I mean if you have an itemized list I don't mind answering them That's always my first question, whenever I upload from my phone it does it regardless of what way I took the ****ing piCTURE
1. Uhhh it doesn't exactly have a title yet but I've worked on it forever. It's actually close to finishing but I don't know how to explain it without spoiling stuff yet 2. Lesbians. 3. Those are the main characters in the picture so my friend calls it fanart 4. It's burnt onto a piece of wood and stained with a highlighter 5. My friend Hunter made it, he made this wood thing for my birthday too http://kh-vids.net/threads/happy-birthday-to-calxiyn-and-plums.152126/#post-4267250 6. Nick was like "Hey Cal do you wanna be a moderator" and I screamed (Quietly screamed) 7. Maybe? If you weren't I'm glad you're here now ^_^