Hara Ga Kuroi Akuma

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by DesX, Jan 29, 2008.

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  1. DesX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 29, 2008
    OOC: It's Yami, not Yumi XD

    IC: "That monster Yami is still alive somewhere...it has to be. Nothing else could make this." Des thought to himself. Turning around, Des noticed that the two people he had been attempting to protect where at his side now. The boy had consumed a large mass of darkness, an element they both shared and the girl, from what he could tell, had his other primary element, fire. This worked out perferctly. If they were going to take this thing down, they would have to do it together.

    "All right, seeing that we're all here..."Des said still looking at the two people before him,"I think it's time to take this thing down." Des drew upon Ryuuga's power once more, now gaining his signature red triangles on his cheeks and forearms. He then imbued both of his weapons with the element of fire, making them almost like torches.
  2. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    Nate kept gaining power and he decided he could use some of Silx's strength to controll himself still and with that his shadow figure got red tips on his hair and his finger nails and also a large red spike that could be used to puncture ptrotruded out of his elbow and now even his swords had a thin red line going down them and his eyes were a bright scary shade of red.

    "alright" said nNate although his voice when he spoke was as if multiple people were synchronized speaking inside of him so his voice was altered, "time to show Yami what he is up against"

    "indeed" said Silx apering behind him though not completely physically and he looked almost exactly like Nate now.
  3. XxRukiaKuchikixX Merlin's Housekeeper

    "I believe I can help you with that," said a voice from behind them.
    "Ooh, are we going to fight?" the demon inside him asked.
  4. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    "alright..." Rose said and her staff began to glow a bright blue. But she quickly turned around when she noticed somebody behind them. Who's this...? she thought but then blinked. Ahh... so he has a demon, too... Rose smirked. "So... another has come to join the fight..." she said. "Alright... let's just get this over with..." She didn't like to waste her time fighting.
  5. XxRukiaKuchikixX Merlin's Housekeeper

    kyanru closed his eyes and drew out some of Clyix's power, changing his apperance.
  6. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    Nate took his swords and twirled them around once and then dashed at the rose and quickly stabbed the rose and hoped that his sword would stay put and wsince it did he used his inhuman strength form the darkness to use it as a springboard and launched up to try and get onto a pedal and as he did, he summoned his sword that he left behind back to him and was fully equiped and ready to fight anything that got in his way.

    ooc: ok Desx is going to tell you this anyways so i might as well... posts must be at least 1 paragraph each
  7. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Bear sighed, looking out across the city while standing on the top of the clock tower. He could see strange smoke coming from a village near by. "Hmmmmm, isn't that odd. I wonder what could possibly be going on over there. Hope the people in the village are ok" bear mumbled.

    "Hey, think you could possibly stop mumbling to yourself. I was finally getting some sleep, and your dam mumbling woke me up." arren said, just waking up.

    "Wine wine wine, that's all you do, isn't it. Maybe next time I'll wake you up with some of that operah singing that you love so much." bear said with a grin.

    "Fine, fine, I get your point. Just don't make me listen to the operah music for gods sake." arren said, settling down
  8. DesX Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 29, 2008
    OOC: So uhhh I noticed that people stopped posting here after CtR made that new rule for this section <_<
  9. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    ooc: i was just waiting for someone else to post so i could build off that....(i thik everyone else had that idea too)
  10. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    OOC- yeah... that was my idea... XD XD I'll see what I can do...

    Rose held the staff firmly in both hands and hel it out towards the Rose. All the living creatures of the earth... humans and demons of all kinds... lend me your power so that I may defeat this fowl beast... The spirits are with us... let us rejoice in victory...! Kari no Rose Petal Spiral! She said as she started to glow red, spinning around quickly. Needles shot out in every direction but the only thing they even came close to hitting was the rose.
  11. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    Nate saw the needles flying through the air as the girl used one of her auras. he thought of how hard it must have been to draw up enough energy to even summon those needles especially in the state that she was in now, but luckly the sooner this was over the better for her so as he was on top of the roses petals he had his swords out and made a whip out of darkness and attempted to get the whip around the creatures body to drag him down to the ground. He tried, and tried, and tried and after dodging a lot of attacks at him he finally got it wrapped securly around so he pulled the creature near him, with it thrashing vicously, he would deffinatly not survived this if he were a normal human but noneintheless he got the upper hand and threw the creature off the rose and stayed on the top of the creature so he would land safely and hopefully the creature would get hurt and he landed witha sickening crunch but of course the behemoth was to stronge so nothing hurt him and the creature finally got controll over nate and trashed him off of itself.

    "well, i got it down at least" he said quietly brushing off some debris of wood from his shadowy appearence.
  12. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Rose abruply stopped spinning and fell to her knees, panting. "Curse this weak human body..." she muttered to herself. I better try and take it easy... her body can't withstand much more... she thought and stood back up, gripping the staff.
  13. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    Nate recognized the error in his plan late, he had now made it open for all of them to attack the behemoth all at once but also he made it so to the mehemoth could attack them so he desperatly summoned his swords again and dashed at the creature with inhuman speeds and slashed at the arm of it but it easly dodged it and he stabbed with the other swor just barely managing to slice it but not harm it very much at all so he tuned around and summoned more darkness to cover him and give himenergy and to creat another condessensed orb but he knew it would not kill it but only harm it and once he had condesned it far enough he through it at the behemoth who looked suprised by how small it was so it decided not to dodge but instead of just hitting him it exploded and Nate was sure the monster had felt a very fair amount of pain going through it's body/
  14. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Instantely, Rose ran forward and shot balls of multicolored aura at it, trying to injure it as much as possible. She grinned when she saw the Behemoth start to get hurt a little, but it wasn't long before Rose couldn't use her body anymore. Akari's body had grown too weak, and Rose couldn't keep controlling it, so she was forced to the back of her mind and Akari fell to the ground. Shoot... she thought and left Akari's mind... partially. She appeared as a ghostly figure right next to her body. She couldn't fight or do anything but watch and speak.
  15. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    Nate looked around and although they had been fighting very hard they were weakening, and only he it seemed had a large amount of energy but if he kept taking that energy he would soon become nothing mroe thatn a literal shadow and could not do anything, so he made his last resort and pulled on silx's power too much so he would lose controll but befor he did lose controll he turned to his partners in fighting and said

    "wait, nate N-!" but silx was taken off gaurd and he lost all his strength because Nate had taken it.
  16. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Rose simpily crossed her arms. "She can't run... and I can't do anything... her body is in no condition to move..." she said to Nate and watched as he took his energy. She laughed. "That was a foolish decision..." she said.
  17. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    Nate only had time to say one thing and that was "suit yourself" and he set out a visous number of attacks usig many wepons changing between each strikes and he continued to attack for about 10 minutes straight and the behemoth was losing controll over the fight because of Nate's speed and Nate struck the finishing blow's on the behmoth and turned around as the moster roared into the sky and ignored him advancing on akari with his sword held high but akari and he himself was lucky because his darkness ran out befor he could kill akari and befor he would take to much energy to become a shadow and when nate returned he was back to his normal self but he colopsed.
  18. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    Rose blinked when she saw Nate fall. "Another one unconcious..." she muttered. "And his demon is out, too..." She noticed that Akari had regained a bit of strength and she used that strength to gain control of her. then she picked Nate up and ran out of the village. I used to love that place... to bad it got destroyed... she thought.
  19. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    Nate woke up and was being carried and he spazzed out and flailed but it was a very powerful flail because his muscles had been so strained that they felt like jello and he could hardly move them and his arms felt as heavy as 4 tons
  20. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    "Stop... moving... around!" Rose said and let out a yell as she fell over with Nate on top of her. "Ow..." She rubbed the back of her head because she hit it on the ground.
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