So it is almost that time of the year, where kids and kids-at-heart dress up and go door to door collecting candy~~~ so what are you guys dressing up as?
First year I won't be trick or treating, probably. Need to cut it off somewhere, unfortunately. Will steal candy from my siblings though. Instead, I'm going to watch as many horror movies I can. Also, is going to dress as Ghostface and scare children. My bedroom is outside, separate from the main house, and near the front door. So, m going to put a tarp over my door, wait for kids to ring the main doorbell, and then jump out and scare them.
Halloween is overrated. I love the ambiance of this time of year, but I dont enjoy the holiday itself.
aw i was almost born on halloween but i just missed the due date. too bad too, because i'm a troll. luv halloweenie, it's dark like my soul. but yeah i'm dressing up as sexy nurse lol it's fun 4 college parties thnx EDIT: actually i might be a fairy since i like glitter but we'll see when i go costume shopping this weekend lmao.
I don't get why older kids don't wanna go trick-or-treating anymore. You get friggen' candy. For free. Alas, the only reason I'm not going is because I have class and projects due the next day. D: But I will dress up as either Yuna or just slap on a wig and some make-up, hehe.
I'm going as this sexy lady; And my roommate and I are going Trick-or-Treating for the precise reason of free candy.
Thinking someone from Grim Fandango, but by the time Halloween actually rolls around I can never be arsed to put a costume together, lmao.
I get to dress up for work this year, and get to teach my English classes in costume. Only trouble is I can't do anything owned by the Mouse. Suggestions? Also yay I just looked and saw I have Halloween off...too bad the people here don't really do Halloween.
Mrs. Lovett!! It had to do with class in literature and is a classical musical. Yes, I really like Sweeney Todd. Anyone have a problem with that?
I'm dressing up as a really REALLY stressed student because I have an exam the next day :( Aside from that, us Aussies don't actually have Halloween, so no costume for me... (Unless I get to dress up as a detective and ask randoms where they were Monday Night at 11PM, THAT could be entertaining...)
...well, I have her hair, so I won't need a wig.. I may just have to give this one a go, if anything it'll impress the nerdy coworkers I have who would probably appreciate it.
I don't have enough money for a costume, though I couldn't even decide on one. I do, however, have a domino mask. I plan on doing the classic suit, fedora, and mask when I go to a bar the next day that's having a Halloween party.
I want to do a really cool cosplay this Halloween but I'm too poor u __ u My friends and I are going as Calacas (Candy Skulls from Dia de los Muertos) and I am so so so excited! We're going to go trick or treating in costumes then catch a movie at a mall... still in out costumes hehe