
Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Peace and War, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    A lot of people think they can tell you what your happiness is.

    It's getting a good job, a family with kids, a good house in a good neighbourhood. The reality of that varies differently. A good job where you're an abusive boss. A family where you cheat on your spouse, where you're overworked to see your kids much. Where your house bills are racking up with the inflation, and the neighbourhood is full of elitist bigots. One of many sorts of dystopian examples. Of course, it could always turn out perfect, but there are 7 billion people in the world, 2 billion in Western society, not all of them can fit into the mould.

    So they have to find happiness elsewhere. Most of the time, it's a quick fix, drugs, prostitutes, affairs, gambling, domestic abuse, something to feel comforted or in control of their life again, like they can fight against the nature of the society they live in. It's a self destructive happiness, its moreish stuff that you keep coming back to, with diminishing returns always looking for that same sort of buzz.

    The question is, what is happiness? The definition is obvious, the feeling as well, we all have felt it briefly.
    Without going into too much detail, there is great wisdom in the monks of Asia. People living simple lives, pushing their minds and bodies to the limits and further. And they are happy. For decades they are content. Surrounded by like minded friends in poverty, they can smile. This hectic modern life rushes fast so damn fast, nothing stays, everything moves and trying to keep up with it all, everything that is thrown in your way, it is hard to feel in control. Yet if you can focus on something, work, relationships, family, making them and yourself better, achieving your dreams then you can take control.

    I am a writer. I write, duh. I write a lot and I work to make my stuff better. It's still crap, but I have to keep going and working. Some days after working I sit back and realise the stuff i've done. It comes out of a sort of need to feel like i've done something with my life, credit to it almost. Without work, i'm a lazy slob like so many, like I use to be. I could list a lot of stuff and be content to die tomorrow knowing it. But not happy. I have aims to be happy, or at least what I think will make me happy. And if it doesn't? Then I'll keep looking till I die for more, but that's for latter. And I think knowing I don't fear death, or at least fear being forgotten never to walk this world again in this form, gives me some willingness to go ahead with my stupid dreams, ha. Whether i achieve them or are crippled by them, we'll see.

    Another rambling thought process that I needed to put somewhere. Maybe this will give you something, maybe not. But you've read it, thank you.
  2. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    But hey, this was beautiful PaW! The subject of happiness, makes me happy.
    I think though that you can find happiness anywhere, lately, I've been very happy with many things (especially after my whole medical scare) and I like to find happiness in everything - despite how grumpy a morning can start out to be or how annoying school can get. Sometimes it's hard but I try to make it simple. Even the thought of something that could bring me happiness makes me happy already hehe. It's something to always look forward to and once you've already achieved that - it's time to find something else to look forward to.

    I don't actually know if I'm making sense, I just woke up but PaW, this was great to read. You're super wonderful and happiness will be sure to embrace you and sparkle around and all that~ Hooray!!
  3. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    I saw two sociological studies on happiness recently. It seems indeed that poorer societies are happier, but I don' t think it' s because of their low income per say. I' m pretty sure I' d be thoroughly bored out of my mind if I was to live with those monks.

    The second study established that the less you lie about who you are the happier you' ll be. You' re gay ? Don' t be in the closet. You' re an atheist ? Don' t pretend you believe in god. You get the picture. I get the feeling people are happier in poorer societies simply because those tend to be less repressive. In short, be you, whoever that is. Probably easier said than done though ...
  4. Anixe Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 28, 2007
    Dim Sum Palace
    Happiness is always relative .
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    You're sweet as always Dinny. Thank you.

    And don't worry, I wrote this before going to bee and didn't proof read, and I ramble like an idiot as it goes on. You make sense enough.

    I saw an economic documentary on Bhutan, the happiest country in the world. They live in relative poverty to us, but ranked top of happiness and there were many theories as to why. Only recently they acquired TV, which actually reduced their happiness, which many theorised was because of more news coverage that show how crappy the world is. I think poverty also equates sometimes to lesser information and knowledge on subjects. Ignorance is bliss, is the saying, and it holds merit.

    I try to be as truthful as I can. After resolving to stop lying to people about who I am so many years ago I felt free. Lies emotionally isolate and trap you, locking away the truth reinforces the feeling that you're alone and you can't let anyone in. I try not to bullshit with anyone too, they know where they stand with me generally, and that even if I don't like them I tolerate them and would still laugh at jokes with them even though I do think they're a ****** person. If they leave me alone, they do so, if they stay then they do so. One girl whose basically latched onto and off of my friends for years and is generally a downer and uses them as friends out of desperation, i've told her how I feel about her. I don't invite her out if I organise stuff and try to have fun even if my friends invite her. I'm happy with this arrangement.

    But yeah, madness.
  6. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    I remember when I met happiness... Ho baby...


    and... AWAY


    I really did and in all seriousness I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say it was cool of you to share this with the community. I gained nothing from it personally, but I hope you succeed in your dreams.
  7. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    It also equates to higher mortality rate and lower life expectancy. I' ll take my chances and stick with knowledge. XD