It was Mozart wasn't it? Just talk about Feminism, Marxism and Fundementalism. Radical Feminism as well. Burn the bra!
Holy crap, are your exams like that? You get a list of alternatives and pick one? D: I am so jelly. Ours are always all about writing a ton of stuff that we have never gone through.
It really depends on the course. Two of my exams are multiple choice and the other one is a mix of essays, definitions and multiple choice loll
sociology is the most useless class ever it's a more lame version of psychology and i thought i had an 87% in it last semester but then my professor was like nope just grading your entire final grade 50 less points than what you thought so it boosted my grade to a 105% so i ended first semester with a 4.0 hallelujah. lol.
I'm Kinda impress by the fact that Edgar A. Poe lived to be "so old" the artists from his time were always drinking their way to death by 20~30 living La bohème..
I had an electronics class where a quiz question was And that wasn't a joke everyone-gets-credit type question, he actually had a right answer.
In his defence PIE is related to an electronics eqation Power = Current * Voltage (Which for some reason are I and E instead of C and V, not sure why)