This is the show about the girls who get mermaid powers right? I've not watched it myself, but my niece loves it, it seems alright, just not something I have ever really bothered with getting into.
I thought it was kinda interesting, since it was one of the few things to watch on nick at the time. Now there's absolutely nothing to watch. Apparently it was voted the best 2008 Australian Nickalodian "Drama Show". I don't even like drama.
Yeah it sucks, I think I discussed this in my "Best and Worst shows on Nick thread" take a look there to see my little rant on it.
I thought it was ok. Not the worst show that has ever been on Nick, but no where near the best. The concept is pretty creative, and the show definetely has potential. Oh and the Austrailian accents are pretty awesome XD I wish I had one.... XP
I wouldn't say its creative, I guess the powers are creative, but the whole touching water and growing a tale is not, that old thing has been done, well a million times. Oh the show was cancelled in the US by the way, but I think they still show reruns on Teenick. And British accents are sexier :-P
Yea it's strange, because the show got cancelled like 3 years ago, and they stopped showing reruns right after that. But for some odd reason Teenick just starting airing the old reruns again pretty recently. Maybe they're trying to make a come back or something... And you're right, Austrailian accents are pretty awesome, but if I could choose an accent it would be British. Ladies love a British accent XD
And also, did anyone see the fan's of this show? They are insane, more insane than Twilight fans, its crazy. They all believe that mermaids exist, they all want to be one, and if you say anything, and I mean ANYTHING against the show, they will call you a "Australian hater" or a "non believer" if your wondering why I know all of this, its because my ex girlfriend was obsessed with the show, at least she wasn't insane like all of the fans and actually understood why I hated it, and plus I hate it because its a show for 12 year old's and yet people around 16 or 15 watch it and I question why, just like MLP (oh boy here come the MLP fans).
Wow I had no idea it had such crazy fans... It's hard to imagine anything worse than twilight fans, they must be pretty wacko ;O As for My Little Pony, I've seen plenty of teenagers watch it. In fact I think I've seen more high schoolers watch it than little kids XD I guess it's just one of those shows that's entertaining to all age groups, though I never really saw what was so great about it...
No its not, I've watched it, it still feels like a show for little girls, the only reason why people even like it is because its from the same girl who made The Power Puff Girls and Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, I find that stupid, for example, I love They Might Be Giants, they're a great band, but they not only right stuff for my kind of style, the also wright songs for kids as well, now am I gonna buy their CD with songs for kids? NO I'm not, why, its for kids thats why. But I don't want to make this thread about MLP, lets stick to the topic of ****** Mermaid shows for 10 year old little girls that I can not stand.
it wasn't made for 10-yead olds, it was actually more for the teenagers. And it was a really big hit when it was still airing.
Well teenagers don't know jack **** about good tv shows, and just because its a big hit dose not be its good.
I've never really seen a whole episode from start to finish but that's because it never really interested me, I started watching an episode when there was nothnig else on but it never really grabbed my attention. I do quite like the idea of them being able to turn into mermaids but it just never really stuck out to me as something to enjoy. I suppose it didn't really help that I had no idea who the characteres were so following was quite difficult.