Hello fellow KH fans! I have been a fan of this series since KH1 was released (I think I was nine if it came out in '02). I'm not really used to forums or intro threads, but I guess I'll just say this: Favorite game in the series is: Kingdom Hearts 1 (followed closely by BbS) Favorite characters are: Aqua & Sora Favorite World: Pride Rock (because I dreamed of it since KH1) Favorite Keyblade: Kingdom Key (or KH1 Ultima) and then finish with "nice to meet you all"! :)
Welcome to KHV. Be sure to read the rules and have fun! We don't bite—well, except maybe for @Plums and @Marushi.
Welcome! I can see you're already getting yourself well-acquainted with the forum~ Hope you stick around and enjoy your stay!
Hello and welcome!! I hope you get to hang with us awhile, for as you can see we love kingdom hearts too. c:
Welcome to KHV. Amaury's lying, I don't bite. XD He just likes to be mean to me now for some reason. XD
Thanks for the welcome @Path Light and @Marushi! As for the biting...I'll just bring some pepper spray to be on the safe side. :p
Holer! I've been seeing you around the site lately (in a non stalker way of course) and thought I should finally say hi. So hi! It's always nice seeing new members active and enjoying the site. Hope you keep sticking around! And if you ever need a friend on this site yours truly is a friendly mofo.