I am lonely in my dorm room and all my friends are at financial aid and work-study meetings and i'm so sad )':
sure, if you don't mind paying for the plane ticket, and talking to my parents and teachers that I'll be gone for a while
it's more of a habit really. I'm just so used to writing he/him, and it just keeps coming out whenever I don't know the gender
Professionally thinking, you'd better get out of that habit, since worst case scenario it could be taken to be demeaning towards women. >The more you know!<
I propose that we create a pronoun for such cases where we don't know the gender. Ry is as good as any.
good thing "it" wasn't mentioned. I might have taken that as a reference to the crappy movie or something else
'Them' is often used. Or you could all start using Finnish, we've got a gender-neutral term for 'he/she' 8D