
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aura, Apr 26, 2010.

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  1. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven

    In the city of Alddale, the people were relaxed, calm and happy. However for many years now, the city has had a ruler named Soldic Ovu. Nobody really knows when or how he had come into power, but for about three years, Soldic has been keeping a secret from the citizens of Alddale. The city had been at war with a kingdom called Redkeep for about three years or so since Soldic wanted to expand his army and Alddale itself. However, Soldic’s army was losing and so the king had thought of an idea. He had ordered his army to kidnap any surviving enemies in the battlefield and bring them back to him. Soldic tortured and killed so many Redkeep soldiers that his own subordinates say his soul was stained with human blood.

    Eventually, Soldic became mad. His only wish was to kill as many people it took to make what was his larger. He killed his own men if they protested against him. Soldic soon came across the idea to make special “humans.” Nobody knew how, but one day Soldic came out of the laboratory he used in his palace while two of his men stood at the door. Soldic stood off to the side as his menacing laugh filled the area. Lying on a lab table was the body of a male with a blanket covering him from his waist down. The male’s skin tone was a sickly pale and he was covered in blood. No one bothered to ask Soldic any questions in fear of losing their own lives. Once the male had awakened, his skin tone changed to a normal tan color and with Soldic’s help, learned how to speak and walk.

    Once Soldic knew what he needed to do, he continued making these abnormal humans. All that was really understood was that they had powers of their own and their senses were far superior to a human’s. However, Soldic had been keeping a secret from everyone. He created them without emotions. They were hollow and gave no mercy to absolutely anyone. Soldic had brainwashed them into thinking everyone around them were enemies except for himself. He made them believe that he was a god. He gave them the name Upsilon and treated them as though they were animals, yet they continued to worship him.

    Suddenly, without any warning, the Upsilon became mad themselves and killed everyone in the palace, including Soldic. They escaped out into Alddale and roamed around. Whenever they encountered a citizen, they somehow were not able to kill them. Instead, they simply ran away. The citizens of Alddale didn’t know of the Upsilon so whenever they saw one, they simply thought they were human.

    The news of the war and the death of Soldic had somehow broken out to the public, causing massive chaos. However, the public accepted the death of Soldic, but failed to accept the war.

    The war has continued and some Upsilon have left Alddale to fight in the war. Although, those that stayed have somehow gained emotions. They have learned to love, hate, care for one another, gain trust for one another and have lost their thirst for blood shedding. Some have even started their own families. Soldic has supposedly made them to not be able to reproduce, but that part of the experiment had failed. More and more Upsilon are roaming around Alddale and out in the battlefield, but since they look like any ordinary human, the soldiers that knew about the Upsilon are now on the hunt.


    1. Honestly, this RP can seriously go in any direction. If you want a character to fall in love with someone else’s character, by all means, go ahead. If you want your character to basically be the bad guy and hunt the Upsilon down, go ahead. If you want your character to just be a human living a normal life, go ahead. You should get it by now. It can seriously go in any direction. Just follow the rules.
    2. No god-modding/powerplaying. You’ll be kicked out.
    3. Good grammar and spelling are your best friends.
    4. Everything stays PG-13. If romance starts to go above that, take it to PM.
    5. No controlling or killing others’ characters.
    6. Do not use asterisk (*) for actions.
    7. If the appearance for your character is a picture, please use a link.
    8. Please try not to post too many pages while I’m gone. Please.
    9. Please, just please, no constant one-liners. Seriously. It’s annoying and it can give people writer’s block pretty damn quickly if they’re interacting with your character.
    10. I am your God in this RP. Worship and listen to me. Or el- *shot* Seriously though, I am the creator of this RP so if I see something I don’t like, you’ll be told and I most likely won’t be too friendly about it. Maybe. Depending on my mood. Just have fun.
    11. Three characters max, please. Don't really want someone who will have an overload of characters or something.

    OC Form

    Species [Upsilon etc.]:
    Power [Only for Upsilon.]:
    Weapon [Optional]:


    Username: Aura
    Name: Vial
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: http://i389.photobucket.com/albums/oo335/Isalie/Anime girls/asuka111.jpg
    Personality: Vial can easily come off as a very curious, playful person. Her curiosity usually takes over when she meets someone new, especially when she runs into a human. However, when meeting a human, she can be curious, yet a little aggressive. But when she runs into an Upsilon, she barely shows any aggression. She’s usually gentle and bubbly since she wants to know more about her own kind seeing as how she knows enough of herself. However, aggression can show up, depending on how the Upsilon treats her.
    Species: Upsilon
    Bio: Vial had escaped the palace the same time Soldic had been murdered by the Upsilon. She worshiped Soldic more than anyone and believed everything he had told all of the Upsilon. She holds a bit of hate against her own kind since they murdered the person she saw as a god. However, she usually pushes that feeling aside when encountering an Upsilon. She has the slight habit of asking them about Soldic, such as what they thought of him or something. If they say something that angers her, Vial would want to murder them, but mainly holds that murderous intent inside, knowing it’d lead to chaos. She’s constantly wandering around Alddale, watching everyone around her out of curiosity and caution. She knows what emotions are and only knows what curiosity feels like. Although, she wishes she could feel every other emotion a human has.
    Power: Vial is like a witch. She’s able to read the souls of humans and the Upsilon, which is what allows her to know whether the person she encountered is human or not. However, whenever she tries to read the soul of an Upsilon, she gets an intense headache, usually causing her to fall unconscious.
    Weapon: A dagger she keeps tied against her thigh.
    Other: N/A

    Username: walkergirl-_-
    Name: Celestine
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: http://www.videogamegirlsdb.com/Images/Magna_Carta/Celestin/Celestin__MC2__portrait__01.jpg
    Personality: Celestine is a calm and cautious Upsilon. She is not used to being around regular people and has a hard time adjusting to new situations. She has been fighting to prove herself for so long that she is insecure without guidance. However, she is an Upsilon and does not like to be pushed around or treated without some form of respect from lower beings, which she considers to be the humans. Her water element makes her a calm but destructive force in battle and she is quick to use magic. For people Celestine considers allies and rarely friends she is dependable and very over protective. She will not stand by and watch friends be hurt whether it be emotionally or physically without her consent.
    Species [Upsilon etc.]: Upsilon
    Bio: Celestine was and still is a born warrior both in mind, body, and heart. She was created to be Soldic's strength during the war. To her knowledge she is one of the newer Upsilons created to fight and hold powers over the elements of the world though she specializes in water technics. She is able to create strong potions and weapons that were made to help aid in the war. She showed her absolute loyalty by capturing and killing any dangerous enemies of Soldic's. After the death of Soldic, Celestine choose to roam on her own and relies on her skills to survive the harsh atmosphere that clings to Alddale and it's people. She seeks unknown answers and wants to learn the truth about the war and Soldic's reasons for her creation.
    Power [Only for Upsilon.]: Mainly water element but she is experienced with other elements like lightning, fire, ect. Basically magic.
    Weapon [Optional]: A hidden gun and blade.
  2. walkergirl-_- Moogle Assistant

    May 11, 2009
    Look up I'm wherever the stars shine brightest.
    Username: walkergirl-_-
    Name: Celestine
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: http://www.videogamegirlsdb.com/Images/Magna_Carta/Celestin/Celestin__MC2__portrait__01.jpg
    Personality: Celestine is a calm and cautious Upsilon. She is not used to being around regular people and has a hard time adjusting to new situations. She has been fighting to prove herself for so long that she is insecure without guidance. However, she is an Upsilon and does not like to be pushed around or treated without some form of respect from lower beings, which she considers to be the humans. Her water element makes her a calm but destructive force in battle and she is quick to use magic. For people Celestine considers allies and rarely friends she is dependable and very over protective. She will not stand by and watch friends be hurt whether it be emotionally or physically without her consent.
    Species [Upsilon etc.]: Upsilon
    Bio: Celestine was and still is a born warrior both in mind, body, and heart. She was created to be Soldic's strength during the war. To her knowledge she is one of the newer Upsilons created to fight and hold powers over the elements of the world though she specializes in water technics. She is able to create strong potions and weapons that were made to help aid in the war. She showed her absolute loyalty by capturing and killing any dangerous enemies of Soldic's. After the death of Soldic, Celestine choose to roam on her own and relies on her skills to survive the harsh atmosphere that clings to Alddale and it's people. She seeks unknown answers and wants to learn the truth about the war and Soldic's reasons for her creation.
    Power [Only for Upsilon.]: Mainly water element but she is experienced with other elements like lightning, fire, ect. Basically magic.
    Weapon [Optional]: A hidden gun and blade.
  3. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    I really want to join, but I'm curious as to how old the Upsilons should be. Or more like... How long has it been since they escaped is basically all I need to know.

    Oh and I didn't see anything about a character limit. I plan on only having two, or maybe three, characters though.
  4. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven

    I guess you can say it's been at least a year since they escaped. As for the characters, I don't mind if you have three characters. Although, I should probably rule on that, but yeah. Three characters are fine.
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Username: Random Angel
    Name: Annabell Taylor Rose
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x155/hitna3510/Other Amine/19530831a33446265b519438965l.jpg
    Personality: She wants people to see her as strong and independent, and for the most part she is. She is a survivor. But on the inside she's lonely, sad, and scared. She really just wants someone she can talk to about personal stuff, but would never admit that because she's too stubborn. Has a strong fear of fire.
    Species [Upsilon etc.]: Human
    Bio: She was born into a rich family of four and grew up a normal life. Up until the day that her family died. She was out with her sister and when she came home she stood outside and watched as the flames destroyed her childhood home and along with it her parents. While living on the streets, she had no one else to go, her sister fell terribly ill and died within the month, leaving her truly lonely. From there she managed to obtain a job and then two jobs. She now works almost all week, over seven hours a day, and lives in a run down house. No one knows where she lives or how she does because she doesn't want any of their pity.
    Power [Only for Upsilon.]:
    Weapon [Optional]:

    Username: Random Angel
    Name: Micheal Black
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x155/hitna3510/Other Amine/Males/edewfdw.jpg
    Personality: Has two sides to him. A cold and distant one. And one that loves to torture people. But both are always hidden under a mask of a nice guy that you think you can trust. That mask only is taken off when you see through his act. And since he was a spy and assassin he's very used to being sneaky and tricky. He's a self proclaimed prince in a way as he declared himself most important.
    Species [Upsilon etc.]: Upsilon
    Bio: Soldic was his God and father, no one was more important. But he always thought that Soldic saw him as disposable so he tirelessly worked his best to become the best. However, seeing how his powers were perfect for spy, assassin and jobs of the like he was rarely around. When Soldic was gone he probably could of gone anywhere he wanted, knowing the outside world better than most of his kind, but he couldn't bring himself to leave. He's still loyal to Soldic, killing anyone who insults his name, but is searching for someone else to serve to give him purpose in the world since he cannot find it on his own.
    Power [Only for Upsilon.]: Controls shadows. They can hide him or choke others. He can also become one.
    Weapon [Optional]: Several hidden daggars.
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