
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by uglynameless, Dec 16, 2007.

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  1. uglynameless Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 7, 2007
    your face
    can having a postive outlook on a disease actually help heal you?
  2. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    Im not sure...but I remember hearing from somewhere that happiness or something like that could help cure various cancer diseases.

    That's all I've heard of...anything else, I'm not sure.
  3. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    yes it can your body's health is tied to your emotional state somehow. that's why ppl that receive placebos seem to recover better as well
  4. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    I can prove you wrong in my case ^-^

    I have diseases in my elbows and knees. I always think of them as a sorta gift, cause if I didnt have those problems, I would have never come on this site and met you guys ^-^

    They...feel like ****, lol. They wont get better for another 2 years, so I will be on here for another 2 years, lol.

    But, I really dont think so :/
  5. Hunted Hunter Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 4, 2007
    Nowhere... really. Gender: FEMALE
    I think some of it is psychological. Not having the disease, but how it effects you.
    You could have cancer or something else serious, and if you think it's not a big deal, you'll probably think it's getting better because you're not worried about it. Worrying probably makes your mind overwhelmed into thinking that it's worse than it is.
    Part of your body's immune system does have to do with how worried you are. Being worried weakens your immune system, so I've heard from several doctors I've been to.
  6. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Hmm...well, happiness can probably help to fight against the disease, but it doesn't always mean it will work. It could be psychological as well, believing it doesn't hurt/wound as bad, so you start thinking it doesn't when it does...but reall,y as a 100% cure, it's not likely. I know some people with diseases, and no matter how happy they may be, it would not recede nor disappear. So happiness seems to only have a slim chance of working.​
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I do believe (in some cases) having a positive attitude and believing you'll be fine will help you.

    I heard about how when a new disease is found, they'll get the person to take sugar pills to see if they're will alone can heal the disease. Not sure if it worked, but I've often times had those experiences when I was sick. I always know I'm going to be healthy in the end, no matter what.
  8. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    The brain is basically what controls your body. Without the brain, you can't move or think for yourself. You are alive, but technically, you can't do anything.

    If you give your brain signals that you don't care about your body, you don't want to live, then your not going to. You need to fight for yourself. If you don't, you can just fall asleep and never wake up (not saying thats why people die when the fall asleep).
  9. Repliku Chaser

    I do think having a positive mind and all can help with at least dealing with a debilitating or chronic condition. If you want to get better, or at least be in the best shape you can, you will work at it. Someone who doesn't care or is depressed about it won't try to do proper things to work at getting well or at least making the most out of what they have. If you are in the right state of mind, you can overcome some of the symptoms of problems and alleviate things by focusing on other things and working on doing all you still are able. Sometimes that is even enough to encourage the body to fight more and if you keep the body fit by the right attitude, eating and doing exercises etc, it will fight more too with defenses.

    I know quite a few people with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and the ones that do better seem to be the ones that take what medication they -need- but not the extra stuff and accept the pain will be there, but move on about it and do things to keep active and going. The ones who seem not do so well are in the hospital more often, crying and upset, in obvious pain and not knowing what to do. I think once you accept a condition for what it is, you can work at taking control over your life and working around it and that's what I've done for various things that were wrong with me at times, since I have such a wondrous role-model who does have MS to look at and say 'if I don't have something as bad as that, what am I being depressed about'.
  10. MARIExBRIARWOOD Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    Hmm... I think this only applies to life threatening diseases.

    People on their deathbed who have a very negative outlook, and are very depressed probably will not have the strength for a good recovery unless they try to be more positive. Being sad or upset about something as big as that really does drain your energy and life force. If you're depressed about it, your future definitely does not look good.

    However people who remain positive and bright have a more likely chance of surviving. Instead of wasting time and energy being depressed about stuff, they are living the possible rest of their life in joy. Even if it can't completely heal them, it will help prolong their lifespan.

    This isn't based on any actual medical proof, but what I believe about spiritual energy and whatnot. I'm not especially smart or educated in anything, but I try to learn a little bit and create my own theories on what I learn. So, if anyone can find an actual source on this I would gladly read up and see how it changes my view : D
  11. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    It depends on how sick they are. If they are depressed and have a negative way of seeing things, it drains thier energy so they may not have as much of a chance of surviving as someone with a postive look on things might. So really it heals the mental aspect of sickness, which could lead to physical healing.
  12. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    hmm... well... You can't really say that having a positive look on an injury will help it heal... but your injury is somehow tied to your emotional side... so if you think positive and that it will get better soon, then chances are it probably will... so I guess you can say that having a positive outlook on an injury could help it heal a little... but I'm not saying that it always works... :/
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