The show will take place before Batman and focus on Jim Gordon. I think this is a fantastic idea. Street level crime drama with Jim Gordon in Gotham without Batman is a stroke of genius. I hear people are having reservations about this being on Fox given their history of canceling shows. I don't watch Fox or know much about them, but I doubt this will be in danger of being cancelled early on. Obviously there's the question of if this will tie into DC's new cinematic universe. I hope it does. That seems to be the obvious place to go and would be wasted potential if it wasn't.
The problem is that Gordom will need some "batman figure" a cop that goes beyond the law to keep peace to complete the Gordom dynamic.. because Gordom alone is just a good cop within the whole corrupted system... but it can be great! Even without major super vilians some crime familys probably will be showed.
I know I haven't been updating this regularly because, well... I haven't been following the news on it. But I happened to see this a minute ago and though I'd share. Bullock is revealed for Fox's Gotham television series. looks awesome So, yeah. I'm excited for what this show could potentially be. Given Gotham's significance as a city I think this show is long overdue, and Jim Gordon being the interesting character that he is in his own show makes it even better. And without saying anything, there was a "cameo" (in the loosest sense of the word) in this weeks episode of Arrow. Given what it was it's a bit of a head-scratcher and I'm curious if it will play into this series at all given that they're on different networks. I hope so.
Trailer is officially out. I'll be honest, I read a review about a leaked script for the pilot and I wasn't impressed by the writing at all. Supposedly, it was mentioned that Oswald Cobblepot looks like a penguin EVERY SINGLE TIME HE'S MENTIONED, Poison's Ivy name has been changed from "Pamela Isley" to literally, "Ivy"(though I forgot her last name), a comedian at a comedy club with horrible jokes but one true fan being the criminal overlord played by Jada Pinkett-Smith (who also happens to be the ex of Gordon's fiance and thusly called **** by Bullock several times). Regardless, the trailer looks really good. Interesting that they covered up the killer's mask (I'm assuming it's still going to be Joe Chill); I'm assuming he's going to have some huge overarching role in the series. Also, the guy who's playing Bullock had an interview that made me really interested due to the way he worded the city itself. The show isn't about Batman, it's about Gotham. It's not showing how Gotham needs Batman, it's about showing how Gotham got to such a place that it needed Batman and why it needs him.
So, I'm not really a DC fan but this does look really interesting and I haven't noticed any other threads for this show yet. Wow, that was longer than I thought it was going to be. Anyway there are some trailers out.
I've seen the trailers for this! It sounded awesome! It would be nice to have a show set in the world of Batman that isn't about Batman, it sort of develops the rest of it more and makes the setting far more interesting. I am interested to see where they go with it though but I don't know if I'll watch it when it first comes out.
This one kinda shows all the villains. Or the people that are going to become villains. Whatever. It also hints at The Joker. "Movie-style" trailer was released at Comic Con.
I have to admit I'm a little less excited for this than I was before. I don't like how this seems to be an origin story of sorts, focusing on Bruce and his future rogues. I would much prefer there be no Bruce Wayne at all and focus on Gordon (not a young Gordon, by the way) with the villains being someone like Falcone and have the show dealing with the mob from season to season. Gotham is such an interesting city and has often been called a character itself, I don't think you need Bruce to make a Gotham show worthwhile. Granted, I haven't seen the show so I don't know, but it's sure being advertised as "Bruce Wayne: The Origin Story." because it's not like every single person doesn't already know that story. But as always I'll reserve judgement and judge the show on its own merits. Just don't like how it doesn't seem to be what so many people were wanting/expecting in favor of something seemingly superfluous. Also, the kid playing Bruce is terrible. That scream he gives when his parents die sounds like a petulant five year-old. And his bit about "testing" himself was equally as bad. please get rid of this kid i already hate him
I may drop this show if I don't like it in the next few episodes. I'm either totally uninterested in or really not liking the show.
I'm...leaning towards this. It's too silly to be serious (i.e., balloonman), but too serious to be silly. I mean, it's a comic book show, so I want some silliness. The last episode was a bit better, in my opinion, and actually embraced the comic book side of the silliness. But...ugh. Not to mention, there's very little copwork for a show about cops. Each case seems to be solved by a very lucky break. That said, I read an interesting theory about how Oswald becomes the Joker instead of Penguin. I don't know, this show is just...not good.
This past episode was okay enough that I'll stick with it at least till next week. The show doesn't seem to know what it wants to be. It can't decide if it's a Batman origin story of sorts, or if it's crime show taking place in Gotham. I think it wants to be both, but it doesn't have enough of either for it to be one or the other, and the way they're blending together is making me not care about any of the characters. I still think Penguin is the best character in the show. Penguin. What does it say about your show when Penguin is a better character than Gordon? And I was expecting to come around on the acting by now, but it's still horrible to me, especially Fish. Every second she's on screen is awful. I do like where that character seems to be going, but the actor is making it very unenjoyable. And at this rate it seems like Bruce should be Batman by the times he's 14 or something. He's in the show way too much in my opinion. Maybe I think that because I still want the show that it was said to be when they announced it and not the Batman origin that it became, but he serves no purpose and is only there so we don't forget that this is now a Batman show. You're right, it's just not good.
I' m starting to dig this show, its plot picked up significantly in the last couple episodes. As opposed to The Flash, which so far (episode 4 for me) is a freak of the week show. It' s starting to be a major snoozer for me, if they keep its overarching plot as slow and predictable as it is right now I' ll drop it in a ... heartbeat. A character I know next to nothing about shouldn' t bore me as much as Lois and Clark did. On the other hand few people haven' t heard any Batman origin story, but the 20 years hiatus that turned that confused orphaned boy into a psychopathic vigilante somehow ? Dunno if that story has been told before, but either way it' s news to me. Granted, so far Bruce Wayne has popped up a lot more often than the plot actually called for it, but it doesn' t bug me and hopefuly won' t stay that way.
Really did not think the last couple minutes of 108 worked at all. Spoilers. Barbara leaving Jim because he didn't say 'I love you' on the phone? Are you kidding me? I know it's not, but wouldn't it be amazing if this was their way of writing her out of the show? She is easily the worst part of this show. The actor who plays Fish continues to be atrocious. A quick way to make this show immediately much better would be to get rid of those two and replace Fish's role. I think the worst part about this may have been the way Alfred handled Bruce. That ending where he agrees to teach Bruce to fight plays entirely to where we know it's going, and not where it is. From Alfred's perspective, he should be seeing a kid with a lot of repressed anger who just admitted to enjoying beating this kid up. The LAST thing he should do is teach this unstable kid how to fight. And that music in the background that's blatantly telegraphing the beginnings of a crime-fighter only made me it worse given everything that just came before. They haven't earned that. This is indicative of every problem I've had with Bruce. It doesn't feel organic to the show and feels very forced. Penguin is still great.
It stumped me at first, I didn' t expect Alfred to be that morally gray. But then I thought about it and figured it would actually explain a lot if all of his objections were just a way to make sure Bruce thought it through, not actual objections.