
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Apr 25, 2008.

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  1. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    OOC: Ok, I'm assuming it's still night.

    The city had become a desolate area. There were barely any people out on the streets. Almost every business building had closed for the night, all except for CCcorp; famous for the company in which created "The World." Within the building, very few employees were left after hours; the dim light making appear so. Among the few, was Higure. The young man; appearing to be around 19 years of age, sat in his office playing the famous game this company had created.

    His arms were crossed as he sat there; the Vgoggles placed over his eyes and ears. With the Vgoggles in place, he didn't need a controller or anything to move his character and such. It was all about the goggles. These goggles allowed you to manipulate your avatar like your own puppet.

    An aquatic like reptile colasped; it slowly changing into small fragments of light. It's conquerer stood only a feet away from where the beast had fallen. Standing, is seeming to be around his 20's. Clothed pure khaki like clothes, he is in certain parts of his body in azure armor; dark brown straps connected in certain areas to support the weight of such a exoskeleton. In hand, he wields a magnificent weapon given to him by CCcorp. A gold colored blade attached to a black hilt.

    To some, it would slightly resemble a cross from a certain angle. To him, it was just a weapon created in cyberspace maintain order in The World. Just another equipment made of data and codes. It was called "The Divine Blade of God". At least, that's what he decided to name it. Naming the weapon was his choice when CCcorp had told him about it; since it would be used by him in the game. The idea had made its way into his mind when he looked up on CCcorps history.

    Apparently, there had been someone else who worked for this company, around his age, who played The World as an admin/player. He apparently went by the name "Albireo". This man apparently was a leader of the Cobalt Knights, who owned a weapon called "The Divine Spear of Wotan." Seeing as the man had based his blade off of some mythical god, he decided to try the idea out. I mean, how bad can it be?

    After giving the name to the designers, he directed them on how exactly it should look. He based the design off of a blade used to guard the "Garden of Eden" found in some religion.

    With a quick movement, he sheathed his weapon into an invisible sheath just to his left side. The sword slowly disappeared in a flash of light. The Beast Statue was only a floor away.
  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc....what was the last thing spoken to my person???
  3. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "Ok!I'll remember..but I'll check it out tomorrow..its getting late here and I have a life,so I think im going to go find a Platform and log off..''Sato said,giving Grim a polite grin."Do you mind?''she asked
  4. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: alrite all. I gonna try to end things so we can move onto morning, and things can finally get moving since everyone is exsactly where they are. The admins are in place (and note to all admins, that you WILL be working together mostly, since you will all be assigned to finding the new hacker with the twin blade dual guns (in other words, Cero).
    And everyone is in place to finally join the guild. Ahh yes, everything according to plan

    And RA, as for you, the last post, I'll just repost it here. Hopefully you will get on in time to read it

    bic: Cero turned his twin blades back into dual guns as he began to unleash a fury of bullets upon her. "Sorry, but I don't plan on getting kicked out of this game any time soon. I've got buissness to take care of" he said with a smirk.

    Bob2110 came walking in through the doors, to take notice to the onslaught of bullets. "Well, I see that you're doing well against him" bob said to her sarcasticly.

    "Sure, I don't mind. The others have already logged off, and there is no real point to it. Only one on is our leader, but he's off on some buissness at the moment" grim said to her.
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Sato gave Grim a quick bow."Thanks,I'll see you later then!"she quickly ran over to a nearby platform and left the area after giving Grim a goodbye wave.Once she had returned to Dol Dona she logged out.

    Taking off her headset,Kaede groaned and stretched."What a day...''she said,getting up from her computer chair and stretching more.She was curious about the Kew to the Twilight,and she was certain that looking for it would be a great adventure,she'd have to convince Tai to join."..He'd probably refuse..''she mumbled,already hearing Tai's response ringing in his ears.Sighing,she quickly hopped on her bed,already in her pj's,and shut her eyes,falling into a deep sleep.
  6. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: if RA isn't on within the next hour, then I'll just hurry things along, since I know this is holding things up, ok everyone

    bic: Grim grinned. "Much to easy. Now all we godda do now is find that hacker kid." he muttered to himself
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: Ok..I'll wait..can you make it like half an hour or so,I dont have much time and I dont want to hold anyone up either
  8. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: a half hour is left actually. I just don't want to have RA feel kinda left out on it, ya know. but no worries, its just ah alf hour after all

    bic: "Well, I see that I should have come to handle this job myself" he said, as he began to approach Cero. Cero quickly hesitated and aimed his guns towards Bob, but he then realized that he had to reload, and he started, but only to get slashed, and knocked down, a huge chunk of his life points taken out from the blow, since he was still such a noob. "Such a pity. You should have done something about those life points hacker. But I'm afraid that this ends your registration in the world. We hope that you enjoyed your stay. Good bye" he said, as he activated his deletion mode, and slammed his spear down, but only to see Cero dissapear right before his eyes. "He....he logged out? The kid is better then I thought. I didn't know that we were dealing with a hacker that could surpass the CCcorp's bypass system" he muttered. He then turned to Xlaya. "I don't have time now, but as far as I am concerned, we both share blame in this. I will take care of it though since I know that you are still just a kid, so log out for now, get some rest, and then tommorow, meet me in mac anu on the bridge. I'll be putting together a team to catch this hacker, since we are obviously dealing with an expert" he said to her.

    Matt took off his head set, confused. "Dang, I thought I was a goner" he muttered. "Oh well, not like I can really say anything bad about it. I guess I can still keep up looking tommorow" he mumbled. He had been confused, since it had not been him at all who had logged out in the first place, but, who was he to complain. He was safe, and that was all that matter. He then got off and wandered over to his bed. "Man, schools gonna suck tommorow" he said as he layed down his bed, not caring to get ready for bed, and just waited until he drifted off.
  9. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    OOC: I would have said it was summer vacation O_o...still want school,though?
  10. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: I have something planned that requires school to be active at the time. Besides, we are in Japan, remember? There are still cram schools and things like that. Summer vacation isn't as long (or atleast I think)

    bic: The school bus stopped off at Matt's house, as he got off, and started to jog up towards his house, which was uphill. "Dang, stupid bus driver. It sucks being an american in japan" he grumbled as he tried to hurry. He was still new to the area, and though he knew most japanese fluently, he still had to get used to his new adress and stuff, making it dificult for him.
  11. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    The computer buzzed to life as its engine stirred. Kaigaishi had gotten home from, and was looking forward to playing The World after the long heavy day. When the Monitor came to life, he could see all the options on the menu. He immediately pressed the left cursort onhis controller; causing the ring of options to move towards the symbol The World. The game slowly began to load as he sat there; his goggles already on. When the loading was done, The Worlds main menu appeared. He quickly inputted his username and password using the keyboard; obviously.

    Finally, he was about to enter the game with his character which has grown to care about. If anything were to happen to his Adept Rogue, he'd be crushed.

    Hexin gated into the root down, Mac Anu. "Hmmm... I think I'll just go to the Omega server.." he said as he connected with the Chaos Gate and chose the Omega Server. The familiar blue rings engulfed him as he faded away from the town. He reappeared in the Omega Server, the place where the experienced players lingered. "Home at last.." he muttered with a smile.

    OOC: What's the name of the Omega Server Town?
  12. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: lol. omega server don't exsist. Like I said, new servors exsist now since it is a totally new version. I gonna have one ready pretty soon to (if I could just think up a name). i tryen to get a fresh start on it though, and like I told tula, I tells it to you.

    bic: Cero grinned, as he entered the world. As soon as he got to mac anu though, he quickly darted off towards the allyway. He wanted to be careful after all not to attract attention.

    Grim paced back and forth as he looked around. "Dammit, where are they. The leader already gave us orders about that dam beast, and yet those guys are no where to be found. Didn't you say that you got some other kid to?" Grim asked sage, looking pissed.
    "Ya. I just sent him an e-mail sayen where our base is. But he isn't logged on"
    "Dammit. We'll have to get a head start. If someone logs on, then we can contact them quickly, but if we don't get there soon, then there is going to be some major trouble" grim said as he started to head over towards the chaos gate that was oddly placed on their guilds server. He looked up, and selected the server "Sarjat Rose", and then him and sage teleported.

    The server they teleported to had just opened up recently. The place was certainly odd, but was definatly interesting. Around the borders of the area was what appeared to be whirling sand, as if the entire place was stuck in the middle of one giant tornado. The ground was sandy, as if they were in the desert, and the shops seemed almost as if the ones that people might have in the culture of the old westren times in America. "Alrite, so then we wait here for a bit, see if anyone gets on, and if not, then we head in right away" grim said.
    "Ya ya, sure sure. Not like I care" sage said as he sat down. it sounded like he was eating something on his microphone.
  13. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc opps sorry people

    She jumped into the air to doge and landed next to Bob "Thanks a lot."
  14. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: had to do the little time skip, so let's just say that ur charecter logged out. Srry for not given it enough time, but tula was getten anxious, and I wanted to give people the opportunity to get back to rpen, ya know.

    bic: Cero sighed, as he then brought up on the side of his screen the forum page, as he began to interveiw different threads. "Spam, spam, spam, more spam" he started to mutter as he scrolled down it, and stopped at something that said "Glowing green monster. Event?", and so he clicked on it. It read "Ummm, ya, me and my friend ran into this glowing green monster thing. It was kinda like a dragon, but it was all freaky. Me and my friend tried to beat it but couldn't, and so we just ran away. Can anyone tell us if it was an event?" . Cero quickly used his voice chat in order to type in "What is the area code", and what came up was "It was this place on the Sarjat Rose server. The area code was mangling parasites vacation", and Cero replied "Thnx", before signing off the forum section on his screen. He then came out of the allyway, and approached the chaos gate, so he could head off to the server before anyone noticed
  15. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc nah it's only fair to the other people

    After she logged off se took a quick nap and got up in a couple of hours and logged back on, appearing in a town (not that's one thing I can't remember...the names of the towns)
  16. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: i'll put up a list tommorow to make it easier on everyones.

    bic: The minute Xlaya had gotten on, bob had been allerted on his computer, and so he himself had logged on. He then quickly began to type her a private message, that said "Xlaya, we have an update on some hacker activity. A glowing green monster has been reported, which is obviously a bug. I can't find any of the others online at the moment, so I'll be taking you along to handle this situation. Of course, problem being is that we will have to keep players away from the area, so I'll meet you in the Sarjet Rose server, and then we'll head out there to take care of buissness, got it" he said in the pm.

    ooc: gtg. hopefully tommorow more can get done since there weren't to many peoples on today
  17. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc kay

    "Got it. I'll met you there." She replied quickly before heading to he gate

    ooc I'll post the rest when you're back on
  18. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    The minute cero appeared at the chaos gate, he looked to see Grim and Sage there, who, at the very second they saw him, were simply staring at him in aw. "That's..." grim tried to say, but cero dissapeared at the chaos gate once again. "Cmon!" grim said as he ran up to the chaos gate, and a manual came up, something that seemed quite out of the ordinary on his screen, and he looked at Cero's teleporting history, and then selected the words that Cero chose, as him and Sage then were teleported over to where Cero had gone.

    Bob was just coming back, unable to witness what had just happend. he then waited by the gate to see when Xlaya would appear
  19. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    ''man i hope i get my job fast cause those hackers are really annoying'' said archie while helping his nephew rozardo to level up fast and become better in the world

    ''yeah when those hackers are gone i can become the best blade master'' said rozardo and runned to another 10 monster and killed them one for one
  20. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    OOC:Ok, thenlet's just say Hexin is in the Sarjet Rose server.

    The Sarjet server had just been introduced to The World. Each step he took made a crunching sound. A few players had entered the new server, but it still felt so desolate. "Gee, this is a fun town." he said sarcastically as he walked around the area. Exploring the new place was the only form of entertainment he had in mind at the moment.
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