Ok...well basicly,Im just tired of people judging others....based on their HAIR. Its so shallow and annoying. Like those "people" say blonds are dumb,browns are boring,and,of course,gingers have no soul. Ok....I have a lot of blond friends,and most of them are really smart,always getting A`s and B`s. My best friend has brown hair,and she is really not boring,or timid. And of course,I am "ginger",but Im pretty sure I have a soul :/ But really,I am so sick of the whole gingers are stupid,and weird thing. My hair is nearer to blond than orange or red,yet I still get slagged,pushed around,called names etc. There was even a slap a ginger day in my school. And why? Because my genes said this would be my hair colour. And sure,peopple are always saying "oh but you can dye it",but why should I? Its my natural hair colour,its ME,so why should I be ashamed,want to change it? Even my friends,when I say I hate people talking about my hair say "its so nice and pretty blah blah...BUT you can always dye it". I just want to see what everyone here thinks of this,as I for one am sick of being teased and made to feel bad,because of my hair colour.
I'm blond and I totally get sick of the "dumb blond" jokes. (I hate it even more because "dumb blonds" are usually pictured as female, too.) One of the many reasons I HATE Glee, they make the blond chick (Brittany) brain-dead, can't stand her. I never really hear about brown/brunettes being boring, but whenever someone says anything about "gingers" I wonder how stupid people have become to come up with such utter crap. Luckily, I never have been teased personally, it has all been generalizations (like characters in entertainment) and mentions. In fact, I think I'm the furthest away from ever being considered a dumb blond (major nerd here). Stereotypes in general just seem pointless to me. Who ever enjoys being criticized/teased because of what they were born with/as?
One of my closest friends is ginger, we always joke about it but that's just friends being silly. I would never mean anything I said. If I'm to be honest, I think the hair colour ginger is lovely and no they shouldn't have to dye it, it's fine the way it is. Anyone who discriminates or insults gingers/blondes/brunettes for their hair obviously has nothing better to do. I'm a brunette but I don't get jokes made about me, one of my best friends is blond and she's really clever yet people do make fun of her, I don't think they're being serious but it still hurts her. I have to agree with you, hair is just dead cells that grow on our heads, people shouldn't make rash judgments over the stereotypes that fly around.
It's like any other stereotype that gets applied, unfortunately. I was labelled as emo in my middle school days (and I'll be honest, I did labeling of my own), and it was hurtful, yeah. But I didn't let it get to me. I knew who I was and so did my friends od the time, that's all that matters. I've never been made fun of for my hair color (brown), but I think it's the same concept. If you're getting physically/verbally abused though, you should tell someone. That isn't right. I've seen the gingers thing going around my school too, some of the jokes are funny, but when it gets to a point where you're being hurt by it, it's no longer a joke.
The whole "gingers have no soul" thing is just a meme. Nobody actually believes it, and anyone who does needs serious help. On blondes being dumb, the only truth in that is psychological. If a girl is blonde and believes that blondes are dumb, then she will probably turn out to be dumb just by a self fulfilling prophecy. Brunettes being boring probably has something to do with brown being a rather mundane color. And, fun fact, this is all known as physiogdomy(sp?). Red haired people, according to this pseudo "science" were originally known for being exciting and spirited, quite the opposite of now.
i think that judging people by their hair color is utterly ridiculous. i've met many blondes who are excellent in school, and i'm brunette. i might not be the most interesting of people but i don't thing i'm absolutely boring.
Stereotypes about hair? Been there, done that. It's not that people actually think that those stereotypes are true about people with certain colors of hair, it's more along the lines of what's more fun. It's fun to joke with some blondes because some of them sometimes say something stupid or off topic or something that is absolutely out there and no one knows what they are talking about (notice I did not have a gender specification). Not only that, but I know way too many brunettes and none of them are boring at all. In fact, I know a brunette who is probably one of the most interesting people I know, just because of the way she dresses. Don't even get me started on her personality. But the whole "slap a ginger day" thing is just because red hair is actually a mutation among humans. Well, it started out that way, at least. It grew in numbers but is slowly dying out. So, if it makes you feel better, red hair is slowly becoming extinct. Yes, people are idiotic because of their.. "hair-ism", but it passes with age.
I'm not sure why people say Blonds are dumb and brunettes are boring, but if my facts are right, somewhere around the medieval era people believed that gingers where witches and evil, I'm not sure if this is true or not, so don't quote me on this.
I judge people by their hair for the laughs. Most of the time it's all in good fun, but if someone's serious about it, that's pretty stupid of them. I know all kinds of idiots with all kinds of hair, just as I know gingers that are nice, blondes that aren't ****s or stupid, and brunettes that are the life of the party./me. Don't judge the brunettes man, I will find you.
While hair color has never been an issue for me, I've been judged on hair length before, and still am. I mean, seriously. Judgement based on hair color is wrong enough, but why place labels because of hair length? "Oh, he has long hair, he's a homosexual." "Oh, she's bald, she must have cancer." "Oh, so and so cut their hair a little too short, they must be ******ed." Those labels, along with the hair color labels, make me sick.
To transcend any stereotype, forget it exists. If you get angry about it, you validate it in your mind. And when you express that anger, it validates it for others. You won't make it go away by providing evidence to the contrary; that just downgrades it to a social fact. (For perspective, here's a social fact: Negroes are better athletes by design.)
My personal favorite is with my long hair and beard people think I'm a stoner when I'm about as clean as they come. One guy even asked who my dealer was. I gave him the name of my psychiatrist who proscribes me Prozac. I'm not sure how that one ended but I hope he was smart enough to not go asking for drugs from him.
take leaf out of bleach with Ichigo the Ginger who could! Why should you want to dye your hair it's a great hair colour! It's like my hair it looks like the hair of someone from Africa (brown with curls just not as tight) But because I'm a guy they make fun of me...
People don't have time to stereotype me, I change my hair color every couple of months xD And even with my natural color I didn't quite fit any stereotype. I was too dark haired to be considered blonde but too light colored to be considered a brunette, and even though my hair was slightly reddish, it most definitely wasn't red. So I guess I was lucky.
Blond guy with a 151 IQ here... I am appalled that someone associates intelligence with hair color! To the remark made about brunettes, my best friend is brown haired and he is never boring... With him.. I am always guessing. To the Gingers have no souls? Well YouTube AMV Curator, Emzikayy, is a ginger and she has a soul.. Definitely has a soul.. So does the christian girl who is my classmate. To the Hair-ist people who say these remarks.. keep them to yourselves. No one really cares.
Well, the reason people make fun of hair, is because it's the simplest way of making fun of someone. Honestly, I think blonde jokes can be funny, but every person with a clear mind knows that it's far from reality. And about Glee, they use stereotypes to an extreme degree, and everyone sees it, and it is intentional. You have the flamboyant gay guy, the black girl able to hit the insane notes at the end of songs, the dumb blonde, the ****ty cheerleader, the bad-ass and the jocks. Most humor is made on stereotypes, it's like when you're supposed to act "G" or like a stereotypical black guy, you be talkin like dis, which is true in some matters, but many African Americans speak standardized English, many Asian are good drivers, many women are good drivers, blondes can be smart, gingers have soul, not every Muslim is a terrorist etc. It's how life is, stereotypes are everywhere! Nothing you can do about it, except for ignoring it... It's light-hearted humor, and honestly, I fail to believe anyone saying gingers don't have souls to actually mean it. No one in the world can say they haven't laughed at any stereotypes. Be it Blonde, Asian, Gay, Black, White. It's funny, as long as it isn't overused. Like all humor.
Luckily people tend to grow out of that nonsense as time goes on. If they don't, they're very immature.
Let's not forget that hair color is not the only thing that people make fun of. Styles of hair have also been a way for people to judge one another. Curly hair and Afro-textured hair (when worn natural and even sometimes braided) is considered unprofessional. Look up the Rogers v. American Airlines case of 1981.
I can take a joke myself, thank you very much. I don't think the people who tease or criticize are at fault as much as the people who take it too seriously because they lack a fucking spine. Yeah, I tell blonde jokes.