A.K.A HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY WONDERFUL SON ADAM! <33333 Sorry this is a little late since I got busy to make this thread (and forgot the time difference changed). But yes! You are finally not all that young! Still pretty young but currently same age and junk haha. xD I hope you have such a fantastical day and may you get all your wishes and Mami. Let's all wish him a grand 15th birthday! =D
Aww. Happy birthday!! I hope you have a wonderful one. Would you like Blayn to sing you Happy Birthday?--*Shot*
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have an absolutely amazing day and get everything you wished for. 8D
I HAD NO CLUE IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY FINNY FISH. AND HAVE NO SUITABLE TIM CURRY RELATED SPAM PREPARED. JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL CHRISTMAS. But anyways. Happy birthday darling Adam, I shall arrive at your door with a cake someday in the future, that I promise. All my love, and Ingrids as well I am sure (I shall double check, indeed). And a random but true fact, today is Arthurs day in Ireland, where we celebrate the man who made Guinness. And there is music and free drink all around, yesh. <3
Thank you for stealing my ex-signature GIF. Pfft, Blayn. Such a silly man, pretending to be a young, creepy teenage girl who was nearly drowned by a kitchen utensil. What a shame. Not sure if want. Thank you, UnFriendly_Heartless. And you weren't late? Silly Baka Maka. Oh yeah, I got a lovely new essay to write. You wouldn't believe how thrilled I was. A potato cake, amirit-*shot* And I'm afraid the love of a gnome may be acidic. I dun want you and Ingrid corroding my garden away :> Nicole stop being older. Thanks for the birthday wishes guys!
Feenie! ERHMAHGERD! You're so old now! I still remember the days when you were 14 xD Anyway, I brought you a present but Scotland is too far to be able to give it to you in person Spoiler Spoiler: SPOILERCEPTION!!! Have a good day mate :3 only one more year and at long last you can fiiiiiinally... buy lottery tickets :3
I DID WHAT NO ONE HERE HAD THE BALLS TO DO. I WROTE IN 7 FONT. But seriously, have a good one bro. May you have many more happy and healthy birthdays, and I wish you and your family well. Say hello to King Triton for me.
There are no words to describe my love for you at this moment. I feel loved, knowing my wife didn't know when my birthday was, yet the person who wants to murder me did. Although I suspect the latter is only true so she knows when to send a bomb to my doorstep. But you're writing at font size six (-_-') Again, thanks for the birthday wishes!