I need to write a persuasive essay and I decided I don't like the subject I already chose (especially because I didn't know enough about it when I SUBMITTED AN OUTLINE ALREADY). Someone give me a topic, I'm begging you. ;__;
The assignment is that it has to be on a "controversial issue." The one I had chosen was the Arizona Bill from not very long ago, but I wrote my outline under the assumption that it was targeting LGBT+ people. Evidently, it isn't (at least, not specifically). So not only am I a little embarassed, but I'm just not feeling it for that topic anymore. :S
Whenever I have an open topic for a paper (especially an argumentative one), I usually do something related to feminism / women's rights, just because I feel quite passionately about the subject. And it usually works out pretty well... so that's my recommendation. Pick something you are naturally interested in (bonus points if it affects you directly!) and you'll do well.
Like Misty said, think about something that affects you personally. That really helped me out back when I was taking an English course in college three years ago.
You could continue with your Arizona Bill, either focus on the LGBT+ issues or broaden it to involve everyone who would be affected by the bill. You could switch over to what's going on in Ukraine right now (super controversial). If you want something less specific, I found this site which has 10 of them. Feeling un-American? Try the Iraq war. Veeery controversial. You could do the Israeli-Palestinian issues right now. How broad does this need to be? Specific country? Specific time range? Does it need to be within the last 10 years?
uugghh i hate writing persuasive papers i love writing historical ones though. just wrote one actually and have a second one to write here in a min. i had a class last semester where we did nothing but write persuasive papers. i chose things that i might be interested in doing with my life for topics. it actually worked out well and taught me a lot about myself. if you cant come up with some arbitrary topic pick something that either hits close to home or you would like to learn about. not only is it easier to think of something that way but its easier to actually write the paper.
My problem is that I can't think of anything really controversial that affects me, even looking at Google results for topic suggestions... @__@
Well, it doesn't have to be something that directly affects you. I've written argumentative papers on things I honestly couldn't get into, and it turned out pretty well. Given your interests, you could probably talk about something like video games: are they art or not, gendered writing in television with a focus on like...Doctor Who or something (inb4misty), or you could talk about an issue from the past that piques your interest.
stg I thought after "that's my recommendation" you were gonna say DO A FEMINISM PAPER SPREAD THE WORD
So I got three ideas down last night, then this morning started coming up with supports for each of the things. And as I went through the first one, I was like, "Oh my Arceus, why is this even a thing? This is so stupid! I am going to tell the world why they are wrong!" and got really riled up about it. So that's the story of how I've decided to do my essay on victim blaming. Thanks for the help, everyone~[DOUBLEPOST=1394143769][/DOUBLEPOST]...Downside: Feeling sick to my stomach reading stuff about Steubenville again.