.hack//Pluto's Kiss

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Roxas-chan, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. Roxas-chan Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    The Tau'ri Homeworld
    Alright, you're playing The World one day. The game goes nuts and you decide to bail, you end up with a coma along with a bunch of other people.

    Pluto's Kiss (the world-wide power outage) has struck again. Without warning and whoever tries to escape ends up in a coma. Your goal is to find out what's wrong with it.

    One thing is for sure: Whatever the answer is, it's within "The World".
    For more information on...
    The anime
    The game
    The World
    Character classes (World Expansion and World R:2 classes not available during this Roleplay, sorry)
    Spells and Attack Skills
    Name: Sara
    Level: 80
    Class: Long Arm
    Status: Coma
    History: One of the oldest members of the game, but she was attacked by Morganna in the beginning and ended up in a coma. She hasn't woken up yet and had helped Kite in hopes of waking up, but she didn't. She's also friends with Helba.
    Name: Roxas
    Level: 1
    Class: Sword Dude (Blademaster/Heavy Blade?)
    Status: Alive
    History: Has absolutely no clue of what is going on and needs some help from some budz who know what they're doing!
    Name: Cheal
    Level: 50
    Class: Twin Blade
    Weapon: Twin Mizuchi
    Status: Coma
    History: He was one of the few that was not mention as helping Kite. He had hoped that the comas and the problems in The World were connected, but he has had no luck thus far.
    Appearance: He has white hair that is spiked downward. He wears a green long sleeve shirt, darker green long pants, and a black cloak.
    Name: Roxalyn
    Level: Twenty-seven (27)
    Class: Wavemaster
    Status: Coma
    History: Fairly new to the World and its mechanics, but a power-leveler/treasure-hunter through and through, even though her class isn't built for fighting.
    Appearance: Light pink hair, green eyes and a slim body, with blue and silver robes, accented slightly by her red jewelry. Her stave is basically a black rod with a golden spiral working its way to the top, a navy orb resting in the center.
    Name: Vivi
    Level: 35
    Class: Wavemaster
    History: Vivi was a loner in the game for the duration of his playtime until one day he was ambushed by a furious monster and he was sent in to a comatose state which he is now searching for a way out of. He is still a loner but he is hoping to find others in his state and band together with them to get out of this crazy game and back to reality.
    Status: Coma
    Appearance: Vivi is 5' 11" and he always wear a black cloak. He has short brown hair but it is rarely seen due to the hood that comes with the cloak. He has been carrying around a Gaia staff as his weapon.
    Name: cronoking
    Level: 62
    Class: Twin Blade
    Status: Totally Comatose
    Weapon: Blades of Bond
    Appearance: At 5'9'' this seemingly harmless Twin Blade wears baggy armor that's a mix-match of blues and greens. Although he has no outstanding criminal record or known enemies, he walks around with both hands always on his blades, just in case.
    Name: Hexin
    Level: 1
    Class: Twin Blade
    Weapon: Spiral Edge
    Status: Coma
    History: Hexin's is new to the game. When he arrived, an earpiercing sound was heard. He gripped his goggles but saw that the screen was negative for about 1 second. The ground in The World shook. It was like he was actually in the game because he felt quake. He began to talk to some experienced players, hoping they would something.

    Then, that's when the rumors began to go around. It was said that Hackers had were responsible for their current situation they were in. Being adventurous, he decided to investigate. Who knows....maybe he can find a way to free everyone.
    Appearance: He had medium purple hair in length and navy blue eyes. Other than that... he has the basic Twin Blade outfit.
    Name: Riku
    Level: 1
    Class: Blademaster
    Status: Alive
    History: He doesn`t know anything, or anyone, and is new to The World.
    Use the following tables to figure out what class you would wish to take;

    Long Arm (spear): Strength: Medium -- Defense: Low -- HP: Medium -- MP: Medium -- Sp: Medium
    Heavy Axe (Axe): Strength: High -- Defense: High -- HP: High -- MP: Very Low -- Sp: Very Low
    Wavemaster (Mage/Staff): Strength: Very Low -- Defense: Medium -- HP: Lower Than Average -- MP: Very High -- Sp: Very Low
    Blademaster (Thin Sword): Strength: Medium -- Defense: Medium -- HP: Medium -- MP: Medium -- Sp.: Medium
    Heavy Blade (Broad Sword): Strength: High -- Defense: Medium -- HP: Medium -- MP: Medium -- Sp: Medium
    Twin Blade (Two Daggers): Strength: Med -- Defense: Medium -- HP: Medium -- MP: Medium -- Sp: High
    Root Towns
    Δ Delta - Mac Anu: View of the Town -- Mac Anu's Chaos Gate -- Another View of the Town
    Θ Theta - Dun Loireag: View of the Town -- Dun Loireag's Chaos Gate -- Another View of the Town -- More of the Town
    Λ Lambda - Carmina Gadelica
    Σ Sigma - Fort Ouph
    Ω Omega - Lia Fail
  2. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    To add more: The World is a MMORPG in the future. I'll try not to spoil it for the ones who want to play it, but members end up in coma's in mysterious ways that even leave the administrators baffled.

    There's 20 million units out there and being used around the world, and people skip work and their whole lives to play it. It's in the record books for about everything. It is also a virtual reality, headphones and everything.

    When you're in a coma, you are still trapped in the game. The game becomes your reality. You can feel, smell, taste and all the other senses like it's your reality, when everyone else thinks it's a game.

    I won't go into spoilers again, so I won't tell you what happens to the victums. PM me if you want to know.

    Pluto's Kiss is a virus that basically hit several years before The World was opened. It basically crashed everything based on electricity. Computers, televisions, phones, cell phones, games, lights, alarms, smoke dectectors...

    For 72 minutes, you virtually lived back in the middle ages.

    Afterwards, the computers in the Pentagon thought it was a nuclear attack and nearly launched all their missles.

    They never caught the person who did it, and they actually banned all computers shortly afterwards for two years until the corporation that made the world promised a stop to all the viruses.

    It happened in a city for about 12 hours in the game. It was hell on Earth afterwards.

    What the story is about is it happening again, worldwide, for a longer time.

    And there's still people trapped inside the game...
  3. Roxas-chan Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    The Tau'ri Homeworld
    "Roxalyn! Look out!"

    The Wavemaster barely had time to whip her head around as one of the feral lupine monsters tackled her hard, her face and body rubbing painfully into the stone and dirt ground as she slid across it. She held out her staff hand and called, "GiRai Don!" A shower of lightning rained down from above and sizzled across the monster's back, forcing it to jump off her, whining in pain.

    "Ow! Dammit, you're dead!" Roxalyn's Blademaster teammate yelled, charging at the leader of the pack and slicing it neatly in half, which then faded away in a distortion of pixels and noise.

    Picking herself up, Roxalyn chanted, "Ola Repth!" healing herself and her single teammate from the battle, as the lackies of the field boss disappeared along with the leader.

    "Oh, now you heal me!" the Blademaster remarked sarcastically, sheathing his weapon and making his way to Roxalyn. "What happened back there? You had plenty of time to be giving me back up, but you just kept freezing! You have a slow processor or something?"

    Roxalyn swallowed hard, shaking her head slightly in the negative, her free hand straying up to her cheek where a few scrapes had started to bleed, despite her healing spell moments before. "Maybe I just need to restart," she murmured the excuse.

    "Yeah, maybe you should," Yojim agreed. His whole body seemed to pause on the spot before he then just shook his head. "Ah, looks like it's time to go to the movies with the 'rents. I'll catch you later, Roxalyn!" With that, he left the party, gated out, and logged off.

    Roxalyn bit her bottom lip, unable to bid her friend farewell as he left. Instead, she waited for a beat or two, and then gated out of the Theta server field herself, back to the Root Town, Dun Loireag.

    "I might as well go see if anyone else... would want to join my party..." Roxalyn spoke to herself, walking away from the Chaos Gate, her normally upbeat personality muted as she rubbed her injured cheek, the reminder of her what seemed as if it would be eternal imprisonment.
  4. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    (Is anyone going to join? :( )

    *wanders around the world, spear on her shoulder* It's been quiet lately. *runs hand through her hair, feeling every strand*
  5. Roxas-chan Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    The Tau'ri Homeworld
    Pausing along the edge of one of the smaller areas of Dun Loireag, Roxalyn sat down and let her legs dangle over the mist enshrouded cliff. Holding her staff our horizontally in front of her, she chanted, "Ola Repth" a few times, but her physical wound would not heal.

    Whimpering, she pulled her legs up to her chest, setting her staff behind her and wrapped her arms around her knees. She looked up and watched the other players go by. "Why am I the only one stuck here?" she asked herself. And then said a little louder, "It's not fair!"

    She managed to attract a small bit of attention for a moment, but no one seemed inclined to speak with the n00b who was apparently having trouble with the not-very-friendly-to-beginners server.

    Roxalyn made a small keening noise and turned back to watch the mist as it slowly washed over the city of stone spires, feeling incredibly alone.
  6. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    *spots Roxalyn* You're trapped here, too? *leans against a wall, rubbing the hideous scar through her shoulder*
  7. Roxas-chan Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    The Tau'ri Homeworld
    Roxalyn jumped, letting out a slight squeak before slowly turning her head to Sara. "When did you get there?" she asked, slightly breathless and embarrassed.
  8. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    *shrugs, sitting down and stretching lazily, offering her some food from her pack* I'm a wanderer, basically. *simply*
  9. Roxas-chan Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    The Tau'ri Homeworld
    Frowning, Roxalyn reached out slowly for the food, breaking a bit off and saying, "That's not what I meant," before popping the piece of food in her mouth.

    A stray hand reached up to toy with her ruby earring as she watched the Long Arm cautiously.
  10. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    *wraps arms around her legs, looking at the sky* I've probably been trapped here longer than you ever imagined.
  11. Roxas-chan Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    The Tau'ri Homeworld
    "Trapped here?" Roxalyn asked, naively. It wasn't as if she didn't know what the player beside her meant, but to be honest, she did wonder why the Long Arm suddenly assumed that Roxalyn herself was in the same boat.

    She turned her gaze in the same direction as her new companion, tilting her head to the side. "What do you mean?"
  12. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    You can feel everything. Smell everything... *breathes in, taking the scent of roses in* It smells like roses here.
  13. Roxas-chan Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    The Tau'ri Homeworld
    Roxalyn suddenly jerked back to get a better look at this stranger, wincing as the hand around her earring yanked, pulling the silver down hard, biting into her flesh.

    She made no noise however, only took a minute to look the newcomer over better. After a moment, she breathed inward through her nostrils and smiled slightly, letting her head tilt to the side again. "Really? It smells more like pine trees and lillies to me. Clean; fresh..."
  14. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    *chuckles, leaning back* Each to their own... How long have you been trapped here?
  15. Roxas-chan Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    The Tau'ri Homeworld
    A shiver ran through the Wavemaster's spine as she was reminded of the event that led to this new existance. "A week... or so... it's hard to tell. I think I spent an entire eighteen hours in a field once, but I couldn't tell because it was always day there and it was day when I left here, and when I came back... my sense of time is so screwed up," Roxalyn shook her head, putting her uninjured cheek to rest on her knees. "What about you?"
  16. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    *sighs* I don't even remember... It's been years since I got trapped here.
  17. Roxas-chan Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    The Tau'ri Homeworld
    "Years?!" Roxalyn asked, suddenly sitting straight. She continued in a panicked voice, "But I can't be stuck here for years! I've got little sisters, and my parents and my pets..! No..." She whimpered, burrying her forehead into her arms and knees, closing up as tight as she could.
  18. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    *puts an arm around her comfortingly* It won't happen... *soothingly* I've seen others wake up before. Just I haven't.
  19. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    "Delete if just considered spam"

    Not no interrupt you 2 but I would like to join but umm can I and how do I do it, do I need to post a profile or what?
  20. Roxas-chan Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    The Tau'ri Homeworld
    OoC: Yes. Edit your post with a profile, then I'll put it in the first post and we can all go on Roleplaying =3