What hits were there, do you still have one? just talk about N64 games and stuff. Just recently got Star Fox 64, a must have.
I remember when i got my N64, good times, good times. Some of my personal favourites were, Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Legend of Zelda OOT & MM. GoldenEye 007 & Perfect Dark. Those are the only one's i can think of at the moment.
XD I have good memories of the N64...While I never had one, my friend did, and we would always play MarioKart on it (and I sucked, but that's okay XD)...I'm actually going to visit her today =3 (I moved away D: ). Good times, good times...Yep...
Mario Kart, Pokemon stadium 1&2, Supersmash bros....those are the only games I remember that I had for the N64. I wonder where it is?
Wow...N64...that was my first game system. ^^ I recall playing Pokemon Stadium, Perfect Dark, and a few random Donkey Kongs. I think I sold it a year or two ago at a garage sale, though....
I still have mine. Super Smash bros was amazing... I remember when my dad came in and started playing Star Wars Rouge Squadron... I can't believe i never beat that. now it's easy!
i still have mine...woo the legend of zelda, super smash bros, pokemon stadium, mortal kombat, goldeneye, mario party:D, mario kart, super mario 64, diddy kong racing, some other donkey kong games...those are some at the top of my head but i think i got most of the games i had...lol i still play it with family some random times :p
NINTENDO SIXTY FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRR! Anyways for some reason I really liked Yoshi Story. I don't know why but I just did. And of course there's Paper Mario. I left out so many since I didn't wanna repeat any.
I second the above two, along with Golden Eye 007, the original Mario Party, and the first Pokemon Stadium.
I used to have one. It broke though which sucks, but I don't care since I can play all those games on my compy now ^-^ My first game was Mario 64 which was my all time favorite, just an amazing game and still is. Other hit games would definently be LoZ: OoT, SSB, and Mario Kart 64. Though Conker's Bad Fur Day wasn't much of a hit it still rocked.