Harry Potter: The Beginning (Book 1)

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Singstar, Sep 29, 2008.

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  1. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    I have decided to make a role play about Harry Potter, but in a new and more modern sense. This role play will be in books, so I am planning on making about 5 books of Harry Potter. The reason I called it “Harry Potter†instead of “Wizarding School†is because there are going to be characters originated from the original Harry Potter Series. Example: A character is the son/daughter of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasly. I strongly suggest that have read all the books of Harry Potter, because this is a spoiler, and I am going to use all the books, including the last one.

    Requirements and Guidelines:
    1. Please use creativity in the names of the character. Don’t use something like “Harry Potter Jr.†or something like that. Use something more original and something that would fit your character well. This also counts for animals too. Use other names that aren’t used in the books.

    2. You get to choose what house your character is in. But please don’t make it so that all the characters are in Gryffindor and no characters in Slytherin or all the characters in Slytherin and none in Gryffindor. Also, please use the other houses also. There has to be a balance in houses. If I find that there are too many in one house, I will ask if some could be moved.

    3. Please have at least good grammar and punctuation. And also be able to write more then a one sentence post. Try to make a paragraph or two with some details.

    4. Romance only can be up to PG-14. Hugging and kissing and “making out†are fine, but when sexual content is concerned, take it to pm, or request a time skip. Also, I don’t mind homosexual relationship, but same rules apply.

    5. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to PM me.

    -Character Sheet
    Blood-type (Mudblood, Pureblood):
    Parents (according to the book, if not stated in the book, you may make up a character, but use at least one character in the book.):
    Appearance: (pictures are fine, but please use a link.):
    Pet: (Toad, cat, or owl, with an original name, origin, and a special quality of your animal):
    Specialty: (In terms of types of spells.)
    Wand: (what you wand is made of, and a special quality the wand has.):

    *You may take the Parentheses out.

    The Plot
    After twenty years of Voldermort’s death, Hogwarts have been overflowed with new witches and wizards. Some of the new students were children of recent witches and wizards that went to the school, like Hermione Granger, Ron Weasly, and the famous Harry Potter. He is famous for killing Voldermort. All is going well for twenty years, until a horror starts terrorizing Hogwarts. Mysteriously, students are disappearing, and other students are suddenly going into a “dying state.†No one knows what’s going on. Will this be the end of Hogwarts, or a new beginning of new heroes?
  2. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    -Character Sheet
    Name: Zal Malfoy
    Age: 15
    Year: 5
    Blood-type (Mudblood, Pureblood): Pureblood
    Parents (according to the book, if not stated in the book, you may make up a character, but use at least one character in the book.): Draco Malfoy and Gabrielle Lupin
    Appearance: (pictures are fine, but please use a link.):http://i238.photobucket.com/albums/ff229/Kibakun16/Anime%20Boys/Anime_Boy3.jpg
    Pet: (Toad, cat, or owl, with an original name, origin, and a special quality of your animal): Owl. Viztin. A snow white owl that comes immediately once Zal says its name.
    Bio: His father, Draco Malfoy, basically had Slytherin blood. Mr. Malfoy told him on his first day before going to Hogwarts that whatever house he got wouldn't matter. But, he was determined to get Slytherin. Unfortunately, the sorting hat sent him to Gryffindoor. Ever since, Zal doesn't talk much, but he is a very powerful wizard.
    Specialty: (In terms of types of spells.) Expecto Patronum, Incenido, Expliarmus, and Alohomora.
    Wand: Phenoix Wing and Snake Scale
  3. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    Your in!
    We start when we have two more people.
  4. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Name: Finnius Mager
    Blood-type: Half-blood.
    Parents: Fred Mager, Cho Chang.
    Appearance: http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm100/picmaster_014/Rp Pics/ClarenceRayne.jpg
    Pet: Owl, Humphery, Was his 11th birthday present from his mother, it's dark brown with white streaks, very loyal.
    Bio: Finnius' father was a muggle who fell in love with the witch Cho Chang. He was born and realized he was a wizard at age 5 when he made himself turn turqoise on accident.
    Specialty: He specializes in charms and transfiguration.
    Wand: Elm, 10 in, unicorn hair.
  5. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Name:Kasha Malfoy
    Parents: Draco Malfoy, Gabrielle Lupin(they didn't mention her name amirite?)
    Siblings:Zal Snith
    Appearance: Kasha is a fairly short, she always wears a black hoodie during the winter, and jeans with different coloured converse that have bright orange laces. During the summer she wears a different variety of shirts and Bermuda shorts but still wears the same converse. She takes mostly after her mother and has short brown hair, and brown eyes.
    Pet: Cat. His name is Toklo and he is able to transform into different species of animal by himself. He normally stays in his normal cat state, which is a gray and tan long-haired main coon, and only likes to change if Kasha is in trouble to protect her.
    Specialty: Kasha has developed spells for fire, but prefers to keep quiet about them, since she rarely will use them.
    Wand: Oak wood, unicorn mane, and a tiny bit of dragon blood.
    Personality: Kasha is a surprisingly caring individual, she doesn't care much about fitting in, but enjoys having people around to talk to besides Toklo. She doesn't really enjoy being around her father but enjoys being with her mother. Kasha is interested in drawing, and is good at it, even though she only draws house mammals(cats, dogs,ect;...) she will also take on the challenge of a new animal to draw and will occasionally draw abstract art. Kasha also has a good habit of reading, but, unfortunately, isn't interested in studying much for school nor does she enjoy listening to teachers talk during class.
  6. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Oh, I forgot to mention that my character is in Ravenclaw.
  7. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    Ok we can start..

    Jasmine looked at the Brick wall in front of her. She sighed. Another year at Hogwarts. This was her 6th year there. One more year, and then, maybe she gets to become her life long dream job, and Auror. She sighed and took her wand out.. She taped the walls three times. As she taped the wall, passerbyers looked at her weirdly. Why was she taping a wall with a stick muggles would questioned as they passed. When she was finished, she stood back waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, the walls began to expand. The walls expanded. then came apart, creating an archway. On the otherside, was a jubilent town, called Diagon Ally. People were rushing arround, going from shop to shop. Ths was a sign, it was time to go back to school. She sighed and walked into the archway, letter in hand , and her suitcase rolling behind her.
  8. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    OOC: Cool, although you never posted your character.

    BIC: Finnius Mager was walking through Diagon Alley with his mother, Cho Chang, now Cho Mager. She was helping him buy all the things he needed for his third year at Hogwarts.
  9. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    A cat rubbed around a girl's legs as she walked through diagon alley, the cat leaped up upon the girl's shoulder as passer-by's rushed passed her. She was with her father.
    "Daddy," She said in a sweet voice to her father. Draco Malfoy. He looked down at her. "I think Toklo is getting hungry."
    "I'm sure he can wait a little bit. We just need to finish getting your books, Kasha." He said in a surprisingly calm voice. Kasha never really enjoyed being around her father. He seemed to always hover over her. Protective. Sometimes, he just annoyed her all together, she liked being with her mother a lot more. Her mother was a muggle. Kasha remembered when she was younger they used to play around like they were in the wild, or that they were witches sometimes even Toklo would join in but he was still just a kitten that her father had gotten for her, after giving into the two years of wanting a pet.
    Today was different, her father seemed in a calmer mood today. Almost relieved.
  10. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    Zal walked through the crowded streets of Diagon Alley. His owl, Viztin, sat peacefully on his right shoulder. He whispered into the owl's ear.
    "Viztin, get me all the supplies on my list and the newest broomstick available within one hour or I'll make sure that you never see broad daylight again."
    The owl made a low sound almost like a growl. Zal handed the owl his list and a sack of money. It flew away to do what its master had demanded.
    "Here again for the fourth time..." he muttered. "Why Hogwarts? Why Griffindoor?...why me?"
    Zal stopped speaking and continued walking through the crowded streets.

    OOC: Um...it doesn't make sense that Kasha and Zal have the same father but different mother. We should fix that...
  11. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    OOC: I just realized something, you both have Draco Malfoy as your father, but with two different mothers.
  12. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Oh sorry about that, man. You posted while I was making the bio. I'll fix it.
  13. Singstar Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 21, 2007
    In my schools closet....
    OOC:I noticed this too...do you mind both of you being brother and sister?
  14. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    OOC: Sure, but who will be the mother?
  15. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC://Uh, I'll edit what I have for the mother. :3
  16. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    OOC: Ok, thanks.
    Zal began to think about his sister. She had always been the perfect one. Always smart in wizardry, even though she was just about to start going to Hogwarts this year. Always beautiful. Always sneaky. Always better.
    "Kasha..." he whispered under his breath. "Why can't father be proud of me the way he's proud of you?"
  17. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Finnius was wearing a new robe while the robe maker sewed it together.
  18. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Kasha looked over at her brother and went quiet. She looked at Toklo, he seemed to just...shrug. He obviously knew what he said but didn't want to say anything about it to Kasha. Kasha narrowed her eyes at Toklo and looked at her father, she rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands and stayed quiet.
    "It's going to rain later today." Kasha said suddenly, the air felt heavy, Toklo seemed to agree though he couldn't talk.

    OoC://No problem. I actually like it better like this. lol. I gotta go I might post once more but I doubt it. I'll be on tomorrow!
  19. riku1186 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 5, 2007
    ooc: Could I join?
    Name: Robbie Clark
    Age: 16
    Year: sixth
    Blood-type: Half-blood
    Parents: Joshua Clark, Katie Bell

    Appearance: http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l78/narukami_2006/246245310_l.jpg
    Pet: Cat, will only leaves his side when he is in class.
    Bio: He is a sixth year student, he keeps to himself. He aimed to get put in
    Gryffindor, but got put in Ravenclaw instead; he is good in all his classes.
    Specialty: Stupefy, Rictusempra, Petrificus Totalus, Lumos
    Wand: Holly wood with lion hair.

    House: Ravenclaw
  20. Ventez Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 1, 2008
    As Zal continued walking, he heard someone whisper something behind him.
    "What a loser. He's all wimpy and pathetic cuz he didn't get into stupid Slytherin."
    Zal turned around quickly.
    "Flipendo." he whispered, and the boy who had been insulting him was knocked into a wall and then fell to the ground.
    Zal looked at him, and then continued walking, not really caring if the boy began to bleed or not.
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