In PS4, it is more foggy than in the Xbox One when observing the city or the mountains from very far away, has more traffic, pedestrians and grass. On the other hand, the Xbox One has have less traffic, grass and pedestrians and the colors look vibrant when compared to the PS4. My personal preference is PS4 because the darker colors fits the game because of it's serious story. And for those saying that PC has the potential to be the best version, we still have to wait on February 2015 for the PC releaase to see how it looks like on Maximum settings so sorry~!
I just... I just sincerely don't care about graphics, especially when deciding which version of a game to buy. For starters, having been around as long as I have (I'm old as FUUUUUUU), I've seen just too many graphics comparisons between consoles during the console war cycle. But the real meat of the point is I prefer individual console features to determine my purchases if graphics are the only difference- achievements, controller, console social features like party chat, whatever. Basically, the game has to have a significant play difference (less bugs, more content, more characters, more moves, exclusive Ryo in a Space Harrier arcade machine, etc etc) for me to consider getting it on a console with analog sticks ON THE BOTTOM THAT'S B L A S P H E M Y DREAMCAST CONTROLLER FOREVER But that's my taste.
gtav has more grass on ps4. don't you want more grass? DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT THE ECOSYSTEM?! THINK OF ALL THE PIXEL ANTS IN THAT GRASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's a cult in GTA V called the Altruist Cult. Some of the members don't wear pants or even underwear. And in one shot, you can see Trevor's balls in a cutscene.
Do you get any cocks though? Balls are for children show's, I'm talking full on phallic cock in your face. Bonus points if erect.
The main characters? You can see Trevor's when he is wearing a dress. But they do not erect... Yet. Maybe in the future. XD