Haunted Island of Mystery

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Nymph of Destiny, Sep 15, 2007.

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  1. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    Eggman was laughting evily.

    "No, I don´t have a limit in that, but this happens..." Metal Sonic said, another hologram appeared.


    BIC: The hologram turns into the scene of the battle of Metal Madness/Overlord (Sonic Heroes)

    (Team Sonic is running toward a tall structure, which has a mysterious figure
    on it).

    Mysterious figure: Heh heh heh...

    (Upon closer inspection, the creature turns out to be Metal Sonic)

    Metal Sonic: All living things kneel before your master!

    (Metal Sonic causes the pillar to explode, and then begins to undergo a LONG
    transformation. Once the transformation is done, Metal Sonic becomes a huge

    Eggman: Metal Sonic has finally transformed!

    (All of Eggman's robots start to flee the ship)

    Sonic: So THAT'S Metal Sonic?

    Eggman: It's useless! Metal Sonic has combined your data with the power of
    Chaos, and is super strong! We can't defeat it! ARGH... If only we had the
    seven Chaos Emeralds!

    (The four different teams begin to hold up the emeralds, and Eggman becomes

    Eggman: What's this? But how? Even with the emerald's power, our chances for
    victory are slim! It would take a miracle!

    Sonic: Just leave that to me Doc!

    Amy: Sonic, no!

    Tails: I'm going with you too!

    Sonic: Tails...

    Knuckles: You can count me in to!

    Sonic: Knuckles!

    Shadow: OK guys! We'll buy you some time! That way you can use your super

    (As Sonic looks around at all the teams, they all nod, accepting the challenge
    of distracting Metal Sonic).

    Sonic: All right then, let's get ready to do this. We'll show that creep the

    (After beating Metal Madness).

    (As Metal Sonic transforms into an even MORE powerful monster, he flys up and
    disappears into the sky. Team Sonic grabs hands and Sonic then summons the
    seven Chaos Emeralds, and the emeralds circle around him, Tails, and Knuckles.
    As the theme "Sonic Heroes" plays, a fash occurs. Sonic then becomes Super
    Sonic and Tails and Knuckles have glowing yellow spheres appear around their
    bodies. They then fly off into the sky to fight Metal Sonic).

    Metal Overlord: Long time not see, Sonic, my loathsome copy!

    (The battle starts, after the battle, Metal Overlod starts falling).

    Metal Overlord: Ugh, why? I had it all. I am the ultimate overlord, Metal Sonic, I am the REAL Sonic!
  2. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "I...ran really fast," Mint lied, as she wasn't about to reveal her secret so fast. She just hoped he bought it...
  3. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    "You fly" Sonic said.
  4. Kiburedo Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 25, 2007
    "Fly!?" Train said shocked, as he looked at Sonic,
  5. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    "I saw her wings" Sonic said "I am not impressed, I can fly too, but without wings" He said.
  6. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    "But... wait. No one can run that fast..." Sora said.

    "Mint, I saw you," Riku said.

    "Huh? Saw her what? Flying?" Sora joked.

    Riku stayed quiet.
  7. Lacus gave a nod, finally understanding everything. So far, at least. Metal Sonic was just misunderstood, and the sympathy she had felt for him before increased. He wasn't bad, and he hasn't hurt her. Giving him a small smile, she asked, "Thank you. I guess I get it now. A little of your history. Now...what do you think we should do? Of course, if you want my company..."

    "Nooo, I'm leading, Larxy," Axel argued, this time more sternly, and with a edge to say that there was no argument. Honestly, he didn't really care, not as much as he made it seem, he just wanted to see what she would say. Though what she remarked did kind of gave him a tick. He was very capable of leading a group, whether she thought so or not. "And why can't I be in charge of everyone? You have never seen me leading before. I think I'm the proper candidate for this one."
  8. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    "We should propably..." Metal Sonic was interrumped by another explotion.

    "Look what we have here" Eggman said, he was behind Metal with an army of robots.
  9. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    "Wha?" Sora heard the other explosion.
    "Another one? What's going on?" Riku asked.
    Sora ran to the sound, and so did Riku. They found three people there.

    'No, wait...' Sora thought. 'Two people and a robot? What the...'
    "What is going on?! Who are you??"
  10. Lacus gasped outloud this time, stepping back alittle as she watched the army of robots behind the mad scientist, or what was his name, Eggman. She suddenly wished Kira was here, or Athrun, but they weren't, and now she had to be alone in this situation. Lacus didn't know whether to get behind Metal, as he wasn't her potector and she just met him, so she stood beside him, a bit shaken, but appearing proud. She looked over at him, her voice betraying what she was feeling, "W-what do we do?"
  11. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    Metal didn´t notice Sora or Riku, he then dissapeared and appeared behind the army, sound of slashes were heared as the army exploted.

    "............... RUN!" Eggman shouted and runned away.
  12. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    "Wha... Who... Are you?" Sora asked the robot, which resembled the hedgehog that never said his name.
  13. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "And what makes you think I can't do better?" Larxene asked, crossing her arms and giving him a challenging look. She had the feeling they were on the brink of an argument, but she didn't really care. She wanted to know and see his opinion on this matter...not that it mattered really. She just wanted to get off this island and back home.

    Mint watched as Metal Sonic attacked the army of robots, her eyes widening in surprise. "R-run?" she repeated, unable to keep her voice from trembling slightly.
  14. Lacus just watched Metal Sonic rampage the group of robots in a expression akin to horror, not knowing what to do. She was helpless, though she was positive the hedgehog could handle it.

    "How about I turned the tables around? What makes you think I can't do it better?' Axel inquired, his arms still crossed from when he had placed them before, yet now more tighter, as he glared her down sharply. He didn't want to be here, he never asked for it, but if anything, considering the problem, he was already coming with solutions. They need a place to rest, get food, and try not kill each other, all that while trying to figure a way out.
  15. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    When Eggman was far away he stopped "Okay, time to think of a new plan" He said.

    Metal Sonic finished destroying the robots.
  16. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "Why don't you answer me first?" Larxene asked, a small smile tugging at her lips. For some reason, she found this amusing how they were both wanting to be a leader, but they already arguing with each other...it might even end as the both of them being leader somehow.
  17. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    "Hey. Who are you?" Riku asked, though he didn't say it like it was a question.
    Both teenagers had thier Keyblades drawn, incase they were in any danger.

    Sora noticed the frightened girl past where the swarm of robots was, and jumped over to her.
    "Hey, are you okay?" he asked. The swarm didn't scare him, he had seen worse, but someone like her probably hadn't been through what he had.
  18. Axel rolled his eyes, a entertained grin crossing his face as he gazed at her, replying. "Because there isn't any reason for you not to lead, you're very capable, I have to admit, but I still think I could take on the job. Besides, I didn't think you cared about wanting to be one."

    At this, he uncrossed his arms, putting on a serious expression, eyeing her. "So what's it gonna be? Because by now we aren't showing good leadership by arguing in the first place."

    Lacus just sighed in peace as she watched the robots destroyed, and that Eggman go away, running like a coward.
  19. Laplace TSUKI NO SHIHAI

    Apr 1, 2007
    "Metal Sonic" Metal Sonic said to Sora and Riku.
  20. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    "Then it's you," Larxene said, simply. "It's true, as I don't care about it as much, but I would advise you to listen to some of my suggestions...if I happen to have any."
    She could tell Axel wouldn't be that bad of a leader, so she really didn't have much to complain about. She could trust him well enough, and it was better than anyone else really, as she didn't exactly want a burden on her shoulders.
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