So I'm thinking of running a new mafia game, this will be similar to the classic set up but with a few more roles that you haven't seen before (on khv at least). I need 13 players for this. So if you've completely missed the last two games, mafia is a game with two sides, TOWN and MAFIA. The aim of the game is to kill all the members of the opposing team or get to a point where they can't prevent you doing that. Spoiler: How to play in more detail (credit to Nova) Basics A basic game consists of two factions, Town and Mafia, each side trying to kill the other. The Town outnumber the Mafia significantly (usually 3-1 or 4-1), but they don't know who's who; only the Mafia know who their teammates are. The game is over when one or the other side is wiped out. For the Town, this means eliminating every last Mafiosi; for the Mafia, it means reducing the Town's number to equal their own, at which point they automatically overrun the survivors. Day and Night The game plays out in Day and Night phases. By Day, all players deliberate and choose a player to be lynched, casting votes for their pick. Once someone is lynched, their alignment is revealed and the Night phase begins, where the Mafia meets in secret and votes to kill a player. (Other actions may occur at Night; see Roles and Powers below.) Voting You may vote to lynch a player by posting ##Vote: [Player name]. (Those ##s are important! It helps the mod find your vote.) You may also retract your vote using ##Unvote (No player name needed, but it helps). Remember to bold these commands, or they won't count! The number of votes required to lynch a player is (# of living players ÷ 2) + 1. This is known as majority, or hard lynch. Once a player reaches this number, the Day phase ends IMMEDIATELY; no more posts may be made, nor votes cast. If a hard lynch is not reached, the person with the most votes at the end of the day will be lynched. If there is a tie, it will be chosen randomly from people with the most votes (so randomly from everyone if no votes are made). Endgame The game ends when either all the mafia are dead or when town cannot prevent the mafia from killing them all (i.e. the mafia are the majority). The players will also be informed at Day start if lynching Town that Day will cause them to lose (Mislynch and Lose, or MyLo) or if they must lynch Mafia in order to avoid losing (Lynch or Lose, or LyLo). Roles and Powers For most players, the only way to affect the game is with their vote; but sometimes you may be gifted with special roles. These roles can have passive effects, such as protecting you from an attempt on your life; or they can allow you to take unique actions, like investigating a player's alignment. Power roles affect you even if you don't have one, so make sure you know which ones are which and how they work before you sign up! Links to previous games (if you want an example of how it works) Classic Mafia Lovers Mafia People Playing Marushi Mish Makaze Splodge Reserve Players (in case someone has to stop playing for whatever reason)
Sooo a lot of people currently seem either busy or they want to take a break from mafia for a bit as it can be stressful. Due to this I think we may struggle to get enough people. Therefore I wanted to get peoples opinions on if you think I should maybe delay the game for like a month or two or until people start missing the games. This wouldn't be cancelling it completely and I already have the OP prepared so at a later date I could easily set it up. I could still wait though and see if enough people join. Sooo thoughts, should I try really hard to recruit people to run it now or should I delay it for a while? If I end up delaying it, if sometime in the future several of you are itching for another game then please let me know and I'll set up another interest thread.
Hmm... Maybe give it a couple more days, but if it doesn't seem to be picking up, you could try again in a month or so. :)