Harry Potter: The Beginning (Book 1)

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Singstar, Sep 29, 2008.

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  1. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    "Confundus!" Zal yelled, pointing his wand in every direction. While everyone's eyesight was damaged for a few moments, he calmly walked back into the muggle world with his owl who landed on his shoulder right before Zal passed through. Before the brick wall closed again, Zal did another spell.
    "Acio Broomstick!" he said. The newest and best broomstick available called the "Tixen 500" immediately landed in his left hand.
  2. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Robbie went back to the book shelves and started to gather the books he needed.
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha looked at her father.
    "What's gotten into him?" Kasha asked, and a second later her facial expression relaxed. "Oh wait..." She said with a sarcastic tone. She never liked when he did that to their father. Sure, there were times when Kasha wanted to do that, but she never did. She knew her place. Kasha watched Zal walk off and looked at Toklo. His tail flicked back and fourth. He snesed that they were fighting again but didn't do anything. Toklo just seemed to KNOW they couldn't do anything that bad to each other.
    "Come on, Kasha. Lets get your brother and see what he has left to get and leave. I'm not liking the feeling of this place about now." Their father said. The streets seemed just a tiny bit less crowded. Kasha followed her father, and Toklo stood up and swiftly followed next to Kasha.

    They soon found Zal shortly after.
    "Zal," Their father said, approaching him. "Do you almost have everything?" He asked Zal. Toklo climbed up on Kasha's shoulder, he rested his head on her shoulder, a low purr immiting from from his throat. He closed his eyes and put his right paw over her shoulder.
  4. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Zal turned his back on his father.
    "What do you care?" he mumbled. "I'm just a stupid Gryffindoor."
    He began walking away until he reached muggle streets. They were quite filthy streets with muggles running up and down them. Zal began walking down the streets, simply to explore. Soon, he would simply teleport himself back into his world.
  5. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Zal!" Their father called in a stern voice. "There isn't anything wrong with that." He said to him, but went quiet.
    "He'll know where to go when he is ready to go home." He said to Kasha. "What is so bad about being a Gryffindor? It even sounds cool." Kasha said but went quiet. Her father didn't seem to want to talk. She knew he was concerned about Zal. Kasha turned around and looked at the streets. They were busy again. Kasha watched as the people walked by, she was studying every person, and all the stores. All her surroundings.
    "Let's go." Their father said, and started to walk away. Kasha went to follow but stopped. Toklo was still resting with his head on her shoulder. "Go take care of Zal..." She whispered to Toklo and he waited a minute and balanced himself with his front paws on one of Kasha's shoulder and jumped down. Toklo sat down and put his paw on the wall, tapping it like Kasha's and Zal's father had when they first go to Diagon alley. Nothing happened.
    "Be patient." Kasha said to Toklo and ran off towards her father, he was calling her. Toklo sat down patiently hiding in the shadows and waited for someone to magically open up the walls, once someone came along he followed swiftly behind as a gray shadow. Toklo ran down the street trying to find Zal and jumped onto a garbage can that was standing in the street. He spotted Zal and followed quickly behind him. Trying to stay hidden. He knew that Zal didn't really appreciate him much.
  6. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Just then, Finnius remembered a letter he had gotten saying that he would be the new seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team! He remembered that he still needed a broom. He went with his mother to the broom shop.
  7. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Zal continued walking down the muggle street. As he turned around, he saw a flying letter that was following him. He did a quick spell to return himself to the magical world. There, he was standing in front of Malfoy Manor, his home.
    "What was that?" Zal said, thinking about the letter.
    Suddenly, the letter teleported to him and opened.
    "Dear Mr. Zal Malfoy,"The letter said. It's seel opened and closed like a mouth.
    "We are pleased to announce that you have been chosen for the third time, to be the seeker for the Hogwart's Gryffindoor Quiditch Team."
    Zal snorted. Seeker didn't matter to him much, and he couldn't stand representing Gryffindoor, but he did enjoy Quiditch.
    "Whatever." he said, snatching the letter out of the air and stuffing it in his pocket.
  8. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Finnius bought the best broom he could afford, the Firebolt 5000. It was just as good as the Tixen 500, but didn't have as good control and was a little harder to handle. But Finnius had been practicing on his mother's broom ever since he found out he was a wizard, so he considered himself good enough to handle it.
  9. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha was sitting outside the Malfoy manor. They had already gotten home. Kasha was waiting for Toklo and her brother. Mostly Toklo though. Toklo hid himself as he walked passed Zal, hoping not to get noticed. He ran, almost bouncing on his paws, over to Kasha. He purred and rubbed his forehead on Kasha's chin. Kasha pet Toklo on his back, Toklo sat down next to Kasha and also watched Zal. Kasha noticed he had a letter. She could hear that he was being chosen for the Quiditch team. Kasha thought that was cool. She never tried Quiditch. It never really interested her much, but she liked watching it.
  10. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    Robbie saw a flying letter heading for him, he caught it. " We are happy to anounce you are the new keeper for the ravenclaw team" he read, " A little late."
  11. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Zal entered Malfoy Manor. Once in there, he headed straight for the basement. It was a very dark and damp place. There was a doorway in it that led down a narrow passageway, into his room which Zal immediately rushed into. He took a trunk out from under his bed and opened it using four different keys. Inside were things of his past that he would look at to remind himself of how much of a fool he used to be. The first object he took out was a slightly damaged picture. In the picture was a small boy with light brown hair laughing and smiling. It was Zal. A single tear slid down his cheek. He cursed and wiped it away with the back of his hand and stuffed the picture back into the trunk.
    "Nothing but memories now..." he mumbled, laying on his back as he stared at the cieling. "Just stupid memories..."
  12. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    After they had gotten everything, he returned home with his mother and packed his trunk.
  13. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha watched as Zal walked by her. 'He doesn't want to go back. I don't think he does.' She thought watching him, she was holding Toklo. He stood on her lap, and she held her hands under Toklo's arms. Kasha didn't say anything.
    'I wonder what is so bad about being a Gryffindor?' She pondered, if it was really as bad as it seemed, well, she didn't want to be in that house. Definantly not. She could barely wait to start Hogwarts. At the same time, she knew, that she would really miss her father and mother. Kasha kissed Toklo on his forhead and put him down, and stood up.
    'Maybe mother will need some help around the house.' She thought, and headed towards the door, and at the same time called Toklo in a soothing voice. Toklo happily followed Kasha into the house. Kasha never liked to have Toklo outside while she was inside. She had heard that sometimes Owls would attack domestic house cats as food. Kasha closed the door behind her as soon as Toklo was inside, and went to go see their mother. She wanted to tell about her day.
    "Oh, there you are, Kasha." Her mother started as she entered the kitchen.
    "Hi!" Kasha greeted her mother and gave her a hug.
    "Go find Zal, Kasha." Her mother said back to her kindly, returning the hug. "He's probably in the attic, basement, or in his room. Tell him dinner is almost ready." Their mother said Kasha looked at a clock that was set on the wall, it was almost 6:00 at night already. She looked out the window, the sky was starting to become dim.
    "Okay." Kasha said to their mother, and decided to start off upstairs. She went to the attic but could only find dust, and at one point found the bones of a mouse. Toklo had probably killed it. He hunted to kill off stress a lot. Normally, he ate his prey afterward. Kasha headed down out of the attic and went towards her brother's room, his door was ajar but no one was there.
    'Basement next.' Kasha thought, coming down the stairs. The basement door was closed, and she couldn't see any light coming from under the door.
    'Probably not there.' She thought, and sat down by the door, waiting just to see if maybe he'd come up from the basement.
  14. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Zal continued laying on his back, and eventually closed his eyes. He pictured himself being slected by the sorting hat to be in Slytherin. His father was patting him on the shoulder saying "I'm proud of you son!". Suddenly, in the middle of his father congradulating him, a rain cloud appeared above Zal and poured water all over him. Zal abruptly opened his eyes to see that it was only a crack in the cieling that was dripping water onto his pale face. With a sigh, he got up and began to exit the basement to find something to dry his face off with. Just as he opened the door, he noticed his sister sitting there quietly. Zal knelt down and stared at her with angry eyes.
    "What have I told you about eavesdropping?!" he said coldly.
  15. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Hmm?" Kasha said looking at him. She kept her cool, and stared back into his eyes. She knew a lot about body language and didn't even dare to swallow, it would give off her position as weak, and she didn't blink. She tried her best not to anyway.
    "I wasn't eavesdropping. If I was I would have run off by now. I was hoping you'd come. Since you weren't in your room nor the attic." She said, still keeping eye contact. She noticed Toklo stopped and watched them but continued on. He could tell they were probably going to have an argument. He sat down and licked his paws, and stood up and trotted up the stairs towards Kasha's room.
  16. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    "Whatever." Zal muttered. "But if I ever catch you simply sitting around here again, there will be consequences. I'm not afraid to use spells on anyone, especially not my little sister..."
    He got up and took out his wand and pointed it at the ground away from Kasha, but toward the stairs.
    "Serpensortia!" he whispered in yet another cold voice. Immediately, a snake appeared at his feet and began following Toklo's scent at quite a fast speed. "Now go save your little stupid cat."
    Zal began walking up the stairs.
  17. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Back off from him!" Kasha snapped, she wasn't afraid to stand up to Zal even though she knew she couldn't win.
    "Toklo-Danger!" She called, and Toklo turned around watching the snake. He found it more of prey. He wasn't worried about it. He crouched down and sprang at it, pinning it down under his paws. His teeth wrapped around its slender body, and he picked it up slamming it against the ground, once, hard, it killed the snake. Toklo looked up and hissed at Zal, his ears going flat against his head. He could understand Zal. Though, Toklo, could not talk back. He could only use body language. Toklo's body puffed up and he arched his back,
    "Toklo." Kasha said firmly, and Toklo looked at her, and all of his signs of anger seemed to disappear.
    "Anyway, mom says that dinner is ready." She noted to Zal, as Toklo came back down the stairs. He didn't want to go to sleep any more. He decided it would be safer to stay around Kasha. He rubbed around her legs, purring with his eyes closed, and then opened his eyes and sat down next to Kasha. Watching Zal.
  18. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Zal chuckled and turned around.
    "I bet your little cat wouldn't be able to do that to a ten foot snake." he said, waving his wand in the air. "Trust me, I've done it before. How do you think that homeless cat living in our basement dissapeared last week?"
    He made a hissing sound like a snake and knelt down face to face with Toklo.
    "You and my sister better not eavesdrop on me again." he whispered. "Or you'll be snake food...you have my word..."
    Zal laughed again and walked up the stairs.
  19. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "That cat was different. Toklo is smarter, and stronger." Kasha said, seriously, glaring at Zal. Toklo sensed her anger, and also felt anger. He felt threatened. His fur stood up, puffing out, as his fur became thicker and puffed out more, he was growing bigger. His eyes started to become surrounded by darkness and the center of them turned yellow. His snout grew out, and he pulled back his lips, growling. He had turned into a wolf. Toklo felt the pressure to jump out at Zal and bite him on the face but restrained himself, and instead, seemed to stand in front of Kasha, protectively. He exhaled heavily, and stopped growling, and his tail went down, relaxing. But he was still annoyed.
    "And don't think he can't understand you. He knows exactly what your saying." Kasha said, and looked at Toklo, who huffed and puffed out his coat. His fur was dark gray, and he had a tan belly, paws, and snout now that he was in a different form for the moment being.
  20. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Zal continued walking up the large staircase. For some odd reason, he had worry in his eyes and small drips of sweat were coming down from the top of his forehead. There were flashbacks running through his mind. Suddenly, he collapsed to the ground and knocked his head with a loud thud onto one of the steps. He lay there unconscious and the flashbacks continued. Some of them were of his childhood, but most of them seemed to be him, but not exactly. It seemed to be him, except larger, more muscular, and his skin even more pale than usual. Obviously, it was him as an adult. In each of the images, he was holding up his wand that produced a huge green light as he laughed. There was no sound, but Zal recognized the mouthing of the two words his adult self continued yelling.
    Avada Kadavra.
    The transitioning of the images went faster and faster until an entirely different image appeared of a bald man who had a flat nose and skin as pale and white as the moon. Zal knew about this man, Lord Voldemort, an evil wizard who had been killed by Harry Potter. Lord Voldemort seemed to be extending his arm downward, as if waiting for Zal to reach out and touch the cold hand. So, he did. Just as the two pale hands touched, everything went dark as Zal still lay there on the staircase, his heartbeat slowing down.
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