I just realized on how big of a part this forum has been on my life. I recently have started to write my letters to friends and family that will be delievered and distributed for after I die (just so I can have the final say on stuff and no, I'm not suicidal). I was thinking about who I would write letters for and I actually began to write my final message for KH-Vids, I couldn't bring myself to continue. I was remeber my life on this site and how much it's helped me through the rough times and many of the great people I am blessed to call my friends. It's hard to write a small goodbye to a lot of you mainly because I don't want to think about it. I can't imagine myself here one day, talking to one of you and the next day being gone. While I do wish to go to the magical place in the clouds, I realized just how much I love life on earth and want to continue on for a little bit longer. KHV is always there when I need a laugh and always there for when I need a pick me up. yeah, that's about it. You can continue with your spam now. :D
Things like this make me uncomfortable. It's sweet that you feel that way though. I'm trying to think on my life and I'm wondering what it would have been had I never gone here. I guess it would have been lonelier. And I probably wouldn't be such a dork, or know the random facts I've been taught. It's pretty cool. I kinda feel like KHV is my Internet "home." No matter what happens or how many times I leave the nest, it's here to come back to. <3
This is why I made sure to add a few people from here to my Facebook. I don't want a goodbye message, but it'd be a shame to vanish from here without warning.
*manhug* That's sweet of you. Sadly I can't say I'm mature enough to have considered any of that. XD And, erm, isn't it a little pessimistic to be writing death letters at your age?
So how are you planning on delivering them? You could try doing a dead-man's-switch thing, where you set up a server that automatically sends them out if you don't log into it at least once every two months.
I'm planning on family and friends to distribute all of my letters and such. I'm always logged into this site anyway, so I'd get someone to just post it for me.
I mean, they know where the letters are? You've packaged instructions alongside the letters, detailing how they should be distributed?
Nnnh, tummer this makes me even more depressed than I already was today. The thought of a world without tummer......it's unbearable. Makes me wanna hide in an even tinier room and lock the door. You're not goin' anywhere for a long time or else when I get up there I'm kickin some angel butt. Mainly yours and then the nearest chum I can get my hands on. :(
I'm never dying ::L: I promised myself that I would live forever being a weird member of kh-vids... forever. And so will you >=D
Doesn't have to be so morbid. I have things written out for certain people if I were to die. Not that I'm planning on it. I know a few other people who have done the same. Just in case. I just don't think my family would automatically go alert my online friends of my death if I hadn't had something specifically asking for it. And you never know when you're gonna go. v: