So for anyone who's gotten decently far in Unchained X, have you been able to find a reliable way to get Mythril Crystals, or even Shards? I'm trying to level up my Starlight keyblade but I need the crystals right now. Supposdly someone on khinsider claims you can farm them in quest 41, but for some reason I've had no luck. Anyone else able to confirm them?
There is a weekend special for mythril stones, gems, and crystals. Shards though I'm lead to believe are a limited supply based on the fact that it is the one mythril item you can't sell.
Yeah, and it goggles up your AP like no one's business. This is the one thing I have an issue with when it comes to phone games, most of them like this have a set amount of turns you can do, then you have to wait just to continue. It just irks me. On a brighter note, now I just need to reach quest 100 for that second orichalcum to get the Starlight +11 and the fifth medal slot, unless the events change daily or something and I can get another orichalcum that way
I actually don't generally have a problem with my AP at all unless I do something that requires a fuckton, like the daily missions or having to redo a raid boss. In general, though, yeah it's kind of annoying, but it also keeps me from playing for an unreasonable amount of time, so.
I've got 48 right now, and since a lot of my medals are level 3 or 4, and require a lot of experience, I usually have to do the third exp quests, which cost 30 AP, which will limit my use for anything. And then there's having to grind for evolution medals too, which for 15 AP a piece and usually only getting 1 or 2 each time, will chew through it as well.
I only have 28 >_> But I've only been getting the outfits I like rather than all of them so. Maybe I'll use up more when I need higher level evolution pins, but rn I'm mostly on the hunt for Fairy Godmother pins. I have a fuckton of three star pins. (I'm also only on Quest 120 so.)
I'm ignoring most of the fashion now, since I realized I can sort my boards by incomplete nodes of certain kinds, making the scroll through them slightly easier. I also know the problem with Fairy Godmother pins, especially since a lot of times you get only 2 per round in that quest. The worst is trying to get level four pins to level 5 though. I have so many pins to level to 5 and I can't