I just have a quick question -- or rather, a request -- for you. I have recently aquired Minecraft for the Xbox 360, and I am very lonely. :c I would love to play Minecraft with my KHV friends, but there's just one problem. o: I need gamer tags, yes! Then, we can play together and have a good time! C: So would you mind helping me out KHV, help a poor, lonely old fellow? :3 EDIT; How silly of me, I forgot to put my gamer tag! It's AndrewTemari101.
Check out the thread below, quite a few gamertags have been posted their :) http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?112739-Community-Playdate-(Gamertags-Included)
@Jay - Thanks so much! c: @Amaterasu - Me? I don't believe I've auditioned for a fandub... I might have I suppose, but I'm rubbish nonetheless. ^^;