Has anyone ever hated on you for liking a game that they particularly didnt enjoy? Like the other day i was on a final fantasy forum and discussing FF 13-2. (now i kno the popular reaction to the 13 series isnt good) but i love the 13 series. and i made a comment that i love the games and that i cant wait for the 3rd installment of it. and this guys just started rippin me about how idk what im talking about and that i probably have never even played a real FF game like 6-10. (which ive beatin 7 9 and 10, ive beatin 10 so many times i could prolly reherse the whole script). and he just started telling me everything that was wrong with it and just saying i didnt know what i was talking about what makes a good game and everything. & im like... wow he makes it sound like i committed murder for liking a game he didnt enjoy. i Lol'd about it, and went on with my everyday life not letting it bother me. (after i told him that if he has nothing else better to do than bash other peoples personal lives for not liking a certain game then i feel sorry for him). Has anyone else experienced this before? and if so what happened?
I got hated for liking Rise on Persona 4 Golden boards of GFaqs once on a unrelated topic, but it's mostly just trolling, so just join in and do the same for fun or ignore it completely, people got different opinions so there's no point arguing. And if you ever say you like FF13 or 13-2 on their respective boards you'll get a lovely discussion on your hands. It's actually pretty fun when it happens, usually more people keep joining in and you can just watch them burn each other like their lives depend on a random stranger agreeing with them.
I get hated on at school a lot for not playing CoD. So that's one game I don't play! Ooh, look at me I'm wearing a bow tie and don't play CoD, shoot me now!
I can't say they hated me for playing it but they questioned me xD The whole "why do you like that game so much??? It's such a waste of time." I had a slight addiction to World of Warcraft :3
Ooooh yes I have been hated for liking games. I get a lot of people who do not like the Final Fantasy series who often go after me for it, and a couple other crazy games that I enjoy. I have just learned to brush it off because well... its the internet. I am fairly certain I am not going to walk down the street and all of a sudden someone is gonna be "omg ur dat gurl on the forum dat lyke FF lol u suck." Nah. At the same time I have been bashed at for not enjoying games others like. An example being Legend of Zelda Wind Waker... people just really seem to hate it when I say I don't like that game. :/
I got hated A LOT for not liking the Bioshock series (annnnd guess what happened when I said I didn't like Bioshock: Infinite? @_@) I dunno why, but Bioshock games don't really perk my interest when I clearly know that the Bioshock universe is amazing in so many aspects as well as gameplay itself. I seriously want to try enjoying it, but I simply can't. I even tried playing Infinite (only because it came free with my 7870) and kinda lost interest 3 hours into the game. Same as the first Bioshock game as well. Maybe because of the atmosphere in Bioshock? Maybe it's the gameplay? I honestly don't know and I seriously want to because I truly want to enjoy those types of games.
Seeing all these posts, I seriously wonder why people would hate on those that DON'T play CoD? My school could care less. My school lost interest in CoD since the release of Black Ops 1. I'm not saying CoD is a bad game (I enjoy it time to time), but it's such a lame excuse to hate someone for it. Maybe if someone talked pointlessly about it (such as the MW2 controversial level) or was a prick about the game (HURR DURR KNIVES ARE OP. 360NOSCOPEMASTERLOLZ), then I can see the reason, but just for plainly not playing it, I don't understand.
lol i dont like COD that much. all the games r the same to me. i only play them if someone buys them for me and i only play mutiplayer :P
Almost every time I open my mouth about a game I really like somebody has to tell me how bad it is or what's wrong with it. I make sure to return fire whenever possible. That said I cannot understand why anyone likes the Fabula Nova Crystallis series it's quantifiably terrible
I think it's a both yes and no. Yes, the Crystallis series were't the greatest FF games, but if I said I didn't enjoy it, I'd be lying. Not to mention you're assuming that just because XIII and XIII-2 sucked, so will the rest. Also to coincide with your first statement, anything in this world will have those that are for it and those that are against it.
I got hated on for a long time for not liking Halo. I thought it was boring to sit through since I never played it. It was only really the only time that I got hated on for liking or not liking a game.