Thanks for this. Despite my hardly being on lately. (As evidenced by my not seeing this until now) It actually felt pretty weird not being here on my birthday, but I haven't had much spare time the last few days. Lots of fun scheduling, like seeing Skillet on Saturday, just not time to just hang out. So how have things been going? ... Help! I keep line breaking to try and say something not-awkward but it isn't working!
And you being invisib-- *shot* Things are going great. For me personally, I'm just waiting patiently to hear about my staff application.
I would think you would want to know about the response to the application, but I would be happy to PM you about the application itself.
I'm pretty sure you are in the confidetiality loop on the information you sent us. If you wanted to know about someone else's app, that would be a different story.
I love how the avatar GIF has also stopped at a place that makes the skull look so trollish xD We should hopefully send messages out to people in response to their applications soon, so please remain patience for a bit longer.