}~Grimm's Cadett Academy~{

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Maka Albarn, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Zach raised his hand politely, "Will we do any work with real magic, not just books?" he asked quietly, quite scared of what the cat would be able to do. He glimpsed behind him and saw a boy sleeping, which made Zach roll his eyes.
  2. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Oh. Yes, will we have any hands on work such as labs?" added Rosalind to the student's question. She definitely wanted to have hands on experience with making potions and such instead of reading about how to make potions. Of course it was necessary to know how to make a potion, but being able to make a potion was important too. I'll start with the basics before moving onto the harder stuff. I need to know how to help before I learn how to control. she thought to herself as she slowly gazed down at her open right hand. The first green fireball in that incident had appeared in this hand, her dominant hand.
  3. Of Pride And Other Things Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 30, 2010
    Albuquerque. :/
    Oh. My. Lord. "Holy crap! Oh, my God....Oh man, oh man, oh man...." He whined, covering his head with his hands and collapsing to his desk as the chalk people began walking around. What if they went berserk and attacked everyone? Or he got TB from breathing in all the chalk dust. 'Please, please, please let them go away...' He begged whatever entity was out there until they finally did, the poor little guy letting out a sigh of relief and running a hand through his grayish hair. He shakily looked down at his book and back up at the teacher, nodding and swallowing. "No going into forests. No breaking gingerbread houses." He repeated to himself, then laughed shakily at the absurdity of his comment. He took out a pencil and began playing with it, trying to get this freaky class out of his mind. English would be better, right? Or maybe even math? There wouldn't be melting desks and turberculosis and freaky chalk people going around. That was a bonus, yes?.

    It was as the announcement to stay out of the forest came from the teacher's mouth that he realized how abnormal he was. He sat up straight, ran a hand along his neck sadly, and removed a white slip of paper from his pocket that he's recieved earlier. Grimly, he read over the hand-written permission slip that allowed him to enter and leave the forest as he pleased and placed it in the manilla insert of his notebook, so that he wouldn't lose it any time soon. He needed that forest, otherwise...bad things could happen. He cleared his throat as the chalk dust continued to surround them, his heterochromic eyes once again focusing intensely on the man in the front of the room. Professor? He was completely fine with calling the man that. No snarky comment came from his lips, no bemused chuckle escaped from deep within his fanged cavern. He was austere as he stared at the front of the class, his large hands clasped in his lap, his large shoes gently lying on the floor. His eyes watched with that same, lazy quality as a feral one of his species, though, like them, he was paying more than rapt attention.
  4. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Natasha slumped down in her seat when her teacher mentioned breaking ginger bread houses, and then she felt her cheeks grow hot. Her first day, and she was already becoming a story for the school to enjoy later in the year... maybe even now. She looked over to her right to see a boy who seemed to be a little on the nervous side. Take that back, a LOT on the nervous side. He seemed very jittery and paranoid, for what ever reason, she couldn't figure it out. Natasha really didn't have any questions for the teacher, so she decided to focus on the boy for a bit. "Are you okay?" she said lowly to not draw attention from the other students. If she could help this poor fellow, she was more than willing to try.

    OOC EMERGANCY (Please respond in OOC Thread ASAP): I really need your help guys! D< I spotted some problems and flaws with my RP, and I really need help to fix it and make this MORE INTERESTING, move a BIT FASTER (Gosh, we're on page 10 and nothing has really happened yet!), and we really need CONFLICT. I have a few suggestions, but I need YOUR OPINION. :why?:

    1. I already found one of my flaws, and that was bad guys. I made a new teacher to help (credit going to Lilbueno and Andrew for help *cough*), but you really won't see his potiental till later. He may not even be a bad guy at all. It's up to YOU to decide! >D

    2. The classes... I think they need to be changed; You know, to make this more fun and interesting. I'm already thinking about changing Miss Normina's class from English to Get To Know Your Fairy Tales classes and have them study the different versions of everyone's tale and analyze them to show what each character can be capable of (Good or bad), AND we should probably get rid of some classes so the school day goes by faster. Why do you guys say?

    3. School Events: We should all come up with SOMETHING to make the RP more intersting and fun. Like balls and dances, talent shows, all that jazz. What do you think we should do?

    Please Respond in the OOC thread: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?110017-Grim-s-Cadett-Academy-OOC-Thread

    Thanks guys! :=D:
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    "About that," Professor Sid started, nodding. "There are two types of...paranormal activities: Magic and Wizardry. Wizardry's heretical and allows you to do this," he waved his left hand, closed it, and opened it, revealing a small bird that quickly flew around the room. "Magic allows you to do the same, though you have to work for it, make potions, say incantations, do rituals and so on and so forth. It's a lot of work, but with magic," he smiled as he continued, "you can do everything you dream of doing. In fact, everything you do in your dreams you'll be able to do with a little bit of effort! And just like your dreams, it'll be just as, well, unreal! And, as my dear friend Albus once said, just because it's all a dream doesn't mean it isn't real." He paused, almost expecting applause, but quickly continued. "Now, most of you have your own brand of magic, something unique to you and you only. Why not give the class a taste? Any volunteers?"
  6. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    Gracie eagerly raised her hand, excited to show off her parasol's abilites. She wanted others to love like she did. She turned her head to Natasha for a second, to see her looking at a twitchy boy. 'Does she like him?' the curious girl thought. She gave herself a little shrug to shake away the thought and turned back to the Professor, her eyes beaming. Gracie hoped that no one would think she was a teacher's pet by raising her hand. She was tempted to put her hand down, but then gave herself a reassuring nod. 'At least I'll get good grades,' she thought, eagerly staring at the amazing wizard.
  7. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Zach kept his hand down, sinking low in his seat.

    Carter almost jumped up, the stupid band screaming woke him up. He saw that a kid was raising their hand, so Carter shrugged and rose his hand high in the air, waving it and practically climbing over his desk.
  8. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Amazed and seeing the wonder of magic, Rosie stared twinkle eyed in space at the wizard's speech. She snapped out of it when he began asking for volunteers. Ooh. Definitely not me. Looking down at her hand sadly, she knew there was no way for her to repeat what had happened that one time. Rosie was almost certain her special kind of magic only activated in dire situations. Or at random. One or the other. Not that it matters which it is, since she still couldn't control at will. While pondering this, she heard some kind of a commotion behind her and turned her head to see what was up. To her surprise, she saw Carter frantically trying to get the great wizard's attention. "Oh. So you're volunteering to demonstrate your magic to us?" she asked him with a small smile. Of course, hiding behind that pleasant smile was a series of doubting thoughts. What's with this kid? What is he, 9? Does he have ADHD or something? I mean, he's more hyperactive than that kid over there. Rosie thought as she glanced at Alexei, still shaking in his chair. This is going to be some kind of a school year. Finally, after pondering through all this, Rosie realized that Yen Sid never answered her question. Well...I sure hope we do labs anyway. That'll make the class more fun.
  9. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Carter grinned, "I'm going to make my breakfast disappear-" he said mystically as he took out a plastic bag from his jean pocket with a piece of bread inside. "And if he wants to me do real magic, I'll turn into a mouse and creep somebody out."
  10. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Oh. I think he meant real magic, like the mouse thing." she replied. Why is he even here if he's not even serious? Why was he raising his hand, if he wasn't even paying real attention? Rosie looked around and saw the only other hand raised was a petite blond girl's. She glanced back at Carter out of the corner of her eye. Some kind of competition? Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he is a child after all. She returned to her forward facing position and waited to see what Gracie could do. What's that hanging on her chair? An umbrella? Is it going to rain soon? I can't remember what the weather was like outside when I came in. Rosie thought as she observed Gracie.
  11. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Neko almost raised his hand, but a girl beat him to it. The werecat simply smiled (though it was a small one) and crossed his legs, giving the girl an opportunity. After all, she did beat him to the punch.

    Professor Sid pointed to the blonde girl who raised her hand first. "Ah yes, let's see what you can do, Miss..." he paused, waiting for her name and smiled.
  12. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Natasha heard what the older mouse boy said about his "magic" ability and couldn't help but to giggle under her breath, turning her attention back to the class. The boy beside her wasn't being responsive, which was okay with her. He probably wasn't very talkative right now; she would try again later. She then looked over at Rosie, and couldn't help but to be a little skepical about her. She seemed to be the smart one, or wanted to prove it as such. 'What should I worry about? Myself. Not others.' She looked to Gracie and smiled. She wanted to see what her parasel would do, and now she got the chance.

    OOC: Edited. ^^; Misread it. Thanks Firekeyblade
  13. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Rosie? You mean Gracie. >_>

    Rosalind watched closely as Gracie got ready to demonstrate her ability. She wondered what it would be. I always thought the ability to control fire is pretty awesome. Water too, heck any element really. Of course, having some ability that boosts your speed or strength is pretty awesome too. Defense as well. And so with this train of thought, Rosie began thinking about the best attribute or power to have and it eventually led her to miss playing one of her favorite games. Thinking about the game made her wonder if she brought it. She suddenly stiffened and her eyes grew wide as the possibility of her forgetting it at home became very real. Especially since she was so careless and forgetful. Oh no. Home's pretty far away. There's no way I'll be able to see it ever again if I left it there. What am I going to do? The panic slowly drained out of her as sadness creeped in its place. Well, I guess this makes it the perfect time to study and focus on school.
  14. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    Carter shrugged, sitting back down in his seat. He securely put his ear buds back on again and slumped down in his seat. "I'm not crazy. Institutionalized! Your the one that's crazy. Institutionalized! Driving me crazy, Institutionalized!" he muttered extremely softly, opening his large binder and taking out drumsticks inside the hooks. He held them properly in his hands and did the drum part on his knees, hoping he was unnoticed by the teacher.
  15. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Morgan smiled at the chance to show off some magic and out from the pouch on his leg came the cards, opening the pouch up themselves. He didn't see someone had raised their hand and ignored the others talking, focusing on the movements of his cards as five of them floated above his desk, spinning around slowly. The rest of his deck was simply shuffling off to the side as he finally noticed something else was going on when Sid spoke.

    ooc - sorry for the delay. I haven't been up to posting in rps that much. But now that summer is here I have the will to do so again.