My birthday's tomorrow, but we had dinner tonight because my aunt will be busy tomorrow, but wanted to participate. Had my usual French Dip, but instead of a Bud Light like I've had each time I've had a beer, I tried a Corona, which is supposed to be tastier. Oddly enough, I never once felt out of it. My mom thinks I may have drunk my Bud Light kind of fast last year, so it got to my head faster. I was even fine enough to drive home.
That's the problem. One beer gets you buzzed, then you get used it and it takes you two beers to get buzzed. Eventually, you're falling over drunk after drinking, say, 10, which is bad.
Ummm... that's not how it works. :| Tolerance can build to an extent, sure, but one light beer getting you buzzed? It's a placebo effect.
Did you really drive right after drinking a beer? Unless the American laws for drinking and driving are different, you definitely shouldn't do that, even if you feel fine. It's pretty easy to lose your license doing something like that.
Then it must have just have been that I drunk the beer a bit faster on my last birthday. If you're below the legal limit of 0.08, I believe it is, and show no additional signs that your driving is impaired by the alcohol, it's legal. What is that?
It's apple flavoring with vodka. Just try it. Just tell the bartender that tummer sent ya for an appletini. And happy birthday.
Best thing to do is go for a drunk midnight walk with your drunk friends to your friends place to watch Pokemon movies all night
I don't think speed would matter here- a light beer doesn't have a lot of alcohol. I'm still going with placebo effect. It's not uncommon! It used to happen to me a lot when drinking with friends, personally.
Maybe if he were to drink multiple beers very fast, it might happen, but 1.3 standard drinks is 1.3 standard drinks, and if the average male can drink 1 standard drink an hour to remain sober, then you're either pimping like 5ml of blood or you're drinking 3-5 bottles within the space of about fen minutes.