I don't know what to do with it. Play one of the games in my backlog, watch a random anime, waste my time on random youtube videos. I'm at a loss.
That shirt on your avy... World hunger is easy, shrink everyone down microbe size. Mars might require some thought, maybe if I jump high enough...
Tomorrow the truck comes in and I have to work until that's done. Wednesday I have to go in and 8 and work until 4. Yes, I think I would. Just a little.
Downside of my time off from work is after it I work everyday until Christmas. Fun times are still to be had.
Oh good, that makes me feel a bit better. I wouldn't mind it as much if putting out inventory didn't make my back hurt so much.
I have Friday and Saturday off, then I'm scheduled for Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I am calling in on Tuesday so much. I don't care if I lose 4 hours, I would have gone in overtime anyways, so I'm not losing much in my eyes