Happy Second KH-Vids! V3.0 Finally Releases!!!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Deathspank, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. Deathspank Banned

    Aug 16, 2006
    Hey all! Happy second KH-Vids!!! Wow, I can't believe we're already two years down the line. I never thought we'd make it this far. Sure enough, over 1 million posts and 20,000 users later, I was proven wrong. It's nice to have something happening in the middle of what seems to be a dismal season for Kingdom Hearts. All the staff, members, everyone...guys, you all have my eternal gratitude.

    So here I am, making this nice little news snippet. I've been awake since noon yesterday putting this sucker (V3) together. After months of planning and procrastination, I think everything looks good so far. All video links are working, save for two or three. We're working on a new homepage technique here, one that involves the community much more. We'll see how it works out. I'm hoping for all the best.

    Again, thank you all for coming... and we're glad you're here.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Deathspank, Dec 19, 2007.

    1. keyblade bearer
      keyblade bearer
      A awesome skin and layout dudes!!!!

      Me too!!!!Happy 2nd birthday kh.vids!!!!!!!!!!Excuse ne for size...XP!!!!This skin is awesome!!!Fantastic!!!!!!Maybe,but I preferred the dark blue...but is anyway awesomeawesomeawwesome!!!!!!!!Good work staff!!!

      P.S.:with "the video links work..."do you mean that there was a problem????Oh!!!!I've finally understanded why don't upload my videos!!!!!!thanks!!!!!!
    2. C
      I'm loving the new skin it seriously reminds me of the one on the old forum <3
    3. Gwen
      Will the old skin ever be back as an option?
    4. P
      Ugh... I want my old skin... please?
      Eh, it's likeable. It has a cute fluffly feeling to it, aww.

      My pink name stands out better!

      EDIT D: @ invisible sig.
    6. TheMuffinMan
      I liked V2 a lot better, it was easier to navigate, and personally I like dark skins that don't burn my eyes, so I'm not really feeling the new design =\

      but whatever, lol ¯\(o.o)/¯
    7. Enigmatic Boy
      Enigmatic Boy
      Wow this is awesome DS! It looks quite cool IMO!
    8. Repliku
      I hate to say it but I really liked the former skin we had for the page, though I am happy to see the links are working better. I can't even read the yellows or pinks people use now for font colors and well it just is way too bright for my eyes. Is there any chance you could please make two skins, keeping this one for those who like it and making the old one as a choice for users so that we can set the preference? I really have nothing in 'white' as an absolute background because it's just too bright.
    9. Twilight--XIII
      Cheers, for the second b-day of KH-V's!

      I was happy to see there was a new skin, but it might take a while to get used to all the white... oh well, one step closer to getting used to living in a place like Castle Oblivion/The Castle that Never Was? xD
    10. Ansem59
      awsome deathspank you really went all out with the new skin....... GREAT JOB!!!!!!!! :D
    11. DarknessKingdom
      Dude...when I saw this new skin, I went freaking nuts...in a good way, of course.


      It's just awesome...it's a little bit bright but hey, w/e.
    12. La Sofa
      La Sofa
      At first I didn't like much, but now that I am more used it, I like it a lot!
    13. Desmonic
      Wow!! over 1 million post! That's awsome!! :D And this new version looks really cool!! Really, wonderful job!! All we need now, is some KH news!! But now is time to celebrate!! :cheers:
    14. Cocohints
      *sorry for another post, buuuut..*

      The blue is MUCH BETTER on the eyes, and also more suitable for the buttons and layout. Thanks for hearing out pleas about removing the bright white. :3 Happy holidays to you!
    15. khmaniac101
      looks absolutely awesome much better than the last one also thanks for the vid links being recreated because I accidentally deleted my cutscenes and It helps not having to look all over filefront for them thanks again
    16. Sunshine Sailor Senshi
      Sunshine Sailor Senshi
      The new skin is awesome! I love it! I'm trying to post around more for my KH Vid's anniversary resolution.
    17. Darkcloud
      This looks good, but at the same time the format is so foreign to me that I'm going to be lost and confused for weeks...but then again, I get lost in the small town that I live in, so that's to be expected, I guess. Here's to the new KH-Vids.net V3!
    18. Raxivace
      I don't mean to be rude, but this pretty much sums up my feelings about it.
    19. kitty_mckechnie
      Now if only you were here! ;P

      This new skin is starting to grow on me. Good job. ^^
    20. Poki#3
      I hate it. When I saw this, the 1st thing I thought was that I miss-clicked my bookmarks, and the 2nd thing I thought was that the site got hacked and this is someones idea of a joke...

      Is there a way to change it back? T.T