NIN lyrics <3 I dunno why, I really like this kind of out of phase style. The colors work well all around too, and the effects are...neato I guess would be the closest word to what I'd use for it. Yeah
What else can I say about your stuff, bro? I love it all. Everything about this is just <3, from the placement to the distortion and the background. oh jerome-kun, arigato desu
HOW DO YOU GFX ; ; Gorgeous and stunning as always, wow. I love everything about it as well, I love how it's chaotic in a sense and everything just meshes together like PB&J from the placement, to the colours, the effect, the textures and the overall mood and look. Just dang, bro - how do you do it? 0:<
Gonna be that guy and say this isn't very impressive to me. I like each of the individual cells and the sequential quality of the pictures but the arrangement of them onto a single canvas looks kind of lazy. Like it doesn't ad anything other than putting them all in one place where you can see it. I'd probably separate them with time rather than space if I were doing this. But in lieu of a .gif or an image rotator or some other image cycling method I'd try looking at a linear progression or different border shapes to make it look less, for the lack of a better word, cheap. I'm mainly pointing this all out because i seems like something is missing and that something isn't really something technical with the execution so much as the idea of the flow itself. Not that I can do graphics at all or actually know what I'm talking about here. But you know how it is. Food for thought or something.