, and so after slapping his face once to get him awake, she would begin to move with the rest of the crowd.

    Rohse used Cure Light Wounds on Vance.
    1d8 (5) + 1 = 6 damage healed.
  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    As the woman released the hounds and the guards moved to retreat, Purrah attempted to get a couple hits in on the guards but missed them both as they were clearly sprinting more to get out of there. She hissed a bit and looked towards the crowd. She was not able to find anyone in this sort of chaos. The death did not phase her nearly as much as it probably should have been her one-track mind was probably making it easier. Realizing it would be better to leave than to stick around and keep fighting a losing battle, she stretched her shoulders a bit and made a run towards the south-west, feeling quite a bit defeated.
  14. ClearZer0 Moogle Assistant

    May 6, 2018
    Elf PirateBanner.png [​IMG]
    Vance's eyes fluttered, the coldness of his blood replaced by a sudden feeling of warmth rushing through him. "Huh hm, what happened-"

    "hey, you. Guy. It's time to get going."

    "Huh, you healed me right- Wait where are you going?" Vance picked himself, his ribs still sore from the mace of the Dottari who smashed them in. He realized immediately what people ran from as protesters ran engulfed in flames. Vance picked himself up and went to follow the familiar face. "Wait miss, You healed me earlier as well. What were you doing here?"

    "Really, now?" The girl asked, while running. "I was here to give Thrune a piece of a my mind. As it turns out, he was here to give us a piece of his."

    Vance ran along side of her, needing to slow his stride a bit. The young girl was significantly shorter in comparison to Vance's 6'5" lanky physique. "Ah a fellow angry townsfolk huh, you work for the local hospital, or are you one of the zealots not so happy with Thrunes religious proclamations? I came here hoping too see some Dottari roughed up, but I may have incited the crowd a little too much. In hindsight it wasn't a calculated move."

    "Nothing so wholesome or righteous, just an angry civilian. And besides, don't worry about it, if we weren't plenty riled up already our," Roshe's tone turned more mocking as she said, "great glorious lord mayor made plenty sure that we had a reason to scream at him."

    Vance smiled, he liked the cut of the girl's jib (GET IT CAUSE PIRATE AAAAAARRRRRRRRRR). He ran down the road with the girl until he saw a couple of others from the protesters hiding out in a random side street. "Name's Vance bee tee dubs, we need to hide out until the heat dies down. I see others, it'll be easier to fight off any prowling Dottari in a group."

    "Roshe," she replied, a bit confused on the term he used. "And yeah, I'd rather not have one of those mutts show up at my doorstep either."
    Last edited: May 24, 2018
  15. Deleres Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2017
    Andros saw the redheaded woman reemerge and watched as the beasts let loose spouts of flame. His fascination was broken by the impact of a feline figure barreling past him, and his head whipped around to follow the cat woman rushing away from Aria Park. Andros swore under his breath. As much as he would have liked to stay and keep fighting, the odds had drastically changed. He bolted after the catfolk; she seemed to have an idea of where she was going.

    ...and it probably wouldn't hurt to call out to her, if only to not look hostile.
    "I hope you know where you're going, because I certainly haven't the slightest!"
  16. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Velvet looked over in shock as the woman had summoned her hell hounds. She slowly took her steps back. She watched in fear as the hell hounds had started devouring the civilians of Kintargo. She couldn't believe her eyes. She didn't want to believe any of this was happening. Velvet immediately tore her eyes away as she started to head away from the hell hounds. She decided to follow the crowd as they ran. She didn't know the city very well and she wasn't about to run off in another direction that might lead her to a dead end. She looked back for a moment before turning her head back to the front again. All she wanted to do was gather a little bit more knowledge. She didn't know what the price would be to even learn even a smidge of the knowledge she seeks. Velvet ran along with the crowd toward the south-west in hopes the hell hounds wouldn't reached them.
  17. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    When the doors had first broken open, Arthur wasn't immediately concerned with what would come through those door. It would likely be yet another person here to deal with the rabble outside. His actions soon stopped as well upon laying eyes on the hell hounds that had appeared alongside the red haired eagle woman. His confidence took a quick backseat to his self preservation, followed by his feet running off in the south-west direction when things literally lit up.
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    "Oh that's not good." Valen stopped shredding to sling his guitar back over his shoulder, the magical music continuing to ring out even after he stopped until he willed it to end. He wanted the Thrune dead but getting mauled or burnt to a crisp by hellhounds was never going to help his cause. He returned his axe back to his side and took off running while doing his best to avoid getting trampled by the rest of the crowd.

  19. salem215 Moogle Assistant

    May 7, 2018
    Kieran swore. He fought the urge inside of him to keep fighting despite the hounds. Finally common sense took over, and he realized there was nothing to be accomplished if he were to fight and die here. He sheathed his sword and ran to the south-west.
  20. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    6:45 AM, Aria park outskirts

    Whether by chance or by design, the four individuals who had attended the rally known as Kieren, Vance, Roshe, and Valen ended up in close vicinity to one another once they'd branched away from the crowds. They ran aimlessly for the moment, until they heard a commotion in an alleyway. There was a clash of steel, and one voice cried out in pain. As they passed by it, there was a well dressed man laying unconscious on the ground within. Above him stood five armed indiviuals, and papers scattered about. One of the men raised a weapon to finish the man off, but was stopped by a quick jab on the arm to get his attention. "Hey, Donny, we got company! Leave him for later!"


    As they five men turned their attention to the newcomers, they readied themselves for the upcoming battle which was sure to be tougher than their previous one.​
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