Harry Potter: The Beginning (Book 1)

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Singstar, Sep 29, 2008.

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  1. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Zal!" Kasha cried, running towards him. She knelt down beside him, Toklo also rushed over. He looked at Zal, and sniffed Zal. His heartbeat was slow.
    "Mom! Daddy!" She cried, looking back down the hallway. It seemed empty. Kasha felt Zal's wrist. She didn't like how it felt. It was slow. His body was feeling cold. She was ready to start to panic. She looked down the stair case. There was a fireplace on the other side of the wall. She hoisted up Zal, of course, Toklo helped give her a hand. She set him down by the fire place. Panic was really starting to set in. Their parents weren't around. They were outside, talking. Kasha looked around, they didn't have anything to start a fire.
    'Of course, dad uses magic.' She thought, and looked around more, Zal had his wand on the staircase. She didn't think about it, and ran towards the wand. She was pretty speedy. She grabbed his wand, and almost slipped on her way back down the stairs, but caught herself, and tried to think about what the spell would be.

    It was finally brought to her, she remembered reading a book with spells in it. The main character had said,
    'Anacendio?' She thought, and got the feeling it was wrong. 'No, Incendio!' She remembered and without thinking she suddenly said,

    "Incendio!" She called out, and Kasha felt a tingle of pain go through her arm. She realized she had burned her hand, not badly, but it was bleeding. She looked at the fireplace, a glow came about and she realized she had started a fire. Kasha dropped the wand, pain going through her hand. Kasha went back to her brother and knelt down watching him carefully. Toklo had gone back to his cat form. He smelled that Kasha was injured. He could smell the blood.
  2. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Zal quickly opened his eyes and began coughing due to the smoke in the air. He tried waving a hand in front of his face, but it was no use.
    "We've...gotta...get out...of here." he said between hard coughs.
    Gently but quickly, he picked up his sister with both arms and began carrying her up the stairs, his eyes stinging.
    Once they reached the door at the top of the staircase, he kicked it open and dropped his sister on the ground as softly as he could. Just after Zal dropped her, he noticed the blood.
    "Oh man..." he whispered. "Get up! Run outisde to Draco and Mother! Tell them what's going on. I'll be out there soon too."
    Zal opened the doors once more and ran down the stairs to retrieve his wand.
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Toklo quickly followed closely behind.
    "Relax, I lit the fire, its smokey because it hasn't been lit in so long, and its dusty." Kasha said, "You needed warmth, your body was starting to get cold." She said, and stood up, "Toklo!" She said firmly, and Toklo quickly headed down the stairs, outside, he ran towards their parents, and directed them to follow with body language. They did so. As soon as they got in the house, the air seemed a little denser, once they entered the room that lead up the stair way they started to cough. Their father noticed that the fire place had been lit, but it had already died out. They followed Toklo up the stairs to where Kasha and Zal were. Kasha immediately hid her hand, by putting it in her pant pockets. They pain went through her like a knife, she only tensed for a moment.
    "What happened?" Their father asked.
  4. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Zal came rushing through the staircase door with wand in hand, coughing and with ashes all over his clothes. He heard his father's question and decided to answer it himself.
    "Well.." he said, quickly glancing at Kasha. "I was practicing my magic in the basement...and I screwed up."
    "What exactly do you mean screwed up?" their father asked.
    "Wrong spell. Too strong. I messed up." he muttered.
    "Well then," Mr. Malfoy said, turning away from Zal. "Perhaps...you will learn more at Hogwarts so that you may learn to control your spells. At least no one was hurt. But, you shall be worked to the bone in order to pay off these damages."
    Their father walked away first, then their mother who quickly looked at Zal with a worried expression before hurrying off. Zal didn't dare face his sister, and began walking away.
  5. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    'Thank you.' Kasha thought to Zal, though she knew, he couldn't hear her. She laid down with her back on the ground. He breath was labored from the pain in her hand. She looked at her hand. The entire bottom side of her hand was bleeding. Kasha stood up and went towards her room, her door was barely open. She pushed it open and laid back down on her back, resting on her bad. She looked at the ceiling thinking about what had just happened. Toklo came over, jumping onto her bed and sniffed her. He laid down with his front arms on her stomach and rested his head on her stomach also.
  6. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Zal went into one of the guest bedrooms and laid down on the bed, closing his eyes. Suddenly, he heard a cold, terrifying voice that seemed to be in his head.
    Why are you so weak?!
    "I'm not weak. I just did that because Kasha is supposed to be the perfect one." Zal whispered. "Who are you anyway? What's going on with me?"
    Who I am is of no importance. As for your situation, the time is simply coming for your destiny to be fulfilled!
    "Destiny? What exactly would that be?"
    The voice laughed.
    You shall find out soon, Lord Malfoy.
    "Wha-?!" Zal said just before the voice dissapeared. He got up from the bed and went to take a shower.
  7. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha could hear voices as she slept. Not nice. It scared her. She was getting a feeling of pain. She started to whine both in her dream and in real life. In her dream she could see two red eyes illuminated in the darkness. The next thing she knew, Kasha found herself in an aquarium. She had been getting nightmares lately of the same thing, and it would always be in an aquarium. The colour of the waters scared her, in her dream she could see dead fish on the ground. Kasha cried out, In her dream, she was covering her eyes, trying not to look at the death that surrounded her. She tried to look away from what was laying on the floor and could see the same red eyes in the distance. Now there was two pairs of them. Kasha tried to move forward but fell back afraid she would see more fish. She covered her eyes, sitting down.
    Kasha suddenly opened her eyes looking at the ceiling. She was shaking.

    Toklo perked up his ears. They had both fallen asleep, but both of them had now woken up.
    "You hear something, Toklo?" Kasha asked him, Toklo almost looked like a deer listening for danger. He seemed to want to dismiss it. He sniffed Kasha's hand, he wanted to nuzzle her hand, or try to clean it. He looked at Kasha.
    "You're right. I should go wash this off. Bandage it up." She said to Toklo, and rubbed his head with her other hand, he pressed his head into her hand and sat up watching her. Kasha opened her door, she felt tired still. As she went down the hall she saw her brother heading towards the bathroom, and backed away. Toklo jumped on the balcony and looked down.

    OoC://I put her dream points in italics to avoid confusion xD
  8. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Zal began taking a shower. A little while later he looked down to see that the water was up to his knees! This must've been inpossible because there were plenty of spaces that the water could have gone into. He reached for the handle to stop the water, but it wouldn't budge.
    "What the?" he said.
    When he tried opening the shower sliding door, it wouldn't budge either. The water was getting higher and higher, now up to his stomach.
    "Accio wand!" he shouted. Immediately, the wand appeared in his right hand. But after a few moments of holding the wand, Zal felt a sharp pain enter his arm that caused him to sink down to the bottom of the water. As he looked at his arm, he noticed a tattoo forming. All that would appear was a skull, then the drawing stopped. His eyes closed and when he opened them again, he was wearing a long black robe. In the distance, he saw two glowing red eyes. Zal's jaw dropped and he attempted to make a sound.
    Everything around him melted away and he stood there in the middle of the bathroom with his wand in his hand, still wearing the black robe.
  9. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha could hear a faint voice of Zal. He was crying out for help. She turned around watching the door for a moment. Toklo looked at Kasha a little worried.
    "Dad! Dad!!" She cried, looking around. A minute later their father was coming up the stairs looking at Kasha, worried. He went to the door, trying to open it. He had also heard Zal. The door was locked. Their father pushed his weight into the door but it still would not move.
    "Zal!" He said, almost angry, it sounded. He turned to Kasha and Toklo.
    "Kasha, I need Toklo to help if he doesn't open the door." He said to Kasha, who looked at Toklo, who looked up at Kasha. Toklo's fur started to thin out and it became short, as his body started to become bigger. His paws also started to change, they became rounder. His tail and the fur on the back of his neck grew out, like mane. His face grew out and his teeth became duller. He had morphed into a horse. His fur was dappled, and he half-reared waiting for something to happen.
  10. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Zal stood there. How could he explain the skull tattoo and the black robe? Not sure what to do, he put on a bath robe over the black robe. It had long sleeves that could cover the tattoo. He opened the door, slightly shaking from shock and fear of what he had just experienced.
    "W-What's up?" he said.
  11. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Toklo looked at Zal. He smelled different. Toklo put up his ears looking at Toklo. Kasha looked at Toklo. She understood his body language. She backed away from Zal, and refused to make eye contact with Zal, she stood by Toklo's side, who started to paw at the ground lightly, Toklo was feeling anxious for some odd reason.
    "What happened?" Their father asked looking at Zal. He didn't take notice of Kasha and Toklo's warning. Kasha could tell from the way Zal was talking something was wrong. He always talked with pride. Never stuttering. Kasha was the only one who did that.
  12. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    "Um..." Zal said, trying to avoid eye contact with either of them. "I s-sort of slipped and f-fell. M-My head hit the sink. Th-That's why I yelled."
    His face began turning red due to the sudden intense pain in his arm. Could another tattoo be forming?
  13. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Toklo tensed up feeling Zal getting nervous. Toklo started to rear, getting nervous.
    "Calm down, Toklo." Kasha said to Toklo, trying to calm him down. She got the feeling that Toklo could feel that Zal was nervous. Toklo tried to stop spooking and stood, shaking his head, and breathed out heavily. He knew he would hurt someone if he stayed like this. His fur bulged out and his form started to shrink, back into his wolf form. He wouldn't have much control over Kasha as a cat, but as a wolf he was taller, and she would perhaps pay more attention. Toklo could sense that Zal was feeling pain. It threatened him. He no longer wanted Kasha to be around Zal. Not that he ever really did.

    "Oh?" Draco answered, "Are you okay? Any injuries?" He asked Zal.
  14. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    Name: Lily Harrison Dursley
    Blood-type (Mudblood, Pureblood):Mudblood.
    Parents (according to the book, if not stated in the book, you may make up a character, but use at least one character in the book.): Dudley, and Mary
    Appearance: (pictures are fine, but please use a link.):http://a881.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/55/m_04469a1554ba9a892555671a5a5886f8.jpg
    Pet: (Toad, cat, or owl, with an original name, origin, and a special quality of your animal): owl
    Bio:She's loud, kind, happy, and hyper.
    Specialty: (In terms of types of spells.) She good at cruses. (like Ginney), and unlocking things
    Wand: (what you wand is made of, and a special quality the wand has.):
    phonix tail, unicorn hair.
  15. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Robbie left diagon ally and went home and packed his stuff, soon he would be going back to hogwarts.
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