Is it any good? Is it worth getting, don't take me wrong I love the Persona series (as we'll as the Shin Megami) but id like to know your opinion about it. If you don't mind c:
I bought it like a month after release and I can say it's really good. Mostly for the gameplay, not the story, though. If you've ever played the BlazBlue games the system is basically the same. I got it preowned so I had a 5 dollar discount (socheap:v) but it's definitely worth it if you're into fighters (or not, the comboes are easy to pull off once you get the hang of it). Also, most people say the best thing about it is the online thingy but I haven't even touched it >_>
if you've played Persona 4 i would definitely recommend getting this game since it's kind of a sequel to the game. note that while the plot is pretty interesting, it can get pretty repetitive and FAST. you end up reading / listening to story dialouge for about 30 minutes which leaves to to fight......for like 10-20 seconds. the plot is interesting, but i wish they added MUCH more gameplay to the story mode because it can honestly get very repetitive. the plot also features Persona 3 characters in case you didn't know, not all of them though. the music is taken from Persona 3 and 4 as well as a bunch of original songs added with some remixes as well. as for the fighting game components, i think it's a pretty decent fighting game. i think it's one of the better balanced fighting games out there. it's not too combo centric like Marvel Vs Capcom 3, but at the same time it's not exactly impossible to pull off very damaging combos either. also there is an auto combo feature for those who want an easy combo :) also ps, not really related to your question but just blurting this out: i finally unlocked Nanako as a Voice Navigator in the game by beating Score Attack =) my accomplishment of the day
Does it look like I haven't? Well anyways, have you played a Persona game before? 3 or 4 is fine but in reality, you should play both games to fully appreciate the game, and I HIGHLY recommend Persona 3, just a warning if you've played Persona 4 before 3 than you're not going to appreciate the gameplay that much, but in reality and proven fact, Persona 3 has a better story and characters while Persona 4 has better gameplay. P4A is good if you appreciated both games and are just in love with Persona or the SMT universe in general, the story can kind of drag on alot and some of the stuff that the characters decide to do are ungodly stupid. Oh and they changed the voice actors of Chie and Teddie, I was kind of mad about that as well, and Labrys is a good character, IF you can stand her accent.
I played Persona 3 as well as the entire Shin megami Tensei series, I've beaten Digital Devil saga and I'm working on Nocturne. I've been making these threads all month how can you guys not noticed that? *My phone spellcheck does not recognize "well" only "we'll" *I know what the game is called *I've been playing the games lately and making threads about them (I guess no one gives a crap if I play it) *Please don't correct other people's post, that's just irritating
*You should check your phone's spell check then. *Then why didn't you call it that? *Don't be like that, we give as big a crap as we do about Amaury's threads. *I'll be as irritating as I damn well please, thank you very much.
Lol don't you think Shin Megami Tensei is a long game title? Lol it's a pain in the ass type the title and the game. Yeah for some reason my phone does not even recognize the word "is". I didn't say you were irritating (maybe I did) if I did, I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way
SMT is a pretty common abbreviation, as is MegaTen. Oh, and the both first game in the series and the book it was based on are called Megami Tensei.