What are some bosses that really gave you hell your first time playing through a game? This is, of course, assuming you didn't over level during your first playthrough and only leveled by fighting bosses and random encounters along the way, but not actually looking for battles or using some skill that can put you into a random battle. Mine would be the third Droguza fight from Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits. I kept getting game over after game over. One of my friends that I regularly hang with came over (we were early or mid teens at this point, IIRC) and managed to help. This is the battle here in my first walkthrough of the game (obviously, I didn't have problems then), but it gives you an idea. Skip to 29:22 and watch until 39:10. Spoiler: Droguza There's also the final boss, The Lord of the Black Abyss, of course, but what kind of game has an easy final boss? Here's another that's not my recording showing how devastating he can be: Spoiler: Droguza Part 1 - Skip to 9:52 Spoiler: Droguza Part 2 - Stop at 12:13 Then there's Empyrea from Dragon Quest VIII. She gave me a hell of a time, too. This isn't my recording, but the one I did didn't really give me any trouble. Spoiler: Empyrea Part 1 Spoiler: Empyrea Part 2 Spoiler: Empyrea Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcWFsFA0-rU[/SPOILER]
Hmm... Hardest boss optional: Sephiroth of KHII, hands down. The non-optional boss, I'd have to think a bit.
Yeah, just to clarify, I'm referring to plot boss encounters. I don't count optional ones because they are optional. Although Darkdramon, an optional boss in Digimon World Data Squad, was incredibly strong. I kept getting my ass handed to me.
Greymon on Digimon World 1, but it was more of bad luck than anything, I was pretty weak at the time and had no idea it'd come up. Shadow Yukiko on vanilla Persona 4, it's like the put the whole difficulty of the game on a single boss and left everything so else it almost beats itself (except maybey Shadow Mitsuo, he's decent). 70% of the Tartarus bosses on higher floors Persona 3. The full moon bosses were a letdown though. Anubis right after you first get Zero Shift on ZoE 2, though I sucked hard in that game. I'd list Whitney's Miltank but abusing items on pokémon always breaks through anything, but she gets a mention for making me use em on the first place. There's a move that makes someone's speed a set value, it singlehandledly breaks the game by making you take 8~turns before the boss if you use it on them. Try it together with items that make your stats skyrocket.
Hmm, well when I was younger, most of the bosses in Legend of Dragoon gave me a really rough time, especially when I fought Kongol the first time. I remember it took me days, (in reality weeks, but my mom didn't let us play on weekdays), and after that I just had hard time after hard time. 'Course when i got older, it got easier, but for simplicity's sake, pretty all of those. I also had a rough time with Maleficent in the first Kingdom Hearts. I swear, I don't know why, but she was always such a pain....and so was having to see that scene over and over. Then there was Azul and Nero in Dirge of Cerberus. I beat them the first try, but they gave me one heck of an annoying time, just because Azul you HAD to use magic, which I never used, and Nero....well, I don't know what the F Nero was using to fight you with. Was there an different dimension in that game?
Optional: Sephiroth - KH1 Required: hmmmm, Persona 4 Yukiko 's Shadow, my god I quit that game twice from it.
Just naming a few I could remember from a while ago that aren't optional. Fire Leo (Viewtiful Joe) Alma - Awakened (Ninja Gaiden Black) Malus - Shadow of the Colossus
Optional: Sephiroth in KHI. Man that was hard.... Required. Malus in Shadow of the Colossus. It took me a while to beat the boss...
Nice to see other people had trouble with Shadow Yukiko haha. Aside from her, I don't think I've had any real issues with video game bosses? The only other notable one I could think of was the final boss of TWEWY, but that was mainly my fault because I barely stat trained. :v
The first thing that comes to mind for me when I think of insanely difficult boss battles -optional or otherwise- are the Devil Survivor games. Lucifer in the first game for optional, and Polaris and his billions of demons/extra forms in the second. Honorable mention to Shadow Kanji. Took me ETERNITY to finally beat him. ETERNITY. Although, Shadow Yukiko gave me some trouble, too, admittedly.
Jatayu from Digital Devil Saga, made all the more aggravating because everyone else seems to think it's an easy boss. - Highest-tier elemental spells? Yup. He has at least one that targets all your party members. - Getting as many turns as your entire party even though he's alone? Yup. - Boosting his own stats? Yup. - Lowering your stats? Yup. - Insta-death spells? Yup. - Bunch of elemental immunities? Yup. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! When you do beat him, you face another boss immediately after. As in, you don't even get to see the experience screen, let alone heal. BUT WAIT, THERE'S STILL MORE! Like I said, everyone considers this an easy (pair of) boss(es) for some reason. That includes the game itself. Unlike most other bosses in the game, this one isn't preceded by a save point. So if you lose (which I often did), you'll have rush back to him in a very annoying area. Then again, this is the same game that has spawned what is generally considered as the hardest RPG boss ever... Look up "Demi-Fiend" and see what a truly brutal boss fights like. (And no, I haven't beaten him yet. Haven't tried either.)
omg Without a doubt Sleeping Table in Persona 3 Spoiler: that evil evil table video It was hard for me and took me at least 20 tries. With grinding inbetween tries and learning a strategy. In the end I mostly won because of luck.