I think we all can now see in our User CP that whoever reps or de-reps us, we are given the member who did so. This wouldve been nice to see when members de-repped me and left no comment. This way, no member could lie about who gave rep or who de-repped. + why would you do that anyway, it's kind of lame in my opinion. Especially since there are rules about reputation.
I thought we weren't allowed to talk about re--*Shot* Either way, I wish we could go back and see. I hate that we can only see the recent ones. >.>
I know right? But anyway, I think that matter has already been asked in Suggestions. D: I'm not trying to break any rules.
I just looked it up and it's in the rejected suggestion thingy but...It was never actually resolved, it looks like. Plus the subject changed in the middle of the thread to revealing who gives who rep/negarep. (Which we have now. xD) Sooooo...