Oh wow, it's been a while since I've seen you. Hope you're doing alright! And at least you've got working Wi-Fi, haha.
I got a smart phone. XD and I'm just waiting for cat scan results. Blergh. >< Apparently you scanned me, Cat~ :3
Hehe, CAT scans xD Maka! Is everything alright? It's always good to see you. Although, my first though was you were referring to the TV program 'ER'
Yeah, I'm checkin' you out gurl. And oooh, smart phone. That's pretty sweet. Go home, pricklemunch. GO HOME TO CALIFORNIA >:3
Yeah, trying to come back to KHVs again. And no, teehee. The actual ER where they poke you with needles and take your pee. >> Everything is okay now. :3 For the most part. They told me to go to a stomach doctor, cause they couldn't check to see if I have ulcers. >.<
Oh yes, there are always crazy people running around with cups of pee in ER's xD (that was the image that I got in my head when you said that) That's good to hear, I also didn't realise there were specific doctors for stomachs... that's quite cool. Also, ulcers don't fun at all ;-; the ones in your mouth are bad enough but ones in your stomach... I know it's treatable though so it's okay.