
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Deathsight44, Apr 25, 2008.

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  1. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    ''alright then'' said wolvius and accepted the party invite
  2. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Hexin quickly used up a healing item on Cero; the minute everyone had gotten hit. After, he activated talismans on Cero and himself. He figured the other party were taking care of each other. He still had a good portion of his Hp left, so he didn't bother using up a healing item; if this battle continued, one of them may need it. He charged in and activated a powerful Polearm skill.

    "HEAVENLY RAGE!" he shouted as he thrust his spear upward. Even though the beast hadn't budged from its spot, he continued his barrage of thrusts. A swift swing of the spear dealt a satisfying damage on the malevolent beast. "Now, we're talking!" he shouted in delight; finally seeing his attacks having SOME affect on it.
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: srry, I should've been more specific. Kinda forgot. He was talken to Hexin's charecter, not yours. I had assumed that yours was already pretty close to the boss. Bob and hexin's admin charecter and coming in right after.

    bic: The beast was knocked back a little. "Charge it!" grim yelled as him and sage jumped, unleashing a double charged attack on its sides, and then Cero ran up, and activated the unknown skill that he had used before, as he suddenly began spinning, slashing it as it went up towards its chestal area, and then stopping in mid air, slashing in an X formation, making him backflip once in the air, and then, firing off a round of bullets at it, then stopping, and slashing both dual guns to the sides as the energy coming out from infront of them slashed the beast on both sides of the head. He then landed on the ground, and ran forward, jumping in the air right infront of it as the energy blades re-attatched, turning them into twinblades again, and then slashing down its body, hitting the shoulder blades. Suddenly, all around it appeared to be some sort of a greenish, more sphericle like barrier that suddenly shattered to pieces. Cero's eyes widend, as he then veiwed his skills screen, and selected the one that was listed on there, that said "Data Drain" on it. And then at that very moment, a strange noise, as if a a sound fork (kind of like that noise that ya hear when haseo is doin his thing), and then suddenly, green dots, just like on the monster, began to form on his arm.

    ooc: now would be a good time for wolvius there to come in. Just sayen
  4. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "Repth!"Sato quickly healed Grim and Sage after they were damaged.

    OOC: Brb.
  5. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Hexin grinned in victory. The beast clearly was losing now; seeing as Cero had unleashed his special skill. The green hexagons shattered, and now the beast was naked to Cero's abilities. His eyes widened. He had never seen that type of skill. The petals forming around Cero was something he had never seen in his whole gaming life.

    "What the...heck is that?"
  6. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    As the green dots formed around his arm (it looks just like the virus on the monster), what appeared to be a green bracelet formed on his hand, and large spikes came out of it, rotating. But, unlike most bracelets from the past (kite's, and azure kite's), these spikes were facing forward, almost as if in the shape of a drill. His eyes turned green as well, as the sound grew louder, and the spikes began to spin.

    ooc: gtg. be back tommorow
  7. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    OOC: Alright, see ya then.
  8. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc what did I miss?
  9. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006

    OOC: alright

    bic: wolvius found bob and the other admin ''alright i'm here and now'' asked wolvius to bob while he was watching around
  10. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: ITS RA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (gives GINORMUNGUS!!!!!!!!!! glomp).

    Not much. We are still dealing with the same situation as last time, and you came at perfect timing. OF course, I see you are offline, so if you aren't back on in a lil while, then I'll have to continue, but hopefully you'll be back on in time for me to do what I was hopen to do with you on.

    Everyone's, just gots to wait for a moment, since I would preferebly have RA on to in order for me to do this. It'll make things a lot easier
  11. NeoJecht Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 27, 2006
    On the Edge of the Empire
    jecht leaned against the wall of the dungeon
    "sigh boring"
    jecht used a sprite orcarine and warped out then warped to the root town
    "sigh might as well check the base"
    he walked towards a room he had obtained
  12. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: Alrite then, enough time for waiting, but, if anything, RA, if you come on, then just say that your charecter was with me and hexin's admins all along, alrite. Very important part

    bic: Bob lead the other two inside of the white room, just in time, as he saw Cero just in time, as he charged, with his bracelet around his infected arm, spinning as if it were a drill around his arm, as he jumped in the air, and slammed it into the chest of the dragon, as the dragon's data began to become disoriated, and soon, the dragon's data began to dissapear from it, until it was completely gone. His arm then began to become disinfected as the green viral energy dissapeared from it.

    "So, that explains it all. He is no hacker, but a virus." bob mumbled. "You two" he said, refering to the admins travling with him. "Destroy that virus!" he said, pointing to Cero.
  13. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    ''what the ell was that.....oh well let's destroy this virus'' said wolvius and took his sword out and walked slowly to cero
  14. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Hexin stood in aw. That was no ordinary attack, he knew it by just seeing it. He stared at Cero in bewilderment. This avatar was infected. He wasn't a hacker, but a virus. He slowly snapped out of his gaze as the admins slowly neared them. "You won't take another step near him!" he roared as he jumped in front of Cero and bared his spear.

    "You're going to have to get through me, in order to get to him." he stated; holding his ground.

    Eden neared the virus avatar; that is, until another player stepped in the way. He paused and stared at the avatar. "An Adept Rogue.... I haven't seen one in a long time." he said as he gazed at the player. A grin slowly formed over his expressionless face. "This should prove to be quite interesting..." he muttered as he got in a offensive stance.
  15. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    bob grinned as he stepped up towards Hexin. "You are not dealing in ordinary affairs you know. If we defeat you, then there is a good chance that we will ensure that your charecter is deleted for even being near a virus" he said as he spear appeared in his hand. The specifics of the spear were quite strange, The blade at the end of it some what curved out as if it were half of an oval, and it had strange red markings on it. "You two, take care of him" he ordered the other two admins.

    Sage had slowly began to walk, moving infront of Wolvius, and pulling out his katana, with a dull look on his face.

    Grim walked infront of the other, with a ready look. "Sato, I want you to stay with the kid, Cero. If any of them get passed us, then you deal with them. But do not leave. We still need to do a full wide scan of this area" he ordered Sato, giving her her first real orders as a member of the guild.

    ooc: srry hexin, 4got ur mod charecters name. Can ya remind me plz?
  16. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Ooc: It's Eden. XD

    Hexin braced himself. The admin had began the advent of an assault. The two clashed weapons; Eden's blade locked with the large handle of the spear. "D-damn!" the young player muttered as he was sent backwards; skidding a bit. The admin suddenly leaped forward and swung his blade vertically. Hexin used a basic polearm block, and quickly thrust forward to push the attacker away.

    "Not bad...I suppose.." he said in a undermining tone. He suddenly changed stances.


    He suddenly, dashed forward in ahn amazing speed and thrust his blade forward with his right hand. The blade made contact with Hexin. The young avatar's eyes widened.

    "SWORD FLASH!" the admin shouted as he immediately swung his blade up and did a small series of quick attacks. Hexin fell back, his hp having fallen below half. He got up; staggering a bit before glaring at the man. "Damn...you...rrrrrrggh..." he said, struggling to stand up.

    "HAHAHAHAHA!! Oh come now! Are you SERIOUSLY almost done? That's the best you got?" he taunted as he waved his sword in the air. Hexin deposited his Polearm back to its place. A grin slowly formed on his own lips.

    "You have no idea what I am capable of. So, I suggest you keep your little mouth shut; if you know what's good for you.." he said as he straightened his posture and moved both hands towards the leftside of his waist.
  17. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Sato nodded and ran ove to Cero,she spun around him and stood in a ready position.She looked at his from the corner of her eye with a smile."..Ready for this?''she asked,summoning back her fans and getting in a ready position.
  18. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Grim was caught be surprised as Bob rushed right at him, and slashed his charecter, and with that single blow, Grim's charecter dispersed into data. He then rushed at Sage who locked weapons with him. He then tried to smash his katana into Bob's spear, though it did not have much affect. Bob clearly was a high level charecter, who's skills were just about unreal, thanks to his ranking as the admin leader. He then began to send a constant rush of attacks, attacking so much that it did not even give Sage a second to try to attack back, but only for him to get slashed, and for his charecter data to disperse. "Pathetic" he said, as his attention turned to Sato, and he slowly began to approach.

    Cero began to panic, as he began looking around. "Not good" he said
  19. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    Percussions began to reverbrate through out the white room. It was almost real. The vibrations, the sound of blades clashing, and even the tiniest details such as the sparks were constructed in The World. It made The World seem real. Eden skidded a few yards back.

    "Heh... I see.... So this is why they call you the Terror of Death.." he said out loud. Hexin could be seen, red and blue aura formed on him. His weapon was none other than a katana. It was a Blade Brandier Vs. Blade Brandier now.

    "I told you to watch yourself.." he taunted as he dashed forward; blade at the ready. Eden returned the same level of agression. Their blades clashed with such intensity, that their durability was probably wearing out; MMORPG's tend to have a durability system on equipment.

    "AAAAAHHH!!!!" they shouted in unison as a strong percussion resonated from the two blades.
  20. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    "Oh wow, well isn't this just delightful. A virus and a girl. Such a waste of my talents" he said as he approached
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