Happy birthday darling! D-don't get me wrong, i-it's not like we love you or anything... Anways, have a good one madam, hope you get what you want and that today is rather special for you!
Mishy Mishy Mo Mishy, Mo Manna Manna Mo Wishie. Me My Mo Mishy, MISHY Happy Birthday you crazy kid c: Enjoy it. Live long and prosp-*shot*
Happy birthday Mish~ For some reason I recall one year you drew me a picture with Elmo on it for my birthday, but that sounds really odd and I'm not sure if it's true, so I feel odd doing the same for you. Hope you have a lovely day & so on
Ohhhhh yooooou. n__n Thanks. I went out to a ~fancy~ restaurant with a few friends. Thank you! Thank you. c: god just admit your undying love for me already Cheeeers. <3 Forky Forky Fo Forky. Thank you. c: Sabbyy <33333 Umm. Now that you mention it, I vaguely recall.. did I draw him driving a bus? .__. Darn, another example of my genius, lost to time. Thank you, stranger. c: Thank you, Arr-Vee-Arrrr!