Does anyone know of this movie? I watched it as a kid all the time, but I don't have it anymore. I used to own it as a kid, but I might have lost it in the fire in Nevada, but either way. I have had the strongest urge to watch this movie. Anyone know where? I'm probably going to check my library, but I doubt they'll have it. So who's seen it? I loved it as a kid. I mean, I really loved it. I couldn't get enough of it. It was great, it was funny, and it never got old.
umm, I'm not sure I can remember that well, but it's basically about this kid who's, well, a heavyweight, and he goes to a camp that's for these overweight people. When he gets there....I can't remember. But basically this guy comes alone who buys out the camp and wants to turn it into a fitness place, and the kids don't like it, so they sneak in a ton of food, and later on trap the guy, and basically take back their camp. It's really funny, and entertaining. But it's not on netflix, darn it, so I need to find someplace online to watch it
Spoiler: Heavyweights [video=youtube;X-p8eCJ4YYo][/video] Never heard of it. xP But seriously, what a great classic. I love psycho Ben Stiller and I've always wanted to bounce on The Blob. Just search "Heavyweights part 1" on YouTube if you're really desperate to watch it.
only part 1? Isn't the whole movie on? I now know one of the things I must get for christmas or buy when I get a job. This movie is a classic for me, so it's a must see
really? I wish I saw it on Disney channel. I'm making a favorites list on youtube for these videos, just so I can watch it whenever I'm doing it right now, but hopefully I'll be able to do it without having to watch it in parts