Have you ever done or believe in..

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Fallout, May 29, 2008.

  1. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    Drugs I don't believe in. Yet curiosity does go through my mind on what it is like taking drugs. But I will never take any to make my life bad and also...getting the boot. So I only take caffeeeeeeene (sorry for spelling hehe) may be young but coffee is good.
  2. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008

    When they have these rights to be an idiot, people are usually killed. And to a person who has made the 'mistake' of killing someone, they can never take that back. You know what I mean?

    It isn't right to allow someone else to suffer who has done right all their life due to someone else's mistakes.

    LOL. Kool.
  3. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Again, there's more people that die from alcoholism and cigarettes then any form of substance abuse. People die all the time, and if people who take drugs end up killing people, then they should be punished. But if they take drugs and nothing happens, then it should be fine.

    And I'd like to point out that you're only thinking of the drug underworld, where people are murdered in the name of money and substance, which would not exist if drugs were legal, such transactions would be wide out in the open and therefore there'd be no reason for such violence. I'm not saying I can be 100% sure that violence won't still happen, but if drugs were not viewed as something terrible, then those who's lives are fueled by drugs and drugs deals, wouldn't need to carry out terrible acts to get a fix or their money. Hell, stores might even open up selling drugs, like liquor stores or pharmacies. Imagine if marijuana and crack cocaine were sold and regulated by the government, legally. Would it be as bad?
  4. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I actually have, I have smoked marijuanna.

    Twice, and uh I can safely say that I am not addicted and that I did not get addicted. It was a few years ago now and it isn't something that I exactly go bragging about, but I can stand here and say that not everyone gets addicted to drugs. It is one of those things that unless you do it yourself you can not denounce it one way or another. Though it sounds like I am making excuses, I had good reason to want an escape at that point in my life.

    Taking drugs is wrong, I don't regret doing it but that is because I make a point of trying not to regret anything from life. However I would advise against people doing them, I am aware I am coming off as hypocritical by this, but until you have seen your friend taken away in an ambulance because they took too much speed, you really can't imagine the pain and mess that arises as a result. I never took anything harder FYI.

    So have I ever done? Yes.

    Do I believe it is right to? No
  5. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    Well, no it wouldn't be as bad. Your a very good point maker, Cin. But, it's too hard to imagine that, since so much more bad seems to come from marijjuana. Underground and in public. I guess marijjuana is just...mislooked at because it is used for so much bad. I believe, although, if alchohol and drugs were removed from society, life would be better.

  6. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    I agree, life would be better if drugs and such substances never existed. But they do, and we need to try and make the best out of a situation that has turned pretty bad.
  7. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008

    You're right. But I doubt we could EVER achieve that inless we controlled every single person in the United States.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    Right! Another essay. So no Apocalypse.

    I had tried pot a couple times but it never did anything for me and well, it was dumb to try but in my view at the time, not as stupid as some other drugs that I saw friends try like meth and ecstasy. There's nothing like seeing friends rushed to the hospital, or a couple friends dying because they were stupid. In the end though it wasn't for me, and I didn't trip out or anything. It just made me kind of sleepy and it is -not- addicting like alcohol or heroin etc is. The only people who get addicted to pot really seem to be those who have addictive personality disorders of some kind. There have been a lot of tests on it. This isn't to say that I would do pot again or recommend it, but it's to show that we are often lied to on how severe something truly is. Pot is no more dangerous than alcohol or cigs in my opinion and in many tests. X and meth, crack, heroin, acid etc..yeah, those can be much worse but the truth is something really people don't know and should without having to research it all through scientific journals. It should be honestly taught in teens' health classes.

    I do agree with Cin and have had this debate countless times that drugs should be legalized and the market be out in the open. There are a few reasons for this. I don't like 'drugs' myself, and wouldn't ever try anything, even pot anymore, but there are just some realities to face.
    1. The FDA could get involved to stop the manufacturing of drugs with 'extra additives' that can be just as harmful as the drug itself if not more. The disgusting habits of how people smuggle drugs into this country (which I won't go into but are pretty morbid at times) would stop. People in foreign countries that market this stuff would be forced to pay taxes also to sell it, and people would have a cleaner product and one without so many people dying. We also wouldn't be disrupting life down in South America so much. In other words, the drug cartel would finally be more manageable and a lot of world violence; not just local violence, would have to find a new vent, and wouldn't people -want- a cleaner drug if they were told actually what went into some of that crap that they buy on the street? I would sure think so.
    2. Make it illegal for kids as tobacco and alcohol are. It would be likely to be more enforced and monitored because otherwise the drugs would be legal for adults and so the target audience for drugs would steer more to that market. Of course, teens would be a problem just as is the case for smoking and drinking but it couldn't really get worse at this point.
    3. It would stop some of the underground violence that circulates about the drug cartels and on the streets. Gangs would have to learn a new trade for business. This is also why I debate why prostitution is illegal. Taking it out of the control of street gangs would mean many teenage girls etc would not be taken advantage of the way they are now, and teenage boys.
    4. People would not be in jail for 'drug possession' because of a bag of pot or some nonsense. Yes, drugs are bad but really, pot is no more harmful than alcohol or cigs. People that are addicted to alcohol act about as useful as someone on pot. If these people were out of jail, they would possibly not go into trying more dangerous substances and would not get caught in a world of going to jail and back out again repeatedly. Also, many of these people would be able to get jobs and not have a prison record to look back on when going to get hired.
    5. Already employers of businesses declare openly that if you are drunk or drugged up, you will be sent home and ordered to attend some kind of group therapy or help of some kind to get the person clean. If they do not, they lose the job, or if they repeat the offense. In other words, the business world is already prepared for legalization of drugs, should it happen. Alcohol is the biggest drug out there that people are addicted to and it isn't going anywhere, though it kills more people than any other drug known.
    6. Our government could already be prepared for dealing with the scenario using the same rules that apply to drinking and driving to being under the influence of any drug. This already exists but of course, the tacked on drug charges boost time. I really don't see a reason why someone on ANY drug, to include alcohol, gets punished more or less for driving under the influence. It's all the same and reckless.
    7. It offers a chance to open up better rehabilitation centers because we will have money from all of the 'drug wars' relief being stopped. It can go to opening up these facilities, getting much better help for people with addictive personalities, and also helping find out if these people have other mental disorders that are impairing them. It could be a real change from just sending someone to prison for minor transgressions and also gives some power back to the people. If people want to destroy their own lives, they are going to, regardless of what laws there are. At least with real rehab facilities and not the crappy 12 step program that has around a 10% chance of success, more people may benefit and find better things to do. Also, it wouldn't be so humiliating and people wouldn't auto-lose their jobs if they turn themselves in to rehabs.
    8. The criminal view of people who are on drugs and/or alcohol may change and become stricter, as in someone who domestically abuses someone, drives drunk and kills someone, etc may face more strict punishments because it is a -choice- to put a drug into your system. With rehab better and conditions safe from persecution better, these people run out of excuses as to why they disobey the law and can therefore be punished more efficiently and we get the actual troublemaker idiots off the roads etc and out of people's homes. They get treated in rehab and have some prison time, because those are the ones who merit it and need to either get shaped up or else.
    9. We can put real offenders of the law who harm others behind bars and stop paying 25+ thousand a year to house people who have done petty possession laws. That crap is expensive.
    10. Programs to tell the -Truth- about what drugs do...and not this over or under exaggeration stuff will be possible so teenagers and adults know exactly the crap they are putting into their bodies. There have been serious lies done about the effects of drugs etc and it has made many teenagers and adults go out and try the drug just because obviously pot isn't killing their friends who have smoked it for 3 years so wtf!
    11. Parents would not fear turning their children into rehab because the child's records wouldn't be messed up legally so parents would have the ability to do so without fear it screws up that child later in life.

    In the end, people will do things to destroy themselves or experiment. We could certainly do better if we stopped wasting time on a failed drug war and instead focused on fixing people up who wanted to be fixed up and helping those who want to deal with addictive personalities etc. Just like the Prohibition of alcohol failed, so does trying to get drugs off the streets. People make the drugs in their basements etc and have contacts to other countries. Making drugs legal and then providing help for people who need it really seems a better option than what is going on now. If people choose to kill themselves on drugs...it may be cruel to say, but that was their choice too. I don't feel people have a right to force someone to live if he/she doesn't want to by taking away his/her toys. Our police could be used to stop domestic disputes, harmful activities, child abuse, etc. I'd much rather they be doing that than wasting time trying to monitor people for drugs. When a person on drugs messes up, book 'em. Until then, screw it.
  9. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    I believe that they have a purpose in this world. One day, I looked in the Popular Science magazine and it turned out that the smoke from the cigarettes can reflect sunlight back to space acting like a substitute for the ice melting in the north pole. I also believe in them for medical uses but if for only to act cool, then it's wrong.
  10. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    im what you call a "straight edge kid."

    I've never done drugs...I never will.
  11. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008
    I like your philosophy: to never regret anything. Because, you shouldn't. If you hadn't smoked that marijjuana, then you wouldn't be the person you are now. I'm strongly against smoking it, but I believe you should never regret things as well. Just learn from those mistakes and don't make them again.

    Your very lucky you didn't get addicted. Some people don't but most do.
  12. emerald_flame Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 10, 2008
    No i havnt done any drugs , Nor will I ever . Drugs have messed up many peoples lives, a few people that i no, and why would i want to screw up all the good things that are going for me .

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    I believe for medications and stuff but crack and stuff like that i don't, i knew the happiest, very smart people until heroin ruined their life and one of them died
  14. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I kinda agree and disagree here.

    like Beat says just try it once, just KNOW it if you know what I mean, but the hard stuff I wouldn't attempt, too risky. i mean you have one life, try everything before you die...or die tryin if that makes sense. XD

    And if you have a bad experience of some sort, you leanr from your mistakes and do better like everything in life.

    Now, i've never actually smoked or done drugs directly, or ever had a 'drink'(yeah I know surprising, the way I act alot -_-) because I never got an impulse, but I do have second hand smoke version of weed and so on, not really done much for me.
    The first few times I was in that enviroment, I got really hyper than tired, than crazy and soo on, got the headache after waking up the next day. but now I don't even get tired or have a headache, haven't had problems for a long time and I am not addicted to being in this house every day, just the occasional day, since it's nice to socailize but not for the drugs. Seriously. >.>

    But than again I don't think drugs in general are good for you in the long run, too me it's like junk food, it gives you a bit of energy and better feeling at the start but you get tired more quickly and have more body problems. Drugs are a bad thing really, but individually it can make people better or improved at other things without many or any side effects. Really say no to drugs.
  15. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    No I have not done drugs actually, not yet. I know curiosity will take me there soon enough. Though there was a point when I was addicted to pain killers, but I won't count that here. Well, I do not really believe that one whiff of any drugs will have you addicted, when it often rests on the being who is taking them. Drugs overpower your mind, yes, but later, it really is up to the person to either return to it, or walk away. I cannot say much here, as I've never done any. I will, I'll honestly say it, because of curiosity and because I do not want to regret ever not living my life [an extremely stupid cause and reason, I know] to its potential. I'm willing to try new things, because I want to have experience it before I die.

    However, I will NEVER encourage anyone else to go to the corner and do drugs. They aren't exactly the greatest of substances. They are indeed dangerous, they are addictive and they often do kill; some are mild, while others are just plain deadly. I won't say that doing drugs are bad, mainly because the one who is doing them has a good idea of what he is doing, and I'm sure that they had a good reason for doing them in the first place. No one ever spontaneously wakes up in the morning and decides that he is going to be a drug addict.
  16. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    There's a very good reason marijuana it should remain illegal. Marijuana in itself is pretty harmless, cancer-causing agents aside. However, it leads to more serious drugs, similar to how tobacco and alcohol commonly lead teens to marijuana. While many people who use marijuana (largely college students) don't get into other drugs, many do, and this is why marijuana should remain illegal. You're probably thinking "Why not make tobacco and alcohol illegal for that reason then?", well the reason is tradition. Tobacco and alcohol were two of the earliest commonly consumed drugs by humans, and marijuana came into the mainstream fairly recently.
  17. Repliku Chaser

    You are going by the 'gateway drug' theory which I think is totally bunk. I know people that used crack cocaine straight out, or meth or ecstasy and never smoked pot or a cigarette. The gateway drug theory is made up by DARE. I did smoke pot a couple times but in the end, it was because of the crowd I ended up with and it was at a party. It isn't because I did anything else prior. People who don't smoke or drink can be heavy on Meth or Ecstacy and that crap will mess a person up seriously. Also, heroin addicts don't all come from drinkers and pot smokers or cigarette smokers. There are plenty of people that also drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes or that smoke pot and would not ponder wanting anything harder. The gateway drug theory is just not a real thing. It's mostly peer pressure that gets people into the harsher drugs. Someone shows up and offers someone the drug and you have to decide yes or no. Also, pot has been around for a very long time.
  18. Xendran Banned

    May 30, 2007
    I have smoked marijuana before, and trust me, its not as addicting as you might think.
    I only did it once or twice, but im not hooked on it. Alcohol got me worse.

    I DONT think drugs are right, thoguh.
  19. Fallout Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 17, 2008

    One taste can leave you addicted. There is scientific proof on that. The chemicals in the drug make you crave it. Your brain sends signals to your body that you need more of that said drug.

    There are certain instances, perhaps, where that person is lucky and never returns to the drug.
  20. Repliku Chaser

    It depends on what drug. Marijuana is not an addictive drug. However, if someone has a particularly addictive personality, then any drug can be addictive because they feel they need something to be addicted to. There is plenty of scientific proof to say that pot is actually not addictive, let alone the fact that people have tried it a few times and walked away from it just fine, not really craving it again, including myself.

    This isn't to say I am telling people to try pot. It was a rather lame thing I did because others around me were and I figured if I was going to get the 2nd hand smoke any way, I might as well see what it was about. It doesn't make it right, but it was a life experience. I'm not really going to regret it. I've never sought though to do anything worse than that and don't even really drink much alcohol as I figure I really need to be getting my education and don't want to fail out like I see some other college students do by too much partying. Drugs in the end aren't worth the trouble they bring into people's lives.

    Some down things I have noticed about pot is the attitude of lethargy that people seem to get as they use it for long durations. Now and then smokers of it aren't what I refer to. Those who smoke it on a regular basis tend to become lazy and rather worthless by my experience of seeing friends who got on it and did it for years. They weren't good workers and didn't seem to give a crap about many things. This was a change from being rather idealistic and motivated a few years ago. I do think it changes people's personalities and if you don't want to be like that, it's definitely something to consider before even doing it. Of course, I've seen people a plenty that have become addicted to alcohol that are about as useful as those who smoke pot on a regular basis.