But not when that immune system makes you immune to practically every medicinal drug that's supposed to help you. I'm taking 5 different things right now to get over my flu, and I'm going to lose all hope I have on medicine helping me. I think my attention span is dead too, because I can't watch a single show or movie without pausing it and doing something else then trying to find something new to watch Also, what's something good to eat as a light meal when you're not hungry? I haven't had anything to eat in nearly 24 hours, but I still need to eat something.
I heard vegetable soup is something good to eat when you're ill as its light on the stomach and shouldn't make you feel and worse than you already are, and if you dislike veggies chicken soup is a good alternative. :)
it's better than having no immune system and getting the flu, like, every other week for the past two months.
Really, don't bother taking medicines. There's no cure for the flu and the common cold. You just have to let them work their course.
Yeah, that's not happening. I'm taking what I can so I don't get stuck dealing with a sore throat, headache, and stuffed sinuses and be unable to sleep at night. I've had 4 nights of no sleep, so I'll take whatever I can
Never said it cured. But if I can go a day, or more importantly, a night, without feeling like crap like the past week, and actually get even a few hours of sleep, I'll be happy