What should I stow away (temporarily) for my Vibrava in Pokémon White 2? I'm about to battle Drayden and want a good second counter. So far, I have: Leavanny, Level 38 Slash Bug Bite Leaf Blade Protect Emboar, Level 38 Flame Charge Heat Crash Hammer Arm Rollout Lucario, Level 38 Force Palm Quick Attack Shadow Claw Swords Dance Zoroark, Level 38 Return Faint Attack Night Slash Foul Play Braviary, Level 39 Fly Shadow Claw Slash Aerial Ace Vaporeon, Level 39 Surf Muddy Water Quick Attack Aurora Beam Vaporeon is who I planned to use as a counter. Help?
IMO, I'd say put leavanny out for the time being and use Vibrava. I only say that because I'm not too much of a fan of it, and grass type moves aren't going to get your very far against dragon types. Granted fire types aren't either with Emboar, but at least it has rollout, and great physical attack and decent defense
Yup, Leavanny ain't going to do crap to Dragons. What do you plan to have on Flygon? I'm guessing you don't have the TM for Earthquake yet
Plan to have Dragon Tail, Dragonbreath, Earthquake, and I'm not sure about the last one yet. I will be using Leavanny after Drayden for sure though, because Marlon is water-type
I'd recommend Flamethrower, or Fire Punch/ThunderPunch if you can get the tutor. Maybe Toxic if your Flygon's defensive enough.
Might go with Fire Punch until I get the Flamethrower TM since my Flygon is set to e special based on his nature
You know, if your Flygon is a Sp. Attacker, it might be better to put Dragon Pulse instead of Dragon Tail, unless you want to use it for its effect, but that's also only if you have the stuff for the move tutor.
Definitely Leavanny. Also if you ever want to battle hit me up, I have a team in White that's decent and I love me some pokeymans.
Soon as I get my game back, I'll hit you up....just give me about a month and a half XD. I'll admit, it'll be nice to play against other people in pokemon again, since it was really the only reason I played it as much as I did a few years ago. Other than that, I would just keep replaying the game over and over, doing the same stuff all the time. Granted, I liked the story, but it does get old when you play it for the 20th+ time
Dragon Tail is learned upon Evolution. Although his attack is the same as his Sp Atk. He just gets a boos in Sp Atk I'll be sure to. I could use the practice.
If we talking about the battling of Pokemons...I can't get my house wi-fi to work with my DS ._. BUT THERE'S THIS
Huh, first time I've managed to get that to work. Wanna have a go? I'd like to give this a try. Also, for the wifi, is it because you have a WPA wifi with a DS Lite or lower generation? Because that's what kept me from going online since we went from WEP to WPA. At least now it doesn't matter, since 3DS is compatible for WPA. And soon as they get something more annoying than WPA I'm going to go murder the person who came up with the idea
Yeah alright. Name will be HayabusaZeroZ. I'll do a match before I get on with my day lol And I have a DS Lite still. We changed internet earlier this year to Century Link so I guess that did it.
Yeah, I remember when I wasn't able to get online. I had no clue about the whole WEP and WPA wifi stuff, so one day I tried to get online, and it wouldn't let me. I did an error check and I didn't understand, so I asked my dad what was up with the wifi, and he told me he changed it. I looked online and found out that only the DSi and above could work with WPA