He Said, She Said

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by JellyBeing, May 19, 2007.

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  1. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Well.... idk why I did this. Just one of life's many lessons.

    He Said, She Said

    There once were two friends… and another.
    One day the boy decided he liked the girl.
    Later the boy decided he should tell the girl.
    But the boy did not want to tell the girl.
    The boy was shy and asked for help.
    The other friend offered her assistance to her dear friend.
    She took up the job not realizing what was to come.
    She was then stuck in the middle.
    He said, “I like you.â€
    The other delivered the message.
    She said, “I don’t.â€
    The other brought back the reply.
    The boy was sad.
    He said, “I like you.â€
    The other delivered this once again.
    She said, “I don’t.â€
    The other gave the same reply.
    The boy was sad, but did not lose hope.
    The other cheered the boy up.
    The boy recoiled and tried again.
    He said, “I like you… a lot.â€
    The other delivered the hopeful message.
    She said, “I don’t… only as friends.â€
    The other returned the message to the boy.
    The boy was sad.
    The other cheered the boy up.
    The boy tried again and again.
    The other… the good friend… went back and forth.
    The other was caught in the middle.
    The boy was still sad, but refused to give up as this went on for months.
    The other was there to catch the boy as he fell.
    The girl was not interested over and over again.
    The other… the good friend… tried to reason with the boy.
    The boy was sad.
    The other caught him as his world came crashing down.
    The other… the good friend… was always there to help.
    The boy and the other talked much.
    The other was the one to reason and cheer.
    The other… the good friend… was in the middle.
    The other in the middle of the chaos began to wonder.
    The other… the good friend… loyal and trustworthy.
    The boy was sad then happy.
    The cycle repeated.
    The other began to wonder more.
    The cycle would go again and again.
    In the middle of all the chaos the other felt an odd feeling.
    The other caught the boy as he fell.
    The other started to think…
    The other raised the boy up.
    Just to start the cycle again.
    In the middle of the chaos the other’s heart began to feel heavy.
    He said, “I like you.â€
    She said, “I don’t.â€
    The other… the good friend… began to develop feelings for the boy.
    He said, “I like you.â€
    She said, “I don’t.â€
    The boy fell for the last time.
    The other caught him for the last time.
    The other was unsure of her feelings.
    The other helped where she could.
    The other… the good friend… caught in the middle.
    The boy moved on.
    The boy was happy.
    The other listened.
    The boy spoke of his new crush.
    The other listened.
    The other still lost in her own emotions.
    The other buried her emotions, still unsure.
    The boy spoke.
    The other listened.
    The boy asked for help.
    The other responded.
    The cycle starts again.
    The other… the good friend… caught in the middle.
    Lost in her own emotions.
    To help a friend.
    To be the good friend.
    In the cycle of He said, She said.

    By: yours truely
  2. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007

    thats very nice kairi, i like it :) ....aww i feel sorry for the person in the middle :(
  3. ♥ M e w I c h i g o ♥ Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 6, 2007
    In the ocean~ Lol. xD
    That's sad. :( But it's really good, that definetely happens to a lot of people in real life. (I like poems that I can relate to.) :)
  4. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    That was so Beautiful, unfortunately I can't find a crying smiley. I fell sorry for all of them except the person who keeps turning him down, if she's a friend she'll realise what a great guy she missed.
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